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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. Just waiting to hear back from MXR as to whether the 1/4" main out is also balanced, if it is I'm interested!
  2. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1342545362' post='1736932'] I'll throw this one out there as well. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXxXlTedDQA&feature=channel&list=UL[/media] Not as cheap as others likely are, but it wasn't exactly a high budget jobbie. Liam [/quote] Mmmmm, that looks closest of the lot to what I've got in my head for the 'performance' parts of the video (cool location, 'industrial' lighting); shall start thinking about rigging up a metric crapload of security floodlights as I did for a lighting effect ages back This too is pretty close to what we're all thinking... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_b8HnDIda0[/media]
  3. [quote name='WillEdwards' timestamp='1341443113' post='1719328'] I went to London to the Bass Gallery (it's awesome by the way!) and tried some acoustics out. They had enough to try but it wasn't a massive choice (although not many places will have a big choice) but I tried all of them and quite liked a blue Dean like they have on the website....[/quote] Was going to suggest Dean (and Tanglewood, but they've already been mentioned) - I had one of their cheap-and-cheerful acoustic basses (a Playmate, IIRC), and it was very good for the money. May have to go and have a look for another one now...
  4. Isn't it a bit of a ballache getting the mics far enough apart to just sing into one of them whilst having them close enough together to provide a decent CMRR though? Never tried it, but with the mics, say, 5cm apart a bit of back-of-a-fag-packet maths says that they'll already be out-of-phase at around 3300Hz, so wouldn't reversing the phase cause reinforcement and potentially make feedback problems worse?
  5. Wow, I'm offline for a day and TONS to think about! Thanks all - Low End Bee: totally appreciate the idea on the humour front, but I don't think the tunes we've got would suit so gonna have to go all moody and see if we can get away with it! Shall get in touch with your guys if you can point me in the right direction, cheers Mike...
  6. I've got an Aria Pro II Magna bass which is a bit of a mess cosmetically but structurally sound, which is currently in bits as I was going to make a project of it myself - never got around to it though, shall probably get rid for not a lot of money if you're interested?
  7. [quote name='cd_david' timestamp='1342528804' post='1736597'] I would recommend it, split the cost with a couple of bands and it's very manageable we pay about 65 each between 4 bands for this plus electricity. Have a wander around the older industrial complexes around your area and speak to other tennents and see what's available an what the landlord is like? Try and avoid estate agents or property managers as they cost more than dealing with the landlord. [/quote] Thanks for that - how do you mean '65 each', as in £65 per person per month? That'd be eminently do-able, as we're probably paying forty quid a month each to just rehearse a couple of times a week... Oh, and how secure does the place' feel'? The other doubt i've got is how happy I'd be leaving my kit in an unattended industrial unit... Sorry for bombarding you with questions, just curious!
  8. That's really cool, how do you come by something like that? We might be losing our regular rehearsal space in the next few months and wondering if long-term renting a place and making it 'our own' might be cheaper than using a 'normal' rehearsal studio...
  9. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqfqytdd_38[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOFeaedv3Uc[/media] Anyone got any particular favourites they'd like to share?
  10. Going to be looking towards putting a video together for the Blacklist Saints at some stage in the next few months, sop scouring around for ideas and inspiration - we're looking at doing it relatively cheaply, so inspired by LiamPodmore's post in the 'Favourite Solo' thread, any favourite cheap-but-awesome videos? This were Liam's, btw: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odCCJ-2IJLY&feature=player_embedded[/media] And I'm already bumming off these vids: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgWzOElhs0w[/media]
  11. Still got this at all?
  12. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1342437977' post='1734780'] He most certainly can. Theirs a vid on their channel of their McFly support slot where they play that as the last song, and as for cheap videos, their channel is full of them (Chocolate being my personal favourite) and there's one on my bands channel in my sig that may have some inspirational qualities for you. Liam [/quote] Cheers Liam, shall have a look when I get a spare hour! Any idea who does their vids, out of interest?
  13. Strewth, be a bit of a trek - I'll bear it in mind, but it's unlikely I'll be that far South!
  14. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1340912621' post='1711531'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odCCJ-2IJLY[/media] Absolutely love these guys too, so proud to say that i was part of the crowd doing BV's on that album (In studio only, not the video). Solo is at 3:30, some solid bass playing from Rory as well. Liam [/quote] I'm quite impressed with that, partly for the simple-but-cool solo (like the harmonisation on part of it; can he do it live? ) and partly for the cheap-but-cool video, which is the kinda thing I'm looking at doing with my band...I feel a thread coming on... Back on topic, this has got to be mine, listen from around 2' 40" onwards: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53FoS8QGYkA[/media] (The Hold Steady, 'Lord I'm Discouraged', as it doesn't say so in the video tag)
  15. Thanks for waiting dude; gonna pass I think, was hoping I'd be able to use it as a DI with a bit of tone-shaping as a backup in case my amp went down, but don't think it'll have enough gain on its own
  16. Potentially will have the Aphex, let me check it'll do what I need it to...
  17. Still got this; sold on eBay before the buyer decided he didn't want it after all need rid, make me an offer!
  18. Still available, need to free up the space - feel free to make me an offer, I WILL get some pictures this weekend!
  19. Right, the cable catalogue: 1x 5m Speakon-Speakon 1x 6m Speakon-Speakon 1x 5m Neutrik / Klotz XLR-XLR mic 1x 6m Neutrik / Klotz XLR-XLR mic 2x 5m Venom XLR-XLR mic 1x 6m Neutrik 'silent jacks' mono jack-jack (guitar cable) 1x 3m Venom jack-jack (guitar cable) 1x 5m 8-way balanced jack-jack multicore (used this for live recording from a desk with direct outputs into an 8-input soundcard) 4x IEC leads (2 x 3A, 2 x 5A) 1x 4m 4-way extendable extension lead 2x jack-to-XLR insert leads ...and also a pretty basic but accurate and easy-to-use sound level meter, which I figured would be a handy thing to have in the box for getting an idea of exactly how loud you're playing in venues with restrictions etc. Right, having done the count there's a lot more stuff in there than I figured for, so not gonna let the whole lot go for fifty notes - however, like I say it's all sitting around taking up space (particularly the toolbox itself) though, so if anyone wants to thrash out a package of anything they need make me an offer!
  20. [quote name='Pow_22' timestamp='1341936643' post='1726538'] Interested in the P bass one. Where you based mate? [/quote] South Birmingham (Moseley and thereabouts), but down to Warwick and up into Staffordshire this weekend, all being well.
  21. This is just taking up room I haven't got in the flat at the minute, so might as well see if anyone wants the whole thing wholesale as I spent a good while putting it together! What we've essentially got is one of these: [url]http://www.tooled-up.com/Product.asp?PID=145238&Referrer=googleproductlisting&gclid=CLjr-dW3j7ECFYzbfAodDT7tfg[/url] which has the rotating-outy section in the middle filled with every common variety of glass and ceramic-body fuse, a bunch of drum spares (cymbal felts, nuts, washers) a handful of Allen keys and small screwdrivers for guitars, and some PA spares (I think there's some Speakon couplers and a Speakon-jack adaptor in there, plus some other bits). I'll fully catalogue it when I get back later. You've then got the lift-off top section which is brilliant for mics, pedals or whathaveyou and the bottom section which has already got a couple of mic cables in it (I'll include them, no use for 'em atm) as well as some lengths of two-core speaker cable terminated with Speakons (again, I'll take a more accurate catalogue of what's there tonight). All in good nick, was only gigged half-a-dozen times - and as I can't see myself going back to a covers band in the immediate future, no use for it! Would be a ballache to post, but I'll look into it if anyone's interested - was thinking about the £50 mark depending on the quality and quantity of the mic cables that're in there (I'm PRETTY sure that I only ever used Neutrik / Klotz to make mine up, but you know how you acquire odd cables ).
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