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Mr Cougar

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Everything posted by Mr Cougar

  1. It's a really old one with pat pending and no tail stamp slystewart has already posted this add before. I'm tempted; I'm only a short hop from Cleethorpes
  2. Jesus christ; I don't know why everyone gets such a monk on about whether people are dealers or not, what does it matter, Hiperion has been on here for ages, if memory serves he was also on Bassworld way back when so he isn't some Johnny come lately and if you check his posts you'd see he doesn't just post in the FS threads, loads of people on here have dealt with him and got good instruments. Moreover the basses are all relatively correctly priced, although clearly 'business' prices he isn't ripping anyone off. Moreover as we always come back to the market determines the price, if you don't like it you don't have to buy it, if I really wanted a sunburst 79 stinger I'm sure I wouldn't baulk at the price being asked. I've no issue with the debate over the sunburst finish or the pickguard though, I think it's a fair call and if you don't want elements of any sale discussed then you shouldn't advertise stuff on a DISCUSSION forum that is part of a genuine community of enthusiasts. I don't think making an unverifiable claim that everything is original when you don't know that is and then moaning when you get pulled up on it is very gracious, this place relies on trust.
  3. I got this off the Ebay and few people mentioned they would like to know what I think of it so here goes... Features: Solid alder body with bubinga top, sandwiching a piece of walnut 3-piece thru-neck, rosewood fretboard, 24 frets, 34" scale, Spector active TonePump circuit, active EMG PJ pickups, gold hardware The controls are 2 volumes, a treble and bass control. The bass can't be put into a passive bypass. I'm unsure what the exact dimensions of the neck are but the strings are close together and I would compare it to a Warwick neck it's quite shallow and has a very smooth finish which I suspect is oiled not glossy but no discernable wood grain to touch. The bass body is not finished like some Spectors in a high gloss but is an incredibly smooth coated finish one level above matte. Like a really nice coffee table! The bridge is a very substantial gold with 3 screws and is recessed into a shallow cavity. The tuners are gold schallers with the gearing encased. The bass came with a non-standard but rather substantial hard case. Sound: The general sound of this bass could best be described as very 90s, very clean and incredibly punchy. It has what I would describe as a a very pure hi-fi sort of sound and arguably it does not have a great deal of that almost intangible quality of warmth. I had expected the EMGs to deliver a very brittle top end but I was delighted to find that they remained sharp, clear and punchy. With the pickups set to the P position it is best desrcibed as a pumped up P Bass, replacing the big billowy bottom with a little more deep tightness, where the P Bass thumps this attacks. The bridge J for my taste is a little thin, although it sounds similar to the pickup in any jazz configuration. Where this bass really comes into it's own is with both pickups on full volume and the tone pots turned all the way up. I hesitate to use the term excessively but the overwhelming impression you get is deep, tight punchiness with cutting upper mids and solid highs, as I say the sound is very clear and very reminicent of a more pumped up warwick corvette. This bass is superb for slap techniques. At the moment I use the bass with a Genz Benz Shuttle 3 and an Eden 210 cab with a tweeter, I am taking delivery of a tube pre-amp from Dave Hall and I hope to update this review when I have given it a whirl. I have alwys found it interesting to test basses unamplified to get a feel for the natural resonance of the instrument (for example my Sadowsky is incredibly musical and resonant unamplified and the sound it produces on it's own is very evident in the amplified sound). In this case the instrument is a little dead played dry which adds to the overall impression that you are really playing an instrument that is fundamentally a modern electronic bass. although I'm no expert it seems that this construction and choice of materials is designed to produce the hard, clear punch that I find to be such a dominant feature when amplified. Action Fit and Finish: The action of this instrument is superb, its low with good clearance across the neck which is set with the tinest forward curve. In terms of the woodworking the finish is flawless and one can barely feel the ridges between the thru-neck and the body etc, the hardware is all well fitted and the perloid inlays look beautiful. There are only 2 minus points: the tone/volume controls are plastic and a little cheap feeling, although they look in keeping with the bass their fit not the best. Similarly the control plate is not recessed and sits rather incongrously on the rear of the instrument. The other outstanding feauture of this bass is the superb ergonomics of the design. Witha small body I was concerend about neck dive but the ballance sits at a very stable angle which I would describe as a touch closer to the horizontal than an MM or Fender. The body is shaped at the rear and from the moment you strap her on it's evident that this is going to be a very comfortable bass to play. Overall rating:8.5 I own a variety of basses, Musicman, Sadowsky, Gibson and Fender and with the exception of the Sadowsky I would say that this bass more than holds it's own which for an instrument that retails in excess of £1300 you would expect. This will certainly be a prized addition to my arsenal and is very different to my Jazz, Precision and MM that I currently use.
  4. Hmmm, I'm not sure about this one: It looks like a refin to me, that colour?? Also that rectangular neck plate is wrong should be the v shaped 3 bolt. Worst part is he's listed it before and when someone asked about the neck plate he said he could take it apart and check, but he clearly has done that and still doesn't mention it when relisted. Smells fishy to me. Thoughts? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1979-80-PRE-ERNIE-BALL-MUSICMAN-STINGRAY-BASS-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ370088992003QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item370088992003&_trkparms=72%3A1298%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]Pre EB MM[/url]
  5. Ahh, tombboy your 30th Aniversary always gives me the bass horn. Incidentally; a bargain, almost tempted myself
  6. Sorry Mike, I just couldn't get on with the neck and I had massive GAS for a 4 string Spector and I operate a 1 in 1 out policy. I doubt it will be one of those basses that gets passed around it is a really great bass, just that damn neck, I thought I'd get used to it but I never did. I even considered having Shuker put a satin finish on it cos I liked the bass so much but that would have been a travesty. I hope you are getting on with my Sandberg.
  7. [quote name='dlloyd' post='290592' date='Sep 24 2008, 09:35 AM'] You'll have to expand on that. I'm not sure what your problem with the bridge is, but the waxed neck (not unfinished) was introduced for aesthetic reasons... people prefered the feel. I've no idea what issues you might perceive with fit and finish... I've played a lot of them and the neck fit is invariably tight on EB models, less so on the early 80s ones.[/quote] Comment on the bridge and neck are really aesthetic, the current bridges are fine they just don't look as good to me, I know lots of players who lament the passing of the older necks, the waxed finish is also horrific for picking up dirt but once again it's taste. In general, and it's very evident on the neck the materials on the ones I've played later than say 1995 ish seem cheaper, minor details like the quality of the maple previously used for the necks, the quality of the woods used in the body, even the plastics and the chrome all show evidence of a drive towards economy at the expense of quality. I've played lots of MMs and I'd agree there were some total dogs made in the mid 80s. I'd say that the newer ones are still a quality instrument, they just aren't as good as the late80s/early90s ones. I mean they haven't deteriorated like say the Fenders did.
  8. I'm not sure it's a problem with the variety of models, it's a classic bass and although quality has deteriorated slighty (crappier bridge, unfinsihed neck, poorer fit and finish etc) since the early 90s it's only minor they are still great basses. Moreover, if you think about Jazz and P basses most of their attempts to update the models have been met wih limited enthusiasm and have never been as highly prized as the classic models. Conversely the pre-EBS are starting to climb in cost now they are 25 years old and some of the models recgnised as the best (the 30th Aniversary) are holding their value pretty well i think. I think you are correct about the amount on the market, there are just loads of them around. I think that for a long time they were seen as the compromise option compared to (relatively) unfashionable Fenders, but the P and Jazz are really back in fashion these days. I think this trend is even more pronounced with the likes of Warwicks which were very popular in the 90s when people got sick of playing Fenders. I've noticed over the last year the arse has dropped out of the Warwick market too.
  9. [quote name='loudandclear' post='290368' date='Sep 23 2008, 09:55 PM']its on its way - no worries[/quote] It wasn't a dig!
  10. Defo interested; pics wouldd be great.
  11. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='290114' date='Sep 23 2008, 04:59 PM']I take it you've finalised a sale Mr. C seeing as how I note that you may well have hit the BIN on your next bass Congratulations looks nice [/quote] Yeah, well spotted man, you stalker!! Just waiting for the cheque to come, but I had some GAS funds spare and it looked like a bit of a bargain to me.
  12. Where are you based mate, I'm sure anyone shelling out £950 would want to try it first.
  13. Hey guys I'm not 100% on this yet but I think I'm going to have to move this on. It's a 2005 Musicman Stingray limited edition in buttercream. Does all the stuff a normal Stingray does, there isn't a whole lot to really say you all know what these are about 3 band eq. It yellow-er than it looks in the pictures. It has some damage to the headstock which I've shown in detail and if anything looks worse than it is. Some buckle rash on the back which is really hard to show on a guitar this colour see the pic with the neckplate and serial number it's just on the contour). It has schallers on it. Comes with a brown HS case which has a furry brown lining that was standard with these limited editions. It has a matching headstock and a natural finish neck. I'm in Scunny most of the time, but I can arange to drop it off along the M62 or Lincs come see me, I'm open to trades for a similar value bass, I wouldn't mind an early 90s Stingray, the only reason I don't want to keep this is because I don't like the natural finish neck compared to my shiny one on my '93. £650, no offers. I'll post it but it'll be extra (guess maybe £25) I'll also add that I've cleaned it since these pics were taken, and the sticky marks near the pickups and the top edge of the scratch plate are gone.
  14. Crikey my coffee table isn't that nice! Good price I think. Good luck.
  15. I'd bloody love this but I've promised myself I won't get anything else new until I get rid of my 05 Stingray. Mind you it's been here a while so here's hoping!
  16. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='282983' date='Sep 12 2008, 11:33 PM']So has this definitely gone, Mr.C?[/quote] It's gone subject to the usual, I'll be up your way tomorrow, I have a match against Bridlington.
  17. Not quite, tHoJC PM'd me some time before he posted. Gareth posted sraight away, no tardiness on his part So it's sold subject to the usual.
  18. PMs Kevin, not posts on the page, that's what I work on a few posted and PM'd pretty soon
  19. poster abover "the hand of john curley"
  20. Thanks for the chat guys. At the moment the first man on the scene was thehandofjohncurley, or Matt to his mates and kids, so being fair I'll let him have it, and if he doesn't think I've been honest he can send it back to me. As for devaluing it, that made me laugh. The bottom line with this is I got it as a part ex third party mess around with my drummer and one of his mates, I reckon it cost me c.£300, but thats totally subjective as it was my valuation of a part ex so all I'm trying to do here is get back what I put out at £250, I'd never try to rip off a Basschatter, I've been here since we were Bassworld and it really hacks me off that the misunderstandings have meant good people (Beedster anyone) have left. Sorry to any of you guys who fancied this.
  21. Spray pain? Sounds unpleasant, can't imagine they sell much.
  22. I'll swap them for a Pink Jazz Bass.
  23. Okay Guys time has come to get rid of my Fender USA P Bass 1982, let me stress this is a bit of a project for someone, I'm not trying to pass off a dud as perfect so read carefully. First up; what I do know: it is marked as a 79 Pbass serial number S9 etc, but the other dates on it suggest to me it's an early 80s, most likely 82/83, I've had the neck off and there's a stamp on it the details of which I looked up. As far as I'm aware this isn't uncommon, someone might like to come back on this if they know more. What's right with it: it got a good finish with some buckle rash on the back which is in one pic which makes it look worse than it is, nothing unusual for a 25 year old, it's got a non-period replcement (but genuine fender I know because I put it on myself) tort pickguard, a spanking new badass bridge and replacement Bass Lines p'ups. The frets are in tidy conditions and are the really low profile type and the neck has a really nice glossy maple finish. Whats a bit knackered: the electronics have an earth problem (ie: a hum), easily solved I'm sure but not something I can be arsed sorting. The chrome on the knobs for the pots is a bit worn but it's 25 years old so... It has a bend in the neck this seems to have been sorted out by tinkering with the truss rod and this seems to have settled down now. The main issue is that the head stock has a forward bend in it too, I can't draw you a picture, but what happened is that this made the A sit proud of the nut by about 1/4 mm. To combat this I had Jon Shuker fit an extra string tree, so it has 2 string trees on it, this has solved the problem, but who am I to say; it could get worse, although to be frank it hasn't in the last 6 months. It seems stable now but my guess is that it has been left in a humid atmosphere and has warped and that it has taken the last year I've had it to settle down, I'm no expert though, I can't be sure that it isn't permanently shagged. Also some of the scratchplate screws are loose and this could do with sorting, I have a pack of Fender screws that I would include. My intention was to get the leccy sorted, make sure the neck is sound and then either keep it as a backup to my other P or stick a status neck on, but I just don't need it and I'd rather one of you guys got the benefit of it and I got it out of my way. Since it's not perfect I'm after £250. The people I've dealt with over the years and on Bassworld will know I'm not trying to rip anyone off here with a dodgy bass but I don't want this hanging round when I don't need it. I will post it in the rather forlorn case for postage possibly about £25 if someone wants it but I'd much rather someone had a look at it before they bought it as I'd want them to be happy with what they are getting.
  24. Hey dude, 25 miles north in Scunny all of you moaning about Lincoln should count yourselves lucky you don't live in Scunthorpe then you would be miserable!
  25. You have PM sir.
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