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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. Just vocals through the PA? I'm biased because I used to work for them, but I really like the old Studiomaster powered mixing desks - you'd lay hands on a Vision or Horizon (Focus would be under-powered for what you want) for a couple of hundred quid absolute max, and they're thoroughly reliable, flexible and LOUD bits of kit. My ex-drummer's rehearsal room has one and has had for over ten years, it's been serviced once in that time and generally gathers dust in between being run ragged by cack-handed noise polluters who don't know one end of a graphic EQ from the other, and delivers the goods every time. Whatever you go for, if you're planning on running monitors from one side of the power amp and the FOH from the other side, ideally you want a 'flip switch' type affair (different manufacturers call it different things) so that the main L/R bus goes to one side of the amp and the monitor send / pre-fade auxillary goes to the other side. Just makes things easier to mix.
  2. Quick bump, this is still in the way - make me an offer!
  3. Doesn't look like a 'same place' job to me, too many differences in chassis design - they're probably STILL much of a muchness though, generic Chinese-made underpowered cack
  4. Sorted thanks dude
  5. This coming Saturday 24th November at the Asylum 2 in Hockley (just off Constitution Hill, above the Madhouse rehearsal studios) - witness Anger Rising, the hottly-tipped Riff X and Birmingham's own Blacklist Saints (fresh off of tour with Ginger Wildheart) at the Saints' official EP launch! A mere three quid on the door, and the first 50 people in will recieve a FREE limited-edition copy of the EP; there's already people trying to blag one of these, but if you're not there you don't get one! 8PM doors, be there or be somewhere else...
  6. You star - I took a guess based on how big I thought it'd be, and I wasn't FAR short of that (might have under-estimated the width :s) so hopefully all will be well! Thanks for responding to a random needy thread, anyway - had to book courier ASAP so I can get it for rehearsal Wednesday and had no way of getting the info!
  7. As per the title; trying to book a courier for one, the guy who's holding it for me isn't at home to check and Google throws up the square root of f*ck-all - does anyone have one handy or a magic link to the info? Cheers all x
  8. Why didn't this come up three days ago?!?
  9. Go on, I'll have the FX...PM incoming!
  10. I just typed a really long, in-dpeth response to this, which my web connection then dropped and lost I was actually writing a book a while ago as a kind of introduction to PA and recording, shall dig out the old hard drive and C'n'P in a little bit.
  11. I'd be interested if it could be done over the phone / Skype as a distance thing (I'm in Birmingham, although the band are playing London on the 22nd of December); band's called the Blacklist Saints, link's in my sig, we've just toured with Ginger Wildheart and are looking to do the UK and Europe with Torpedohead early next year, as well as following up our (very well-recieved) debut EP with a full album. As a player I've been doing the rounds on-and-off for about ten years (eep! )
  12. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1352798968' post='1867446'] Sounds great Ian. Let us know when you're doing a gig. :-) [/quote] EP launch is a week on Saturday at the Asylum 2 Shell got Riff X and Anger Rising supporting, should be pretty killer...
  13. 'Still here, girlfriend moving in doesn't like my bar' bump looks like this'll fit Ashdown ABM combos pretty much perfectly, out of interest...
  14. Potentially interested in the FX one - does it have shoulder straps and do you know if it'd fit a five-string? Also I notice the location - what's postage likely to be like from Hungary?
  15. As per the title! The Hartke's got a few blown components on ONE of the two amp boards (it's a stereo/bi-amp head), but I'd been running it fine with just the other channel up until recently, when the input section also seemed to develop a problem (I THINK linked to the compressor circuit, it may well be that the pot controlling/switching the compressor has thrown a wobbler). Potentially fixable for someone with the time and inclination (I've also got the circuit schematics from Hartke as I was planning on sorting it out myself, but now am unlikely to have the time and need the monies ASAP to pay for the Marshall I've just bought!), but certainly worth ripping apart for spares as these are kinda rare, one amp board and (AFAIK) the power/EQ sections are all fine and I THINK the amp boards are also interchangable with the HA3500 (the circuit boards are stamped 3500/5000, anyway, and from talking to someone at Hartke it seems they should be interchangable). Thinking around the £70 mark, but feel free to make me an offer. Also the 3U Gator shallow rack case I was keeping it in, in good nick, £40 or thereabouts? Shall get some pictures this evening, and I'm in south Birmingham for collection / popping in to have a look!
  16. 'Won' a bass head on evilBay, could have sworn that when I first started watching it there was an option for postage; there now isn't, and the guy selling it would prefer collection. I'd probably be able to swing down myself at some stage, but it's a bit of a ballache; is anyone local enough to Frampton Cotterell to pick the thing up and stick it in a box so that I can arrange a courier for it (in exchange for a few beer tokens and my undying gratitude, natch)? Thanks y'all!
  17. Man, bargain of the day! If I was going up to see my better half any time this week I'd have swung in and grabbed this lot on the way through...(may have just bought a Marshall DBS head as well...)
  18. We're doing alright four pro-minded guys, significant others who're REALLY supportive, CDs/merch/van/all the other 'stumbling blocks' all sorted, already had some pretty high-profile gigs and reviews and (apparently) have label interest. Not bad for a band that's only been in existance for six months or so
  19. Always played 4s, went to a five to save having to re-set-up a four for my current band who're down in C standard, actually finding the extra high notes without having to switch poisiton quite useful. Would never get rid of my 4-string Precision though, as a 'plug-in-and-play' rock 'n' roll instrument it's hard to beat. [quote name='M-Bass-M' timestamp='1352465848' post='1863426'] So my advice is give it a go. I could probably do you a good deal on a good-as-new 5-string Black SUB Ray5 [/quote] Stick me on the 'interested' list for that as well
  20. Interested too if sale falls through, be up Nottingham way on Sunday...
  21. I'd highly recommend looking at a Yamaha 01X as the centrepiece, especially as you're running a Mac Mini; runs via Firewire (they call it mLAN, but same thing, you just need to install a driver) and will give you motorised-fader control of GB/Logic, eight analogue inputs (including two mic preamps) and full transport controls. I <3 mine.
  22. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1352148474' post='1859457'] just been messing about with my Celestion F30 audio speakers, both the mid range and bass drivers are marked 6 ohms, well they're identical actually, yet the specs say these speakers are 8 ohms, can this be right? [/quote] It can; impedance and DC resistance are different things, impedance varies with frequency whilst DC resistance is, well, resistance at DC. I'd guess that the speakers are stamped with 6 ohms because that's their DC resistance, whilst 8 ohms would be their nominal impedance.
  23. Actually, while I think about it - the Behringer DI boxes are actually quite good for what they are, and their ADA8000 is a more than serviceable bit of recording kit which they actually don't APPEAR to have ripped off from anyone else. There are some diamonds in the poopy, it's just with Behringer you have to look a bit harder for them.
  24. I'd be interested if you can post!
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