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Mr Cougar

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Everything posted by Mr Cougar

  1. Bit of a bump and just to say if anyone fancies it I'm after a backup Ray.
  2. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='221767' date='Jun 18 2008, 10:25 PM']Not being funny or anything, but looking at the picture, is the back covered in pebble scratches?[/quote] Ha ha, yeah I dragged it out into the yard and dropped it onto the ground, then I lent it against the radiator in the greenhouse for a couple of months. It's actually ballanced on some mats.
  3. Nice bass but I'm not after another fretless at the moment thanks Voxpop.
  4. I'm sorry to anyone who PM'd me on this I have had something of a saga with another member (who fortunately appears to have gone for good now) who messed me around on this, anyway the long and the short of it is following that I had a hissy fit and buggered off the site for a 6 weeks! It's now back up for sale and if anyone wants it PM me.
  5. OK guys this is a tentative FS for my Sandberg California JM4, it's in redburst (satin/mat finish as opposed to gloss) with a black scratchplate. The controls are (top to bottom) vol, pan, active treble, active bass, the switch is an active defeat. You can't coil tap the MM pickup. It is the standard Sandberg configuration. I'm the only owner, I bought it from new. Condition wise, I've been over it this morning and there are no dings that I can see (although you are welcome to go over it with an oversized magnifying glass if you wish) the scratchplate has a minimal amount of wear from fingers playing it (I'll see if I can get some pics to show this later). It's never been gigged, never, in fact, left my house since it was bought. I would consider a trade if someone has something (that I don't already have) of interest. As ever I'll deal with people on a first come first served basis and no gazumping once/if I accept an offer. I've got some feedback somewhere on the feedback section from a few people but I don't sell too often so it will be well down. Will post in a shagged out old case if required, based on past experience posting will cost c.£30 I'd much rather anyone who wants it comes and has a look at it though, and I'm happy to meet someone a reasonable distance away for petrol money if you deffo want it. Great bass and a shame to sell it, I just don't need it since I have an MM and a Sadowsky Jazz. Sandberg is quoting £1000 for these, and the prices I can find on t'internet are all £900-£950. So I'm after SOLD MB1/Smash I totally forgot when I was putting it up) [attachment=9743:Sberg.JPG]
  6. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='219206' date='Jun 15 2008, 01:35 PM']The numbers, markings etc on the volume control are totally meaningless - see [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:amps:gain_power_and_volume_-_a_confusing_menage_a_trois"]here[/url][/quote] Question then: does the variable resistor that is the volume effect the amount of wattage which goes into the speakers? I read the article, it doesn't say anything about the numbers being meaningless, the volume is like a valve increasing or decreasing the amount it lets through to the power amp in terms of signal, so does it also change the watts that the actual amp sends into the cab or is the wattage being fed into the cab uniform regardless of the volume. 14 years playing and I've never thought about this in detail!
  7. For years I ran a 300w head into a 350w max cab, the volume of the amp was never over c.60%, which I find is a good rule of tumb to avoid overdriving the amp. Now I know this doesn't equate to only 60% of the wattage going into the cab it has always seemed plenty of headroom. I can't think I've ever turned the volume past 3'oclock on any amp (about 7, Nige) Does anyone know how wattage output increases with turning up the volume, is it an exponential type increase?
  8. Richard is an excellent chap unfortunately he has an serious addiction to turning over high-end/vintage basses, I put this down to him being like Prince's Mum (apparently she's never satisfied) I also suspect he's too demanding. I'd be interested to know Richard; how this compares playing wise to the 82 Fullerton in my signature? Since you have played both.
  9. Just bought this from PA and he is a top man, beautiful collection of custom basses and probably the best acoustic bass on the planet, it's worth buying something from him just to have a go on it.
  10. I can't believe nobody wants this, fair price I think good luck Martin
  11. [quote name='richardd' post='160768' date='Mar 20 2008, 12:53 PM']Back for Sale £1200.00[/quote] Using my sleuthing powers I pressume Richard has taken delivery of a new bass??
  12. You have seen it before...SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14262"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14262[/url]
  13. [quote name='BassManKev' post='156042' date='Mar 12 2008, 02:59 PM']reviews complain alot about note decay, sustained notes kinda wobble and glitch after a while, is this true?[/quote] Well it's not as good as the Bass Pod Pro but I think it does a very good job for the money. It depends on the setting you have it on. I can see the point to a degree but, I think they may be overstating it. You'd stuggle to find fault for £100, even less so for £40!!!
  14. Off topic but whilst I was over there I saw this great looking headless 5 sting with MM and a J pickup on it in a light coloured wood which just looked the balls, he said it was a custome build for someone, I wonder if it was someone on here. Looked very nearly finished.
  15. Off topic but whilst I was over there I saw this great looking headless 5 sting with MM and a J pickup on it in a light coloured wood which just looked the balls, he said it was a custom build for someone, I wonder if it was someone on here. Looked very nearly finished.
  16. OK guys back up for sale if anyone is interested.
  17. Mr Cougar

    mr couger

    [quote name='richardd' post='155487' date='Mar 11 2008, 07:18 PM']Mr Couger This is the third deal we we have concluded, if he says it's a deal then it is,a really nice guy,Thanks once again Jim[/quote] Cheers Rich, I'd say the same for Richard a really nice guy, happy to have a chat with you and a cup of tea and with a really charming family who make you feel welcome. Buy from him in confidence I'm sure he'll have something new to sell soon from his ever revolving merry-go-round of quality basses!
  18. The exact twin to my 62RI 82 P bass, I'd be all over this bad boy if it wasn't for the fact that I'm picking up a Sadowsky NYC this very evening.
  19. I saw Jon on Saturday and he said there is still loads more to update on this page yet so no one should make any rash decisions!! Think the new website design looks ace.
  20. Couple of years older than my Ray, in my opinion a golden era for these instruments (including pre-EBs) I doubt you'll find a better Ray than this era. My only gripe was the 'transition bridges' where they started to put blank bolts in instead of the actual mutes. Nevertheless an excellent bass, if I was looking for a ray I'd look no further.
  21. I actually prefer to play with a plectrum, even though I'm quite happy playing either style. Very difficult to offer advice on technique but something I have found is that many bass players assume they have to play with a heavy pick "cos they are for bass" but you should get a whole pile of them and try different types and thicknesses. I use the boring looking Jim Dunlop grey acrylic .88 type because it's very flexible and I play by holding the plectrum between the tips of my thumb and forefinger and barely moving my wrist moving my thumb and finger instead (ie. not strumming) and find it to be more sensitive. The only other thing I found when I started is that I needed to play closer the bridge because there is less movement in the strings. Not a great help I'm sure!
  22. When I was buying my Sandberg JM last christmas I wanted to play one before ordering my custom made one from Germany, so I was playing one they had in electro in Doncaster. It sounded excellent, I ordered one the rest is history. Anywho as I went to put the bass back on the rack I cracked it against the corner of a Markbass cab and left a dent in it, guy in the shop was not impressed, I put the first ding in what presumably became someone else's bass.
  23. I've said it a coulpe of times recently, and I'm not sure why but, the market for Warwicks is rock bottom at the moment. Maybe worth hanging onto for the future, they are bound to come back in fashion again and this is a lovely looking bass.
  24. [quote name='Rayman' post='149944' date='Mar 2 2008, 07:07 PM']Chill...............life's too short.[/quote] Aye you're right, sorry to the badger for messing up his thread.
  25. [quote name='Beneath It All' post='149492' date='Mar 1 2008, 03:49 PM']....Gerralife[/quote] Next time you are pulled up just take your medicine like a grown up instead of resorting to rather mild personal insults. Good choice Badger, excellent bass I'm sure.
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