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Bo Millward

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Everything posted by Bo Millward

  1. I like this a lot!
  2. I like this
  3. Buy a BBNE2 if you can
  4. Tears for fears! That's been the consensus of feedback across the few forums I've shared this on. I must bee more influenced by the 80's than I ever realized haha! X
  5. This song is called "I'll meet you behined your eyelids", I wrote it with the intention of introducing more people to the psychedelic meme of the primacy of mind. The idea that mind is the primary and fundamental component of existence. I've written in hardcore and progressive metal bands for a around a decade and this is my first venture out into a more pop method of production and composition. I want to start writing music that will pay my bills, without compromising my artistic integrity. This is my attempt at such a song; [url="https://soundcloud.com/bomillward/ill-meet-you-behind-your-eyelids"]https://soundcloud.com/bomillward/ill-meet-you-behind-your-eyelids[/url] I'm looking for feedback on; 1. Arrangement 2. Composition / Lyrics 3. Performance (Vocal and instrumental) 4. Production (Sounds and styles used) 5. Mix and master (How well the song competes with commercial clarity and volume) Lyrics; I'll meet you behind your eyelids, You'll see through the eye of the storm, Transfixed on the horizon, The beauty in all structure and form, Do you sense more than you see? Do you wish always to be free? Then know your not alone in here. I'll meet you behind your eyelids, In the silence that you call home, I can see you in your world, Trapped in your nightmares, I want to free you from these words, ................................................. Be as candid as you like, I want truthful comment on how I can improve my work. Much love Bo X
  6. This looks very cool, we'll have to see what price they hit the shelves at come the 7th of Jan. X
  7. Oooo, I've not done the composition challenge before but I think I'll jump on this one with that photo! X
  8. Right I'm after I good compressor but for a very specific reason. I'm guna run it at the start of my signal chain so it needs enough head room for a very hot active signal on input or a pad. It needs to be transparent as a mother f***er I only want about 3db of gain reduction with no real coloration and I want to retain all my dynamic control. I'm very tempted by the MXR M87 but I really don't want to pay 150 quid for the pleasure. Any alternatives out there? I'm not arsed about having a GR meter but independent Input / output / threshold / attack time / release time would be very cool. Here's the best bit can anyone find me one for under 80 quid? X
  9. OOooo your making me question myself now....... I need to track one down to play on.
  10. How do they play, is it tricky keeping your intonation with the 18" scale length? Oh and what are they like to record with?
  11. Man this is just what I've been looking for! Much love!
  12. the kind of music i play is out there groove metal so it's quite dissonant, here's a video of one of my bands tunes; [media]http://youtu.be/469jSfDzZSY[/media] We also have some tunes in a 5 string tuning tuned; G,D,A,D,G, so i think it'll work really well for our stile of music. Any odd tunings you guys use?
  13. I've got a DHA VT1 EQ too here's a recording done with it: [media]http://soundcloud.com/harmonyofthought/youre-the-worst-instrumental[/media] I'd highly recommend it, its the most important piece of kit in my rig next to my bass!
  14. Right, I'm thinking of restringing my 4 string jazz in 5th from G an octave below the 3rd fret G on your standard low E string. I'm planning on stringing it up; G - 145 D - 110 A - 085 E - 020 What do you reckon?
  15. Right I've started this thread because I'm slowly loosing my mind trying to find new (or at least new to me) music that I find interesting and inspiring. So I thought I'd make a thread to get other people to find it for me! Anyway to get us started off, here are two of the best bits of music I've been exposed to lately; [media]http://youtu.be/0b5TNf8ZkOo[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/oZW98IBWpiU[/media]
  16. A play through i did a while ago of one of my bands tunes, let me know what you think; [media]http://youtu.be/469jSfDzZSY[/media]
  17. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='918963' date='Aug 8 2010, 07:19 PM']In an amp or in a bass? Not having one in a bass gives best top end.[/quote] Haha! Why didn't I think of that it's cool guys i'll just f*** off my tone pot and wire my bass up with a volume for each pick-up then a master volume for the full circuit. Cheers for the help peeps!
  18. Any suggestions on what kind of tone caps are best for bass? Which would give me the most clarity and high frequency out-put? Cheers Bo
  19. [quote name='Phil Starr' post='845252' date='May 22 2010, 06:11 PM']your finished speakers are going to be overdamped which means that the bass, whilst going deep, will be somewhat squashed. With a Qts of 0.24 damping is very high and the speakers are designed to be used in a smaller box than the one you are going to put them in. Although the bass promises to be clean and have good transient response I suspect they wont be the bass monsters you are hoping for. In addition the lack of response above 2500Hz will mean that they will lack articulation and the ability to cut through the mix[/quote] Cheers for the advice man, if I partition the cab inside so each speaker is loaded in its own sealed enclosure would that help to prevent this? (Oh, and add ports to each section)
  20. Nice one for your help people, right i've got winISD so I'm guna has a mess and see what happens. I may have to quiz you guys a bit more if I get stuck but I'll keep you posted. Oh and as for LawrenceH's question; i'm driving it with a 300W Warwick ProFet 3.2 Thanks again!
  21. Right I need help tuning this old 2x15” bass cab I’m sorting out. It had two shagged H&H drivers in it when I got it, so I’ve replaced them with Celestion FTR15-4080FD’s. I know they're PA speakers but there’s reason in the madness. After looking for ages for a speaker that could reproduce a low F# fundamental I found these with a frequency response of 35-2500 Hz. (F#’s round 20 Hz, but for my £100 odd budget it’s as close as I’m guna get to it.) As well as getting the new speakers I’ve lagged out the inside of the cab to take out a bit of the “OOOOoooOOoooo” out and it sound sick. Plus I’m back in B now so it handles everything perfectly. The plan when I’ve got this cab sorted is to get hold of an old shagged 2x10 for a top cab sort that out then bang, sick rig. Anyway, now I need to tune the f***er comes the massively geeky question bit: The cab is ported with two 3” ports, how long should I make the tubes in the ports to tune the cab to 31 Hz? Here’s the Thiele-Small Parametersand shiz to get you started; Thiele-Small Parameters Mmt (g) 129 Qms 7.2 Qes 0.24 Qts 0.23 Re (Ω) 5.4 D (m) 0.33 Vas (L) 203 BI (tm) 23.9 Cms (mm/N) 0.20 RMS (kg/s) 3.56 Xmax (mm) 6.0 f/p (mm) 10.0 coil (mm) 22.0 General specifications Nominal diameter (") 15 Power Rating (AES, W rms) 1000 Nominal impedance (Ω) 8 Sensitivity (dB) 97 Chassis type Cast Voice coil diameter (") 4 Surround material Cloth-sealed Magnet type Ceramic Magnet weight (kg) 3.1 Coil material Round copper Cone material Glass loaded paper with weather resistant impregnation. Frequency range (Hz) 35-2500 Resonance frequency, Fs (Hz) 32 And here’s the cabs specks; Height (cm) 80 Width (cm) 60 Depth (cm) 37 Ports 2 x 3” Nice one!
  22. Beautiful man. I love your choice of harmony, it has a really nice depth to it with out being mudy.
  23. Oh man, I got a VT1-EQ-Bass-Drive off Dave and its stunning, so full had harmonically rich! The EQ's unreal, so usable its untrue and the mid Q's perfect for getting a narrow band mid boost so you cut through the mix. The gain channels sick, you can go from subtle valve warmth to that proper grindy valve drive! Plus the D.I. is hi-fi as fook, I do all my recording with it now. It's got a input pad pot, Boost (additional clean output volume to the valve signal using a low noise op-amp), Bright (hi freq boost) and Colour (Comp/gain boost) got it all man. Plus the freq response is stupid, I use a 5 string with a low F# for my band (sub 20hz low) reproduces with out even trying, and it make this Vintage Jazz copy I have sound like a real fender '75! I'm doing some sound clips of is soon that i’m guna post up so check them out. But yeah get one, best £150 you'll ever spend.
  24. Yeah its minimal but you know its bang tidy!
  25. [quote name='trent900' post='597855' date='Sep 13 2009, 11:37 PM']I'm pretty sure that's just plain contra! I'd love to hear some playing using an F# string. I can't imagine what on earth it's used for, lower than that horrible sounding bottom A on a piano. My only delvings into 'sub contra', and only by a smidgeon, is detuning the B string to Bb for some songs. It does throw my fretting out a bit though having to think about Bb E A D G tuning. What styles of music are using these mentally low notes?[/quote] Djent is the style of music I play, it's a heavily rhythm based kind of progressive metal. Kinda like if SiKTh and Meshuggah had a kid. We use loads of polyrhythm’s and odd meter grooves coupled with Jazz melodies and harmonies.
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