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Mikey D

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Everything posted by Mikey D

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='79143' date='Oct 24 2007, 10:55 PM']+1 for The Squier VM Fretless Jazz. If you can go a bit higher than £400 you should also look at the Ibanez Gary Willis GWB35 These are the only 2 new fretless basses under £1000 that I've liked.[/quote] Agreed. I highly recommend this bass. It is currently the only bass I use and is the best fretless (once i set it up) I have tried under £1000. Then again I tried a roscoe fretless 5, but still prefer the GWB35.
  2. You can also get the 'major' blues scale by adding the b3rd to the major pentatonic. So in C: C D Eb E G A It is a lot brighter sounding. You just need to bit a bit more careful when using it as the natural 3rd (E) would sound out of place over the IV chord (ie F) in a normal blues. Also the 'blue notes' (b3, b5 b7) originally came from african work songs and were classified by musicologists and put in this even tempered scale through their common use. Try bending up to the notes and stopping just short for an even more blues sound.
  3. [quote name='G MAjor' post='76637' date='Oct 19 2007, 06:23 PM']what a nice reply.[/quote] Yet I still wasn't taken up on the offer...oh well.
  4. [quote name='urb' post='76802' date='Oct 19 2007, 11:43 PM']anyway I've finally started using this stuff in a live context and it's working well - I just use it sparingly! Cheers Mike[/quote] Same here...but after about 10 years of two fingers it is a hard habit to break. Nice video btw.
  5. [quote name='grosa' post='75786' date='Oct 17 2007, 09:49 PM']my bridge doesnt seem weak. i like trb's,i wouldn't say they feel cheap or anything. but there are some yam's that i wouldnt go near but some id really like to have[/quote] Agreed. The fretted TRB6s (TRB6, TRB6P, TRB6PII, TRB1006) I have played in the past have been some of my favourite instruments regarding sound, feel and tone, but over the years I also think they have lost something about them. I was gutted when I had to sell mine. Although I can't stand any other Yamaha looks-wise. Although, I was quite impressed with the sound of one of those yamaha BBs when i was convinced by a mate who works at one of the Sound Controls, but it still looked horrible. Now that I am back looking for a five string fretted I may check out the current TRB 5s.
  6. Hello, if you want to know more about me or my playing send me a PM if you are interested in adding me to your list. Based in Central Birmingham and studying jazz at the conservatoire. Fretless or double.
  7. All of the options, I 'tend' to use as following, but I don't think about it at all really. What ever my right hand does I just go with as after lots of practice I have got to the point where I am quite free with my right hand technique. 1 (thumb or index) for walking. 2 (I & M) for faster walking and whatever feels natural. 3 (IMR or PIM) for grooves or fast lines 4 (PIMA) for grooves or fast lines
  8. Donna Lee, but haven't checked out a bass in ages. Was going to try a new 5 string today in SC brum, but as soon as I walked in I was asked if I could put my guitar that was on my back and leave it by the counter if I wanted to look further in the shop. Not even a, "Can I help?" first, personally I don't know why they just couldn't watch the fact it wasn't going anywhere from my back, they were obviously just too busy doing nothing at all. So I just left the shop instead.
  9. I think it was a repeat of the tube and saw mark king playing and actually thought it was cool (wrong). The first bassline i learnt was a bach cello suite as it was the only tab I had. No sh*t. I sat there with the tab until I could play at least half of it, although not very smoothly.
  10. BUMP [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230179379673"]Now for sale on EBAY! [/url]
  11. Great idea. I will also be able to contribute.
  12. [quote name='bubinga5' post='66392' date='Sep 27 2007, 01:08 PM']Incognito's Jacobs Ladder is fairly hard. Played by this master!![/quote] One of my favourite basslines.
  13. There have only been two things I have struggled with that I have tried learning (of course there are more, but I haven't tried them! ) and they are: The complete Port Of Entry including solo and that synth bass run in Speed Demon by the other Jacko. Although, now I use four fingers on my right hand it would appear that the speed demon lick isn't as bad as I remember it to be from years ago...Time to get it up to speed. Although, on upright, I am trying to transribe a lot fo NHOP at the moment...scary.
  14. [quote name='guitarnbass' post='67691' date='Sep 30 2007, 03:22 PM']well they said they'd set it up to whatever way I want it for what ever style I'm playing. I have been looking for used cheaper instruments like you mentioned but nothings come up, and I've no vehicle or licence so I'm limited to trying anything I might find in Birmingham only, and of course, there are so many folks looking for exactly the same thing which pushes the prices up a bit too much for me.[/quote] For a start that bas is full size (4/4) you should really be looking for a 3/4 size bass. I live in birmingham and had the same trouble as you, you just have to be patient and keep an eye out everywhere! Vivastreet, gumtree, ebay, locals adds...on here. I'll keep my eye out and there are occasionally people upgrading at uni, so will let you know if anything comes up.
  15. To be honest I thought I was going to, and have been thinking over night on your offer as I have heard really good things about WW amps especially for double bass, but I have still decided to keep my PJ suitcase. Cheers anyway.
  16. [quote name='machinehead' post='64664' date='Sep 24 2007, 11:31 AM']I think I can take it from this that you aren't interested any longer in buying the suitcase that I was looking at? I'll wait until yours is shifted then I'll advertise the suitcase on here. It's a bit of a bargain for someone. Good luck with the sale/ trade. Frank[/quote] You know I completely forgot about that. I will still be looking for a second amp as I need one at college and at home, however until i can get my uni finance problem sorted ( a few weeks still...) I can't even think about getting another.
  17. [quote name='rhino' post='64652' date='Sep 24 2007, 10:44 AM']How about a straight exchange for my Walter Woods M100 8 amp., ( incl padded bag), and Markbass 1 x 12" OR Mark Bass 1 x 15" cabinet complete with Roqsolid custom cover ? Regards, Rhino.[/quote] Hi, Is it a M100-8 or M100-4? What year is it from? Is it dual channels? Do you have a picture of it? Cheers. Mikey
  18. You don't get many bands much bigger than Earth Wind and Fire. So Verdine White.
  19. The suitcase for clean guitar sounds is absolutely great as an amp, especially for jazz. I play guitar and bass (I play a guitar with 3 bass strings and 5 guitar strings) through it at the same time and have a great sound on both. If it is half price let me know if you don't want it, my mum may go and pik it up for me as a spare!
  20. I use a suitcase and 4B extension when required. I did actually have it up for trade w/cash a few weeks ago as my financial situation was a bit poor, thankfully it is a little better now. I think I had convinced myself that I didn't like the amp so when I traded it I wouldn't be so upset, but after doing 3/4 gigs over the past fortnight, I have realised i really really do like these amps. I had numerous complements on the sound, including a couple from sound engineers. I use a Ibanez GWB35 fretless through it as well as my 8 string guitar/bass. They both sound great and I am actually very happy that I get with my ibanez now I have had the chance to gig with it a few times. It is not the loudest combo, but it has handled jazz gigs, latin gigs, a full on MMW style funk jam band gig and a more poppy/rock affair and easily kept up with the drummer. All this was just with the suitcase itself, but I would have preferred the 4B for the pop band one. I have also tried a few different keyboards (nords, microsynth etc) and they are sound nice and clear, no distortion. The two seperate eqs and inputs are great as well. Also, it is not actually that light really, but is easy to move about because of handle placement. Personally I also think that it is one of the best looking combos out there, a minor detail, but to some it is important. As a mini stack I think it's looks are unrivalled and the sound of the stack is nice and clear, punchy with a surprising amount of bass. I would definately recommend the amp, but i would say try it first to see if it is for you.
  21. I suppose what is seen as the 'proper' technique would be M-I fingers in strict alteration. However, you should never limit yourself as you may be better off playing some parts different, possibly incorporating raking. Example: I learnt to play with MI with my thumb floating a string behind to mute, but you can also anchor your thumb on the pickup or E string. I also use my little finger to mute to get a different tone when playing with two fingers, it's a little awkward at times, but I like the sound. Then I learnt a bit of the billy sheehan and gary willis three finger style as I found I could play faster and smoother. As said above, Jamerson used one. For playing reggae, I used my thumb and mute the strings with the side of the palm, like many others including Marcus Miller. I also use T-I-M or T-I-M-R fingers quite a lot now as I can string cross and play lines that would be almost impossible with two alternating fingers. Just whatever technique you use, make sure it is secure and comfortable. If you find you can't execute things, then you need to start looking in detail why. However I don't advocate sitting and doing boring right hand only exercises. Your technique should be learnt and fed from the music you are playing. Slow, deliberate practice on the music you find hard to execute will give greater rewards in technique than doing finger drills. There is so much you can do with your right hand, and a lot of people neglect this as part of their playing. So when I learn something, I try playing with lots of different right hand techniques to see the difference each bring, but at the start you should just use one and get it working well.
  22. Bought the Trro album that day it came out...I love it. Continuum sounds excellent with John playing on it and Tony is brutal as always.
  23. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='61934' date='Sep 17 2007, 10:02 PM']Hi all, For anyone that doesn't know, Reggie Hamilton will be doing a clinic at The Zepyhr Bar in Exeter on October 1st. Contact Mansons Guitar Shop for details. Additionally, Gary Willis will be playing a clinic, same venue on the 16th October. Again, contact Mansons for details! Cheers Stu[/quote] Ahhhh, Willis! Is he playing anywhere else? Thats a bit of a trek for me.
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