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Everything posted by purpleblob

  1. Oh my, this is beautiful !
  2. Thanks for the comments guys. I must admit I forgot it was rated at 200w (until I checked the back of the cab) as I remember playing gigs in fairly big halls with this and it certainly sounded louder. But you're spot on, it's no lightweight cab
  3. Those mouse basses sound amazing. Very nice.
  4. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1216699' date='May 1 2011, 05:27 PM']...But what a coincidence because I live in Lerwick too, so can I call around and try the bass LOL.[/quote] Brilliant !
  5. For Sale: I have a lovely red wine coloured Conklin Groove Tools 7 string bass (bolt on neck). It's been defretted (I believe) and the fret markers are in the standard fretted positions. But if you want a Conklin fretted 7 string for very little money, I doubt it'd cost much to refret if so desired. I bought this a year and a half back (from a fellow BCer for £600) on a bit of a whim, as I'd got very into the music of [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvWB-Z4J0mg"]Eric Czar[/url] and [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbYDbkQuWwo"]Edo Castro[/url], ambient bass stuff, but I realise I'm more than happy with my 5 string fretlesses. Although this said, I'm in no rush to sell this one as I'm sure I'll regret it when it's gone. It plays and sounds great and is in excellent condition, there's marks under the lower three strings on the fingerboard (due to the round wounds on it) but they're not too bad and there's a couple of small nicks on the tips of the headstock (see pic) but that's really all there is on the negative side on this one. It does come with a case (I'll take some pics of that if people are really interested), I think the zips a bit on the dodgy side, but will try to dig it out soon and check it out. I don't want to post this, so I'd prefer collection. I'm based in Surrey (Guildford/Woking) area and would be happy to meet up if this helps. Price wise,I figure this is worth £600 WITHDRAWN [attachment=78773:CIMG4596.JPG][attachment=78774:CIMG4599.JPG] [attachment=78775:CIMG4597.JPG][attachment=78772:CIMG4595.JPG]
  6. For Sale: I have a Trace Elliot 4x10 bought around the late 80's possibly 1990. Model number 1048, max. power handling of 200w with an impedence of 8 ohms. Bought during the "I wanna sound like Mark King" stage of my life. But in reality I never did sound like him as these beauties are very versatile and let's face who else sounds like Mark King It has been gigged but it's in fantastic condition (esp. given its age). It's covered in the vinyl type of material that (if I recall) was supposedly also used on Rolls Royces and from what I can see there's not a mark on the materal. It comes with a slightly more worn cover but still not bad condition. Only issues I can see are on the metal back plate and the handles there's a slight rusting and the metal pieces holding the speakers in place show slight signs of rust also, but nothing major (you may be able to spot them on th pics below). This has literally sat at the back on my old office being used as a table/cabinet for stacking books for something like 20 years and even when used I was always very careful with it. I'm afraid this is a pickup up only as there's no chance this will fit into my current car, I'm based in Surrey not to far from Guildford/Woking areas. I've added a couple of pics below (please excuse the mess around the cab, this is the mess I make trying to clear out a room), I gave the cab a quick clean so the material looks a little streaky, I'll try and clean it up better and put those pics up if I get chance. I have absolutely no idea what these are worth nowadays (so you'll either be getting a real bargain or I'll have no interest as I've over priced it) so let's put a price of £120. WITHDRAWN [attachment=78754:CIMG4682.JPG][attachment=78753:CIMG4681.JPG]
  7. WITHDRAWN For Sale: I have a red Wilkes four string unlined fretless with slap plates. This is a lovely bass in extremely good condition (esp. given it's age). I've owned it since the late 80's possibly 1990 I cannot recall the exact date. It has never been gigged and in all honesty I've rarely played it in all those years so it really is in fantastic condition (it's basically sat at the back of my office for something like 26-30 years. I suffer the awful habit of not being able to let things go even when they're no longer used, you should see all the pointless cables I have sat in a box next to my desk ). The only blemish that I can see on this instrument is a very small and light indentation on the back of the neck near where the fourth fret position would be but other than that, the paint works in A1 condition, it's electronics (which are passive) are all smooth and working perfectly and the fingerboard is in better condition than any of my other fretlesses in fact it almost looks brand new. The neck varnish (no cracking from what I can see) has aged beautifully giving that golden colour that you get after time and it's fitted with strap locks, I think they schaller. So why am I letting this go after all these years ? Well, I've moved house recently and now all my gear is in one place I see several instruments and bits of gear that are effectively just taking up space and never get used. This one has a lot of sentimental value, but as can be seen by its condition, just isn't used at all. I don't have a gig bag for this as I'm pretty sure it came in a cardboard boxed when I bought it and therefore don't want to post this. I'd therefore prefer collection, I'm based in Surrey. I do occasionally frequent Guildford/Woking areas, but also currently work in London (near Tate Modern/St. Pauls) so would be prepared to meet up at any of these locations if this would help anyone. Additional information: With regards the weight of this instrument. Unfortunately all I have is a set of bathroom scales (so please take this is a guidance not exact measurement of weight) and it appears this instrument weighs in at 4.4kg. I'm not sure what these currently go for as I've not seen too many for sale so I'm going to put a price of £270 on this one. [attachment=78738:CIMG4585.JPG][attachment=78739:CIMG4588.JPG] [attachment=78742:CIMG4592.JPG][attachment=78741:CIMG4590.JPG] [attachment=78740:CIMG4589.JPG] EDIT: Spelling mistake and added the weight information.
  8. They certainly look a little on the wide side, wouldn't mind trying one, but as mentioned scrunchies are most definitely cheaper (esp. as I pinch the wife's ).
  9. Ah thanks for that link. I'd seen these in some magazine and forgot what they were called. Not sure how they compare to a simple scrunchy though And yes, have used a scrunchy on my 8 string to stop sympathetic vibrations as well.
  10. For sale: I have a Peavey Basic 60 (combo with 12" speaker). I'm guessing it's about eighteen years old and has never been gigged. It used to be my practice gear so has resided in my home for all those years. I haven't used it in about 5 years as I switched to using a Bass Pod for practising, but I've just switched it on and tried it out and it still sounds really good. Volume pots may need a spray or just some usage as I noticed a slight crackle when moving them around a lot, but other than that it's in really good condition. I'm not sure what these are worth nowadays, so I'm going to put a price of £100 on it and see if there's any interest. Payment on collection preferred (I'm based in Surrey). I do occasionally frequent Guildford and Woking and would be happy to meet up near either of these locations if this helps. WITHDRAWN [attachment=78717:CIMG4703.JPG]
  11. For sale, I have a KAM KXR2000 Power amp ([url="http://www.djsuperstore.co.uk/=Google%20Base/item/amplifiers/029293-kam-kxr2000-amplifier"]specs[/url]) and a pair of class-D bass speakers for sale. Unfortunately they don't list the model number on the speakers, but they're 15 inch and if I recall are the CD15N's ([url="http://www.class-d.com/Speakers/CD15N-1400W-Pair-of-Class-D-PA-Bass-Speakers/prod_20801.html"]specs[/url]), these could form the back bone of a pretty powerful PA or DJ rig. These items have never been out of the house, therefore never gigged and rarely used. I'm not sure how, but the amp seems to have a small area where the paint has peeled off (pic below, sorry seems the autofocus wasn't so good on the camera but you get the idea) speakers are in perfect condition. I would prefer to sell as a set but may split if no interest in the lot. Speakers will include a pair of Speakon cables. I'm afraid the buyer will need to collect this themselves as they won't fit in my car and they're way to hefty for me to think about posting. They're based in Surrey (Guildford/Woking area). Price is £4[s]00, price[/s] drop to £300 [attachment=78702:CIMG4664.JPG][attachment=78706:CIMG4666.JPG] [attachment=78705:CIMG4672.JPG][attachment=78704:CIMG4668.JPG]
  12. WITHDRAWN For sale - I have a BC Rich Mockingbird. This is one of the Bronze Series (made in China). It's never been gigged and to be totally honest (and much to my shame) its hardly ever been played. It does have a few marks on its body (a couple on the front, pictured below and a few on the back) which were caused during storage (at the back of my cramped office) but other than that it's in very good condition. I'm looking for £70. There's no gig bag or case with it. I would prefer payment on collection for this item. I'm based in Surrey where the potential buyer can collect or I do frequent, Woking/Guildford occasionally, so could meet up near these locations if this helps. [attachment=78697:CIMG4604.JPG][attachment=78699:CIMG4607.JPG][attachment=78698:CIMG4611.JPG]
  13. I think you've probably received the best advice already and from people far more experienced than myself but if I may... If you enjoy playing then don't give up - simple as that. If you feel that theory is something you lack and you want to learn, then dedicate some time to this and then start up a new band/project when you feel ready. If you are happy as you are (in terms of your theory) then have a little break, decide what direction you want to take and then either start up your own band/project or look for something else. But try not to give up if you enjoy playing. I stopped playing for a while (intending it to be a short while), before I knew it I'd stopped playing for more than twenty years
  14. Easy one for me, my Wal Custom without a doubt - however technically my Dad bought it for me (so is that allowed ?) way back when Wal's were relatively cheap. It's still as fantastic to play now as when I first got it and if I could only keep one instrument, even though I prefer a 5 string E-C tuning now and this is a four string, I'd still keep it above all others (ofcourse there's massive sentimental reasons for that as well ). Aside from that, I did have an old Tascam 4 track cassette recorder that was great fun and I did most of my demos on it (back in the day) - so that was a great purchases and deserves a mention. More recent purchases that have proved to have been good are my Genz Benz shuttle 3.0 (with extension speaker) which sounds fantastic and is tiny and mega lightweight, and my Sei 5 string fretted as it's given me the high C I crave and sounds and plays brilliantly (even if I don't!). Close on it's heels would be my Sei 5 string fretless as it's renewed my interest in playing fretless bass.
  15. Nice. I'm not a big hip-hop fan, but those are some nice tracks.
  16. Finally got around to taking some pics of my basses (for insurance purposes and fun ). Anyway, this one's not anywhere near as exotic as some of the beauties on this thread, but it's definitely brightly coloured [attachment=78475:CIMG4637.JPG][attachment=78476:CIMG4638.JPG]
  17. Well I finally gotten around to take some pictures of my various basses for insurance purposes etc. and thought I'd add my two Sei Jazz 5 strings to the thread. [attachment=78290:CIMG4630.JPG]
  18. @SFX83 - great bit of history on this bass. I was going to add to one of the threads on Wal's that Too Shy was played on a Wal but couldn't rmember if I was just making that up or not Also I almost fell of my chair when I read about Laurence Cottle playing with the Sabs. I like the Sabs and I like LC and never realised their two paths crossed.
  19. My immediate answer to this question would be - I have no interest in playing for the money alone and would only play stuff I actually wanted to play, however I am not a professional musician, I do not earn a living playing the bass and as such I have no need to play stuff I don't like. If I earned my living playing the bass, then I see absolutely no reason why playing for Justin Bieber or anyone else should be an issue and I don't think it's and "if the money's right" situation either. If you earn a living playing the bass and your required pay rate is met what's the problem. (oh by the way, when I started out playing bass I was full of principles about playing only stuff I liked - this could be a reason I rarely earned any money playing bass ).
  20. I have two Conklin 7 strings (both Korean made), one a Bill Dickens (I think) through neck model and the other, not. They play really well and sound great and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for an extended range instrument, however if I understand your OP and you're thinking of importing them I would question whether it's worth the hassle with what sounds like less than consistant shipments etc. Obviously the comments regarding the look of them are very much subjective, I think they look great with 7 strings but the same shape looks less impressive in my opinion. Anyway, just my 2p on the subject
  21. I suppose it really goes without saying that that is a lovely looking instrument, but what the hey - lovely !
  22. [quote name='RhysP' post='1204597' date='Apr 19 2011, 11:36 AM']Nobody has to post personal information publicly - that's what PMs are for. If having to ask someone where they are based is enough to make you lose interest in buying something then you obviously don't want the item that much in the first place.[/quote] I tend to agree regarding personal information not being made public, but listing the county where the item might be collected from surely isn't that big a deal. I mean if I see a couple of instruments of the same type available (for example), the one nearest may cost me less monetarily to get to or more importantly cost less in terms of my time. EDIT: I should say my comment above is solely based upon the idea that when somebody sells an item and wants the buyer to pick up, then listing a location makes everyone's life easier, as for the "From:" field of a user's profile, I wouldn't care about that being filled in at all
  23. Did anyone mention the guy from Dire Straits - wasn't his black Wal on show at Live Aid.
  24. Top notch. Really enjoyed that.
  25. I started on guitar in my youth (must have been 8 or 9) but I was dreadful, so gave up (mind you the gear I had was truly awful!). Then in my mid/late teens started playing bass. Eventually picked up guitar again as I started writing tunes/songs for the band(s) I was in and got okay at it but have never felt that comfortable on it and if asked, I state categorically that I'm a bassist. Also played a little keyboard, but again solely to write idea for songs, I'm even worse on keys than on guitar but thank goodness for MIDI programming
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