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Metallicat V3.0

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Everything posted by Metallicat V3.0

  1. I have had mine delivered, (6 string bass) It shows up on items won, however there is a note so that the H&S uk is no longer registered. Any chance of claiming the money back? D
  2. PRS CE Maple Top in that funky blue they do. I wish..... D
  3. [quote name='nick' post='161282' date='Mar 21 2008, 09:52 AM']Not a Wishbass, but still weird [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Really-Strange-4-String-Electric-Guitar-Bass-Lead_W0QQitemZ250225356523QQihZ015QQcategoryZ68175QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Really-Strange-4-Str...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] That one.... Words can't justify the hideousness of it.. D
  4. How about this one... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzqrejD3Z4o&NR=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzqrejD3Z4o&NR=1[/url] D
  5. The majority of muse songs, New Born, Hysteria etc Quite a few of the Jamiroquai songs, Deeper Underground, Destitute Illusions. Rush, YYZ D
  6. You'd have thought after spending $4k on it that it would have a few less chips? [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/F-BASS-CUSTOM-GEORGE-FURLANETTO-6-STRING-BASS-RARE_W0QQitemZ110232598147QQihZ001QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.com/F-BASS-CUSTOM-GEORGE-F...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] D xx
  7. [quote name='Danbass7' post='152454' date='Mar 6 2008, 03:49 PM']In the name of god - Dream theater[/quote] Yes indeedy. I'm practicing loads of DT now I have those extra strings. D
  8. Sounds good. Two bashs in one year, all those lovely toys
  9. The iron bird NJ looks gorgeous. Whats the weight balance like on these as I've never played on one. D
  10. £65 indeed. I was most lucky but then thats how the 'bay goes. I must admit the TRB1006 does look gorgeous. I do have a lot of time however to consider my options (damn this 5 year course) I really do think I'll end up saving for a spalted maple single cut a la shuker.... We shall see. D
  11. £6.99 and a Latvian 2 sentimi D
  12. 30 years Chris? You don't look a day over 25 I'm sure most people apply a single song to why they started playing bass, as their inspiration. Maybe a new thread? Darryl
  13. Sorry guys still no pics, but I must say my next "new purchase" has got to be a six string. I absolute love the freedom of the extra strings and it now means I can tootle along to Dream Theater!! Why another six string? Well for what I paid the build quality is ok, there is a slight crack in the varnish but it really is barely mentionable. The nut needed a bit of a sand down as it looked liked the strings were used to cut themselves in. The tone is also not quite there. As a starter six string bass I don't think you can go far wrong however. Next bass >> Will be when I graduate and I'm looking at a JM2 or possibly a random, depends whats around and whats less then a grand D
  14. Isn't it a luthite body? I know some people have odd feelings about none wood basses but I love my edb 500. D
  15. A mass BC'er SX purchase might be fun depending on the discounts, a cheap jazz fretless would go nicely D xx
  16. I'm slightly scared by that music. I think I'll try it in the middle of the day!! Solar Groove by Myung is the current piece of study! D xx
  17. Really enjoyed FSOF - through the exterior, good luck with the album D x
  18. Not had chance to give it a good seeing to yet but for the price I paid you can't fault it at all! I'd recommend one if you're thinking of learning to play with 6 strings, if you don't like it then no major £££ lost. D x
  19. They told me to expect a wait of 10-12 days then the next day I got a despatch email... Was a bit odd but I'm not going to complain!! D
  20. Arrived today. Pics as and when D xxx
  21. Not wanting to be impertinent but whats a ball park figure for one of those lovely acg's? Something to look forward to when i get a real job D
  22. all I meant was songs that use all 6 strings and tuned B-C D
  23. Similar to the previous post about solo arrangements, does anyone have a list of songs that use a 6 string bass. I know all about dream theater but I'm not really to knowledgable about any other bands that use them. Any help much appreciated Cheers D
  24. Yeah that does seem to help a bit, Its the 2nd finger on the g that keeps slipping off. I suppose thats what practice is for :/ Cheers D
  25. In a Stu Hamm song I'm learning he comes up with a chord that my left hand just will not do... ---9--- ---12--- ---10--- ---8--- Just wondering whether other people have a problem with this chord or whether its just my unflexible fingers... Cheers Darryl
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