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Everything posted by purpleblob

  1. Finally (snail paced broadband) downloaded and listened to the tracks (I had to get the MP3's or I'd still be downloading now and for the next few days ). Anyway, fantastic musicianship and recordings. I wish I had half the talent you have wombatboter.
  2. [quote name='Mike' post='1201334' date='Apr 15 2011, 11:30 PM']Janek Gwizdala used to use a Wal.[/quote] Indeed he did. Ofcourse Laurence Cottle used a Wal also.
  3. Please excuse my ignorance, but what does it really mean to have an endorsment with a company like Roscoe ? I obviously understand the principles of having a "name" endorsing your product, such as Billy Sheehan or Victor Wooten etc. the suggestion being that Victor plays X amps/speakers so they must be good, but how does this work for somebody such as yourself or Dood ? EDIT: Whoops missed the y off of Billy Sheehan
  4. Fantastic information, may well have to have a shot at doing one of these vids one day. Thanks for sharing.
  5. [quote name='dmccombe7' post='1201263' date='Apr 15 2011, 10:23 PM']... Anyone who was anyone in early 80's probably had a WAL at some point. ...[/quote] Me too, finally it appears I really was someone, once Seriously though the site [url="http://www.trevorandthea.eclipse.co.uk/"]http://www.trevorandthea.eclipse.co.uk/[/url] is a great resource. And dmccombe7 is absolutely right, the early 80's Wal's were used by loads of people. You should definitely know about Jonas Hellborg using a Wal twin neck, Martin Kemp was (and still is) well known for using Wal's, Nick Beggs used one if I recall - wikipedia lists a fair few players [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wal_(bass)"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wal_(bass)[/url]
  6. Only just noticed this thread - downloading now, but I suspect I won't get chance to listen until tomorrow being that my broadband connection is soooooooo awful. Looking forward to having a listen.
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1200756' date='Apr 15 2011, 02:38 PM']Here you go - Wish Banana bass: [/quote] Now that's what I call a... well actually what the hell is that That is really an awful looking thing So I take back my desire to see a banana bass.
  8. Where's the emoticon for bemused & disappointed ?
  9. I see no links and cannot watch youtube vids in my currently location, but I have an awful feeling it's going to be a disappointment when I finally see this bass - unless it's a banana shaped bass
  10. I've been mulling over getting one of these for a while but noticed the website down a lot so wondered if they're still produced. I love the look and sound of them. Damn tempted, but timings not good for my bank balance at the moment. Grrrrrrr typical.
  11. I'm not sure I could ever be GAS free (as such) there's always something I'd like to try out/own
  12. [quote name='SteveK' post='1192090' date='Apr 7 2011, 06:21 PM']If we're not allowing fusion or jazz rock then, I've got to say, I'm still waiting.[/quote] Yeah, I think I'm pretty much of the same opinion as the above. Stuff I class as jazz is really jazz fusion. I've never been into Coltrane or "Dizzy" Gillespie or the sort of classic jazz like these guys played. However if I were allowed fusion based bands/music then obviously Jaco's self titled album was a major eye opener (not just for it's bass playing), Chick Corea Elektric Band, Pat Methany, Weather Report, Marcus Miller (inc. with Miles). But probably one of my favs would be John McLaughlin and the Mahavishnu Orchestra (particularily Adventures in Radioland). EDIT: Almost forgot, I always loved Goodbye Porkpie hat (however I first heard it performed by Stanley Clarke ).
  13. That Alembic is really nice !
  14. Love it ! (no need really for me to also say, Moooore umph to the basssssss please)
  15. There do seem to be a few 2nd hand Sei's at the bass gallery at the moment. If the singlecut series I was only 5 strings I'd be damned tempted by that. The fretless flamboyant 5 string is lovely, I haven't tried it but did get a good look at it last time I was there - the body is smaller than I imagined, really nice as well. Note to self - stop looking now or the credit card will take another hit
  16. [quote name='Luulox' post='1185260' date='Apr 1 2011, 09:04 PM']...the next thing you know a bass solo pops up and drains the enthusiasm for a great song out of me. It seems like they are put in to punish you for listening to jazz. i now have new respect for the drum solo! Is it just me?[/quote] No it's not just you, other's have expressed similar views on this thread and on previous similar threads in the past. Some people don't like bass doing anything other than producing a low end that can rarely be heard and others like bassists who come to the fore (and there's a whole bunch in between). If you don't like a tune because of the bass solo then don't bother listening to it. There's plenty of Jazz (and other music) where the bassists do not solo, so it's not like you don't have a choice.
  17. 1. Fodera Imperial 5 string (E-C tuning), I love the sound of Tony Grey and Janek Gwizdala. They look great (imo) and are of fantastic quality. 2. Sei single cut series I custom 5 string (E-C tuning). I have a Sei Jazz which is a really fantastic instrument, whilst I prefer the shape of the Fodera and Adamovic (listed below) I do like the unique style of the Sei singlecut I and there's aboslutely no denying the quality and class of the Sei's. 3. Alembic Stanley Clarke 4 string, simply because SC was one of my earliest real influences and always loved the look of his bass and loved the modern sound, ofcourse it would need to have picollo tuning. 4. Adamovic FBC - only reason I can say is they look sooooo good and I like to try something different. 5. Wal fretless 5 string (tuned E-C), well I've actually got one on order, so I would have this in my list. But I've always loved the Wal's and always regret that I never got a fretless when I had the chance - mind you I didn't have the money at the time, so I had a good reason for not buying it. In my opinion, there's nothing that can touch a Wal.
  18. [quote name='griffonite' post='1176003' date='Mar 25 2011, 03:00 PM']Why has no one been interested in buying this? Any explanations from anyone who has had a look? I would have thought something this rare and high quality would have sold easily. Obviously it's been damaged but a look on the internet will tell you these kinds of repairs are very common and easy to rectify often producing results superior to the original.[/quote] Just out of interest - why aren't you interested in purchasing this ?
  19. I've been watching the For Sale seciton with interest for ages and there have been some fantastic instruments for sale over the last few months (and a fair few still for sale/unsold), two lovely looking Adamovich's come straight to my mind ! I think (as has been mentioned) when someone's looking for more than £1k (probably more than £500 even in the current economic climate) then you've got a lot less people prepared to pay out that sort of money. Then you can reduce the number of people by those who are not interested in Ken Smith;s and so on. Point being at a £1.5k price point (whether it's a good price or not) there's just less people likely to be interested. EDIT: MythSte has put it more succinctly and correctly (imo).
  20. I've not tried a fan fretted instrument (so far) but one thing I've always hated about the low B on a 6 string is the lack of string tension when compared to the E and A strings. I've played several sixers and different guage strings and each has suffered the same problem. I doubt anyone listening to me play would notice any issues but I certainly do. This sounds to be the issue the fanned frets are aiming to fix and had I not now decided that E-C five strings were the way forward for me, I'd definitely be trying a fanned fretted instrument out to try to solve this problem.
  21. Okay, I hate to say this - but I love it, now how much ?
  22. When I was playing actively in a band I used to occasionally use a little compression (because I played slap back in those days and it would even things out a little) and I also used a bit of chorus but only when I felt the song needed it. Nowadays I have a Boss multi-fx board but tend to mainly use auto-wah (for a bit of fun and for a funky feel) and a bit of reverb when soloing. If I were to get rid of the multi-fx I could replace it easily with just an auto-wah and reverb (and looper, not sure if that counts as an effect ?). With regards the technique question. My techniqe's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but none of these effects would hide anything, more likely they'd accentuate anything bad that I do.
  23. Stunning bass, absolutely ticks all the boxes for me (yes you guessed it, if only I had some money available )
  24. Nope. First bass was a ricky copy (bloody awful thing) simply because it was cheap and in a shop near where I lived. Strangely I soon got into Geddy Lee & Chris Squire who both played the real thing at the time. My first "proper" bass was a Wal and whilst I liked John Gustafson and Percy Jones (who both played one) I didn't buy one because of them or anyone else at the time. Although I'm sure knowing some great bassist played one helped in selling it to me, as I origainally had wanted a pointy BC Rich because they looked sooooo cool
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