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Mikey D

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Everything posted by Mikey D

  1. Mikey D


    Went to buy an Aguilar SL112 and before I know it I'm 'upsold' to also buy an AG700 that I was looking for and Will noticed and also just happened to have. Couldn't be happier with the sale and speed; both turned up the next day by courier packaged extremely well. Excellent.
  2. Bass is still available and open to sensible offers as the bass I want on here is still available but with every day I worry it's going to go...
  3. This is how the EHB1506MS is tapered.
  4. Currently only minor things like new pickguard shape to take into account pickup routing, recessed straplocks and ramp. Strung E-high C. But I'm toying with changing tuners for Gotoh 707 with Willis style tuners. Someone did a more extreme headless mod on their mezzo on here that is very tempting too.
  5. I've been pretty much a one bass man for years. My GWB 35 with custom Nordstand and Bee Pre being the most recent for past 10 years or so. (A selection before that but predominantly a blue yamaha TRB1 6 string that I still regret selling to this day). But last few months I've really got back into playing. I really wanted a short scale so bought the TMB35 a few months ago and added some Aguilar PJ pickups that Walshy on here was selling and a few other mods like new scratchplate, ramp and recessed straplocks. I also was selling my Bolin but love the sound of a piezo and the SRH came up for sale at Bass Direct so had to have it for more straightahead Jazz stuff. And then today after a few months of ogling I just had to get Sardar's used EHB1506MS as I really missed having the full range on a 6 string when playing a few Anthony Jackson and Patitucci transcriptions recently and taken by a lot of the headless basses out there at the moment. Only just got this bass so not going to comment yet except I wish the ramp was deeper. So it turns out I'm definitely a bit of an Ibanez fanboy. If money was no question there are many other Ibanez basses I look at longingly and funnily enough mainly all the signature basses including a premium GWB, TCB1006, ANB205, GVB1006 too...
  6. After about 25 years playing on and off, mainly 6 or 5 strings that are 34/35 in I've been really taken by the idea of a short scale. My reasons: I only really play at home now and always had small hands so although I can play standard basses no issues recently I've just wanted something I can pickup and play a bit more effortlessly. Also the more I'm trying to get certain lines under my hand from some of my influences just found the shorter scale helped. The other two were the more general availability of good value instruments as a way into short scale, and a 5 string which was important to me. I think it helps that some name players are out there promoting them like Evan Marien, Tim LeFebvre, Ron Mullarky. Finally I have young children that one aged 5 1/2 is showing interest and wanted something that could have a plonk about on for fun. I've ended up with an Ibanez TMB35 that I'm very happy with and with some mods is becoming my favourite bass to practise on and play. And tbh I've wanted to get my first custom build after playing for so many years and I think it's going to be a short scale as I love it so much.
  7. Another minor mod: made a removable ramp and it is slowly becoming my favourite bass to just pickup and play. Now to decide whether to bother with tuners or not...
  8. I hope a bit of self-promotion is ok? I saw this competition last week a few days before closing and had to give it a go. I know there are mixed things being said about these Strandberg basses mainly around price point but either way, I'd happily have one. So I'd appreciate a quick vote on the link below which would take a few seconds Nd you don't need to give any info. Even better would be one minute of your time to actually listen and give some feedback. Trying to get back into playing over past few months and seeing this competition gave me a kick up the bum to do work out an arrangement and do some more recording. Solo bass Swedish folk tune Of course you can have a listen to the other bass entries and vote for them instead if you'd prefer
  9. Saw a competition a couple of days ago to win a Strandberg guitar or bass. So thought I'd challenge myself to give it a go as I haven't composed or played any solo bass stuff in years. Solo bass for Strandberg Completion - Swedish folk Tune
  10. Have you seen this? Real Things Mezzo Mod Not a TMB but you get the idea.
  11. Hi. Tbh there is neck dive no doubt about it. When sitting down I play ‘classical guitar’ style anyway and standing up although it is obvious, it doesn’t bother me personally. The mod mod I wanted to do actually was swap the tuners for some lightweight gotoh. Won’t resolve completely but will help a bit. Although I can’t say im not intrigued by the more extreme mod of going headless
  12. Another quick mod...straplocks. Also I’ve had a chance to play now through audio interface and amp...these Aguilar pickups are so clean! The P and J sound exactly like good P and Js should. So for about £500 all in I am extremely happy with the outcome. Although I’m almost convinced on the next 2 mods already. But working out how to do a bit less than full RRP.
  13. In a perfect would I'd buy a Fodera MG Mini but it isn't perfect and I don't have $10k to drop on anything nevermind a custom bass. Or an even more perfect world be a sponsor of Ibanez and have them make me a short scale fanned-fret GWB35 with Aguilar or Nordstrand strung E-C. As neither are going to happen I bought a TMB35 about a month ago as reviews were solid although most about 4 string. Almost immediately or even before it was received I decided it was going to be a bit of a project bass to mod. (This seems to be a trend with the new shorter scale Ibanez basses and rightly so for the quality and pretty brain prices - @therealting has done an excellent job on a Mezzo). @walshy had a set of AG PJ5 HC so thought what the hell...they arrived next day and then so did the bass. Tip for everyone else; the routing for the Ibanez Dynamix pickups are not the same as the AGs. Before doing anything else I strung it E-C with some strings I had laying about (bought some Foderas to go on post-mod) and recorded this quickly - From Within - Michel Camilo (Anthony Jackson Bass Cover) and was already suitably impressed with feel and sound for £200ish. Luckily I had just spoken to my mate Jimmy about doing some fretwork on my basses and he recommended 'Rob' who does his guitars. So I set about getting them over to Rob with no rush on them. A few WhatsApp back and forth we agree it needed a bit of a reroute and the pickguard would need changing to cover any holes I left it all up to him. It'll be ready to pick up tomorrow after one more minor mod. I was excited anyway but after his comments I can't wait to pick it up tomorrow now: his nonchalant 'turned out alright hasn't it' got much more excitable with 'mate these pickups...I had to phone my bass player to tell him about the sound'. Then I got a pic...I'm totally into the new 'board shape. I have a 4 or so additional mods in mind but will get it back and finally play it a bit before deciding what to do next. Will check back in with a video/audio of it soon. Tomorrow will be a New Improved Bass Day
  14. Cool. It'll be a hell of a lot cheaper than a fodera mini MG still Is the head and bridge the same that S Martyn uses? Looks like it.
  15. Have you gone headless?! I was thinking that for my TMB35 at some point.
  16. I'm a big fan of the 2 over 3 layout, just aesthetically much prefer it. And almost definitely will end up with high C. Still haven't found my favourite E-C string set yet though. Warwick black labels on some and Foderas on others.
  17. New to me but used bass day. This is a 2017 ibanez SRH505 which I part of their ongoing bass workshop output. Bought from Bass Direct and when I saw it I knew I had to have it. Currently strung B-G (I prefer E-C typicaliy) with some kind of flats which I’m not usually a fan of either but will keep like this for a while. Bit of an Ibanez fanboy - with this and a recent spur of the moment TMB35 short scale purchase I couldn’t be happier with the quality and range of sounds available in each instrument and overall. I’ve never been one to have a ‘collection’ but nice to have the choice between some different sounds and feels of bass Slightly heavier than I expected but still light. Love the body width and the 2 cutaways on heel and front body for form arm-makes it very comfortable to play. https://www.ibanez.com/usa/products/detail/srh505_03.html I’ll try and do a video or recording when I get a chance Anyone else got one of these?
  18. That's very cool! Love it.
  19. https://reverb.com/item/33226909-ibanez-tmb100-blk-4-string-electric-bass-guitar-neck-black-headstock not the cheapest but talman neck for sale.
  20. I just want somewhere to get some of these in stock to try them. Particularly the black or seafoam 5ms and 6 string. As I'm holding funds for one just haven't decided which yet.
  21. Trying out a bit of Anthony Jackson on an Ibanez TMB35. #tagfresh
  22. Hi Yes it is. PM me if you want to talk more, thanks.
  23. It definitely wants to move to be perpendicular to the floor...with light pressure from right forearm is stays happily but with no hands it definitely wants to go horizontal.
  24. Reduced to £825 as I don't want to miss out on another bass I've seen.
  25. @james_027 I put his in another TMB35 thread...but I've very very impressed with the bass. Not perfect in finish, but I can't believe this was only £200. If you're even remotely thinking about it, buy one. Review comments from other thread: Good news: Great bass. Generally. And for the money. Love the feel of the scale length. Neck a bit thicker than I like for my own preference but very playable and nice unfinished feel. Although the B will be going in favour of high C plays very nice and not too flappy at all. I’ll try and do a recording before changing the strings. Had a quick play through practice amp and through Logic with just a basic preset and sounds nice. Not boutique bass nice but easily nice enough. Neutral: setup is a bit high for my preference but playable and feels fairly effortless under the hands considering slightly lower tension Less good news: Looks like Aguilars won’t fit without some rerouting...so may look at other options first. Also nut isn’t placed exactly as per photo but is playable and easy to solve. Finish has some very minor surface scratches so not completely mirror finish but if you really were bothered sure you could buff them out in no time. I can see myself being taken by the short scale for future basses
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