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Everything posted by purpleblob

  1. Just took a look and whilst the main pic is a RIC, I noticed that when I returned to ebay my recently viewed items section on the ebay home page still shows a Stingray, so it's not worked it's way out of the cache yet
  2. I haven't played live in such a long time, but when I did (and I get very nervous playing in front of people so I found it impossible to look directly at people) I would look towards the back of the hall/club. Preferably at a door (maybe so I knew where the escape routes were ). This way it appeared I was performing more for the crowd as opposed to looking too much at the instrument and ignoring them.
  3. Direct answer to your question is no it will not make you a better fretted player (IMO). It might make you a better bassist in general because whereas on a fretted instrument you can get away with a certain level of bad positioning of the fingers, on a fretless this is obviously not so easy. Intonation is your problem, not that of the frets. As I believe has already been mentioned, it should help you ear, but not your fretted playing specifically. And for what's it's worth I find it very rewarding and enjoyable playing fretless, but I also love playing fretted, so I would never be without both a fretted and fretless now.
  4. My oh my, just read this thread from start to finish (that's a good fifteen minutes of my life gone forever ). How can anyone truly answer such an open question ? What does "best" really mean ? Is it most influential, greatest technique, most albums played on, what about multi-talented (i.e. song writer or multi instrumentalist) ... ? So much appears to depend upon ones own musical taste and thus any view is too easily skewed by one's musical preferences. But not wishing to look like too much of a stick in the mud, here's my 2p worth, I put forward one name to be lauded as the best... [b]Mr John Paul Jones [/b] JPJ pretty much fulfills all criteria for being the best. He's a talented musician. A bassist who's legacy transcends the decades. A multi instrumentalist in one of the most influential bands ever. Need I say more (oh and yes, my view is skewed by my love of Led Zep ). By the way, how the hell is Chris Squire an "also ran" when Sting, Lemmy, John Taylor for crying out loud (assuming it's the John Taylor I know) are in the top ten, that's not just subjective it's madness
  5. I'm afraid I tend to be in agreement with pretty much everything stated so far (so not adding much). First off I'd return his money and inform him to claim on his house insurance - see how he likes that idea. Getting a quote for the repair would be good. And I'm afraid then as others have said NEVER lend any of your stuff to anyone unless you're prepared for it to be returned damaged. Personally, if he didn't sort this out satisfactory I'd then tell him where to go. Who needs people like that hanging around !?
  6. [quote name='Duarte' post='630950' date='Oct 19 2009, 11:32 PM']I really don't understand why someone would buy a bass that has been beaten up a bit, considering they cost more and don't look genuine. I just don't see it...[/quote] +1, took a look at one last week and just thought - why would I want something that was new but looked "designer" worn. I may as well buy second hand and get a unique worn look and probably cheaper :-) EDIT: Sorry came into this thread late, I see we've been down this discussion root already, so please ignore my comment :-)
  7. As soon as I saw the title I knew it'd be that vid. of Run For Cover. Been watching that almost every day for the last month or two. Really fantastic playing and Hiram's little dance makes me smile every time.
  8. Oooo, I do like a bit of buckeye burl. Very nice.
  9. Lovely playing. Hmm seriously starting to wonder whether to just give up playing now.
  10. [quote name='Rayman' post='620402' date='Oct 8 2009, 11:28 AM']I also believe in response to this, that Jamie, once payment has been made, should be given the benefit of the doubt and left alone. He's obviously got himself into a mess and is proposing to do the right thing. Let's hope that happens, and forget the whole nasty incident. Just remember folks, be very careful buying and selling to people you don't know. Check feedback and ask lots of questions.[/quote] +1 in absolute agreement
  11. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='619518' date='Oct 7 2009, 01:03 PM']My only option is to pursue private legal action (over a £173 loss) or make a trip down to Glasgow.[/quote] Sorry to hear about this. It's disappointing when the police can't even just have a quick word with him which might get thing sorted quickly, but don't get me started on that ... You basically got the answer(s) to what you need to do I'm afraid, the first thing is contact him by whatever means you can (which you've done). Give him the oppurtunity and time to pay (which it sounds like you've done). Now you have a choice, 1) tell him you're going to take legal action against him or 2) Just start the small claims action against him. Obviously the threat might have the desired affect but then again sometimes it's better to simply show them you mean business and get a small claims action started (in England this can be done easily via the web, not sure whether there's an alternative method for Scotland). Remember if you start the legal process then ensure you inform him he's liable for [b]all[/b] legal costs. The alternative is a visit. Good luck
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='619423' date='Oct 7 2009, 11:27 AM']OK... but [i]which[/i] tone?[/quote] They are versatile, it's true ;-) But a Wal definitely has it's own voice.
  13. [quote name='Spoombung' post='619087' date='Oct 6 2009, 10:17 PM']Their website puts me off ordering a new Wal even more than the actual price.[/quote] Hmm, no smileys on that comment - I'll hope that this is said with tongue firmly in cheek.
  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='617538' date='Oct 5 2009, 03:27 PM']Ultimately it's going to come down to whether you want a Wal or not. If you want one, you pay the price. If you don't then you don't. Whether or not it's *worth* the money, well, it's soon become clear from this thread that it's like everybody's chosen bass value... subjective.[/quote] Absolutely spot on.
  15. Fantastic news ! Price is a little steeper than I might have imagined, but if they're anywhere near as good as the Ian & Pete era of Wal's probably still money well spent.
  16. Nice ! I assume you've seen the youtube vid. from the Culture show - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ0LL1SJ-6U"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ0LL1SJ-6U[/url], some great spanish influenced playing astarting about 4:45 in.
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='616996' date='Oct 4 2009, 11:11 PM']Am I confused or am I seeing two purple blobs?[/quote] Yes I'm afraid there appears to be two of us. I only discovered this after I'd already registered on the site. Not sure I can change my user id now without starting over again
  18. Love 'em - ofcourse it's not so easy to use them when you have a full band playing in front of you, i.e. the chords just get a little lost in the mix. 1st, 3rd and 7th work well and are generally easy to play and give a nice sound (i.e Major7th, Minor7th & 7th). If you start with those then go for the more convoluted ones later EDIT: Just found the following on google books (Bass Chords By William Bay) [url="http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=BKdtZrXCEgUC&dq=bass+chords&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=PnjNfLq9sn&sig=1MC89lvS8s89ZBByUAAQihG3dSo&hl=en&ei=QhvJSsOfL6SNjAep3Jw3&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10#v=onepage&q=&f=false"]http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=BKdtZrX...;q=&f=false[/url] admittely not the full book but might be of use ?
  19. I suppose the only moment that I could class even close to being "great" was the first gig I ever did as a 16/17 year old. It was great because I get extremely nervous getting up and doing anything in front of people (even to this day, just watch me try and play bass in a music store and I get the panics ) and whilst it wasn't the largest crowd I've played to, it was just the fact that I was able to get up and play and did a pretty good job, especially nervous doing the bass solo/guitar duet in Lost Horizon's by MSG.
  20. I'm pretty sure someone on BC has one the wonderful Wal double necks. I remember seeing Jonas Hellborg a couple of time with one and speaking to Ian Waller about them - I think at the time Wal had only made a couple and Ian wasn't sure where the other one went (if I recall - I am getting on a bit and the old memories are fading). Jonas was amazing and Ian was such a nice guy. Great instrument also !
  21. Good grief, where to start (or more specifically where to end). Pretty much anything Geddy Less does, but just because of it's place in my early years of playing bass, I'll go for the bass line in Xanadu. School days - Stanley Clarke Run for cover - Marcus Miller Tempus Fugit - Chris Squire Hit my with your rythm stick - Norman Watt Row And I think a definite special shout out for Bernard Edward's bass on Good times, and bass line that catchy and that heavily used by others must be good
  22. It's a difficult one to comment on for me (but I will ). At the end of the day I love live albums, I'll always buy live albums in preference to a studio album, but (and here's the hypocrosy of it) I want them to be of the best quality - good mix, good levels, perfect vocals etc. and frankly I don't want to hear the bum notes or whatever. Such a "live" album rarely exists and unless you like your music raw, the sound quality of such albums (whilst pretty damn good nowadays) is not upto the standard of a properly mixed album - so I say keep those "fakes" coming. Greatest live album ever UFO Strangers in the night - and it makes no difference to me if Michael Schenker played the solo on Rock Bottom 100% live or fixed it in the mix or recorded it later. It's still a brilliant album in my view. EDIT: I need a spellchecker !
  23. Alice Cooper... I love the Dead or Welcome to my Nightmare or Go to Hell or Dead Babies well I think Alice might be a rich vein of such songs
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