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Everything posted by purpleblob

  1. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='922860' date='Aug 12 2010, 03:32 PM']When it comes to all things woodworky, DIY-ish or even remotely practical, some people have it: And some people don't have it: I don't have it. [/quote] Brilliant !
  2. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='922840' date='Aug 12 2010, 03:12 PM']If forced to give up the rest of my gear, and someone gave me that as my only bass option, then hell yes. In that situation, it's essentially the only bass available to me in the whole world, and to refuse it would be bonkers. It's still a bass, and not a bad one at that.[/quote] Surely time to learn to build your own instrument at this point
  3. [quote name='throwoff' post='922465' date='Aug 12 2010, 11:00 AM']Who on BC would accept this bass as their one and only if forced to give up the rest of their gear?[/quote] Good grief ! NO way !!!!!!! EDIT: If I was forced to have just one instrument it'd be my Wal which I doesn't in any way conform to this OP spec.
  4. I like Janek and I liked the bass sound on this track. I do like the Fodera a lot. But I'm afraid I thought the song was truly awful - but each to their own . Oh and I liked the fact that he's trying to grow a beard like mine
  5. Hi and welcome. "I know there are dangers for sudden GAS-attacks", beware, we all think we can handle those GAS attacks until somebody posts something really special for sale
  6. I must admit I've not used it in a while as the PC set-up for audio died and haven't gotten around to fixing it - but I used Sonar which I always felt was a really good all round system. I much preferred Sonar to Cubase but of late I've started to try to learn Logic as I was thinking of moving the audio recording to the Mac OS. But still debating this one as I see Sonar has some great looking (if a little expensive) control surfaces for it nowadays EDIT: Sorry, doesn't exactly answer the question of "what would I use", but I think it's likely Sonar or Logic for me.
  7. [quote name='funkypenguin' post='911451' date='Jul 31 2010, 07:36 PM']Tony Grey's solo in the extended version of summer rain featuring the Hiromi Trio [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VL14_nd2C2Q"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VL14_nd2C2Q[/url][/quote] Absolutely beautiful. I love Tony's playing.
  8. I'm speechless ! Amazing stuff, she also does a good rendition of "Carry on Wayward Son".
  9. [quote name='AndroWal' post='915525' date='Aug 5 2010, 12:39 AM']My Custom-made Sonus....[/quote] That is absolutely beautiful !
  10. Fantastic news - just had a listen to "not afraid", sounds really good. Congrats !
  11. [quote name='Earbrass' post='905806' date='Jul 26 2010, 01:46 PM']... However, when people start to take the absence of any dissent as a sign that the player or genre in question is unversally held in high esteem, it is perhaps worth reminding people that other points of view exist. ...[/quote] Fair point
  12. [quote name='Rich' post='903291' date='Jul 23 2010, 03:39 PM']Good god no, just a general observation.[/quote] Sorry I obviously have a deep seated paranoia due to my previous discussion with people years ago regarding Macca.
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='903075' date='Jul 23 2010, 12:24 PM']Nonetheless, no doubt, someone is thinking 'Motown? Jamerson? It's s**t'.[/quote] No doubt
  14. Just popped over from the Macca thread where I was also extolling Jamerson. Could this be a thread where everyone agree's on a great bassist (or have I just jinxed it)
  15. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='903039' date='Jul 23 2010, 12:01 PM']Carole Kaye is on much of the Beach Boys material, so yes. Joe Osborn and Duck Dunn and lots of other session players no doubt were influences too, including John Paul Jones in the UK. But I also suspect that some influence went the other way, particularly to younger up and coming players.[/quote] I don't doubt McCartney was an influence to others, being in the Beatles it might have been difficult not to be The thing is it's really so difficult to truly understand a musicians influence so many years later because it gets diluted and a form of revisionism takes place or we reassess what we think is good based upon the latest greatest fads or players. I certainly don't doubt Macca's place in bass playing history, if for nothing other than that horrid bloody violin bass . EDIT: spelling mistake and slight addition to make explanation clearer.
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='903013' date='Jul 23 2010, 11:39 AM']I think you're correct about Jamerson and I suspect McCartney himself might well agree. Many 60s bass players, including McCartney, would have been listening to Jamerson and trying to learn from him.[/quote] I personally think Jamerson is often forgotten about. I think (if my poor old memory is still working) Carol Kaye was also around then and doing some good stuff also. But like I said, whilst Macca isn't my idea of a great bassist, all that matters is really whether you like listening to him. And yes, I totally agree with you - I'm pretty sure I read that Macca was heavily influenced by Jamerson (I believe he mentioned it in an interview for some magazine a fair while back, and who wouldn't have been ).
  17. [quote name='Rich' post='903011' date='Jul 23 2010, 11:36 AM']Opinions are like arseholes, in that everybody's got one. When you think yours is the only valid opinion, you start [i]being[/i] an arsehole. I've always liked 'Lady Madonna' myself.[/quote] Ooo, was that aimed at my opinion or just generally ?
  18. I once had a long discussion/argument back in the days of the newsgroups (on the internet) with fellow bass players regarding Paul McCartney. My personal opinion is that he was a massively influential song writer and the Beatles were equally a massively influential band, but he was not then and is not now a great bassist. At the time I personally think Jamerson was light years ahead of him in every single aspect of bass playing. But, and this is where my fellow newsgroup posters missed the point, just because I don't rate him as a great player does not mean I think he's rubbish either. If you like his style of playing, that's great, for me it lacked creativity - but that's just me To me McCartney was and is primarily a songwriter, and secondly a bassist and there's nothing whatsoever wrong with that.
  19. [quote name='4000' post='902793' date='Jul 23 2010, 08:30 AM']I wasn't talking about this Forum per se, I was speaking generally. Besides, even if Jaco gets knocked on here (although I'm not sure he does apart from possibly in response to a "Jaco is the best ever" kind of comment - you could insert anyone's name in that sentence and someone will have a go!) Stanley hardly gets a mention normally, which kind of proves my point. Whenever I read an article about the the true giants of the electric bass it always seems to be about Jaco. Not that he shouldn't be up there, obviously he should...but Stan should be up there with him. Personally I feel that even if you only make one statement, if that statement is strong enough then you've confirmed your place in history.[/quote] Totally agree. I think when a musician is still around and has an output of new music they end up, in a way, being a little forgotten, sometimes because their output reduces (or fluctuates) in it's quality other times just because we get used to their style and so maybe it's no longer different or because others have copied or extended their style to become the next "best" thing. Obviously Jaco's life was cut short and so to an extent we always wonder if he could have done even more amazing things. But Stanley Clarke (imo) is without doubt one of the greats. A pioneer every bit as important to the bass (if not more) than Jaco, but often forgotten because he's thankfully still with us. I write this whilst listening to his latest album As for the whole "who is best" type debates - these are pointless as it depends on the type of music you like, the type of musician you like and so on. It's not based upon some truly quantifiable measurement. If we could quatify and therefore score musicians it'd still be meaningless. So let's not concern ourselves with who is the best but instead just enjoy listening to them. Oh and Stanley's easily the best anyway EDIT: Oh btw whilst I say the "who's best" debates are pointless I fully expect them to continue and for me to take part in them - hypocrit that I may be
  20. [quote name='urb' post='901608' date='Jul 22 2010, 09:00 AM']I interviewed him on Friday for BGM and he was very, very cool in person - I've met him before when he was touring the RTF band a couple of years ago - he seems very happy with life right now and has some more exciting new projects in the works - so look out for the piece in next month's mag.[/quote] Fantastic, looking forward to reading that.
  21. Sounds like you had a hell of a night. I've always been a fan of Stanley. Such an influential player and all round brilliant musician. I'd love to have been at that gig but couldn't make it - I did get to see him last year at the Jazz musical festival at the Barbican with Chick Corea and he played 100% upright. As a fan of him on electric I wasn't sure I'd enjoy him so much but his playing was sublime, made me wanna go learn upright.
  22. [quote name='beardybass' post='901055' date='Jul 21 2010, 04:35 PM']I'm almost scared to say this, but I find Miles Davis really rather tedious too. :ph34r: [/quote] Well that's music for you as I tend to like his stuff with Marcus, but not so much without him
  23. [quote name='peted' post='900706' date='Jul 21 2010, 08:29 AM']Jon did mention that he was thinking about front-paging it when I came to pick it up, but was convinced that he says that to everyone I actually told him that I thought my bass looked a bit bland for the front page and that some of the grain-fill finishes he is doing right now would look a lot better. I'm still chuffed none-the-less![/quote] You;ve knocked mine off the front page ! It's definitely worthy of the front page spot, very nice.
  24. [quote name='silddx' post='898984' date='Jul 19 2010, 02:30 PM']That would be such fun wouldn't it But the POD provides all the herbs and spices.[/quote] I guessed you might say that. As you say, thought that would be fun
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