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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. 'Still here' bump! Would also trade for an EHX Stereo Pulsar tremolo, or part-ex (probably cash your way) for a Morely Mini Wah or a decent (small!)acoustic guitar preamp...
  2. Sold subject to monies!
  3. The Berry take on an MXR DynaComp, apparently - works perfectly but I prefer my Digitech Bass Squeeze! Gigged but perfectly functional...
  4. Does what it says on the tin! Gigged and missing a couple of slider tips, but works perfectly; just turns out I don't need a solo boost as much as I thought I would in this band
  5. I'd be interested in the board if you were to split!
  6. Still got this at all dude?
  7. Current 'mid-sized gig' rig: For little gigs, a 90s Trace Elliot 1x15 combo, for bigger gigs, the above with added 1x15 cab - for really big gigs I'm planning on using all of them in a horizontal array don't care about beaming etc, just going for the look...
  8. I'd put a couple of breeze blocks under the stands to get them up by another foot or so (or two of them if you can make 'em stable enough) - you could always wrap them in a bit of fabric if aesthetics are a consideration!
  9. I'll have it if couriering's a possibility...is it one of the 'narrower' ones or the wider ones with vents on the front at either side?
  10. I could also be tempted if you were to consider posting...
  11. My Tanglewood TEB-12 is pretty much a goner - it's been slung across so many stages I'm amazed it's in one piece! Fretboard's got dents in it, for some reason it won't intonate properly any more, the back of the hollow body's coming away...although it's autographed by Duff McKagen, so it wouldn't be a gigging bass even if it worked!
  12. Damn you work, didn't get home in time
  13. I'm totally having a bid on that
  14. Can recommend the Dunlop Heavy Core strings if you want to avoid 'floppiness' (and who doesn't?) [url="http://www.jimdunlop.com/product/heavy-core-guitar-strings"]http://www.jimdunlop.com/product/heavy-core-guitar-strings[/url]
  15. This is a few years back: [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/ianbddrink.jpg"]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/ianbddrink.jpg[/url] I'm an inch or two higher than that now, but not by much.
  16. Would have snapped that up if I'd been close enough to collect, brilliant bit of kit.
  17. Right, come Easter I'll be making myself available to relocate if necessary for the right band - I'm drawn towards Bristol, Nottingham or Sheffield because I've got plenty contacts there but (realistically, apart from London) I'm willing to go where the band is. Only really looking for fairly established or pro-minded outfits, haven't got the time or the patience to build yet another band up from scratch Highly experienced bass player, endorsed, connected etc etc etc, no slounch behind the kit or on six strings either (no soloist really, but handy for rhythm). Fairly rock-oriented in terms of experience and look, but would give most things a shot - if anyone hears of anything over the next few months do bear me in mind!
  18. There was a production company tried to do something like that a few years ago (I know, because I was going to be on it ) but it never got off the ground. As JapanAxe says, Joe Public often doesn't 'get' what makes a musician good or mediocre (witness the cheering at any of Tommy Lee's 'drum solos') so it'd come down to personality and who has the best 'nan in hospital' sob-story even more than the current one does.
  19. I don't think it's intentional, simply that was the only date the venue had available for the Birmingham show! It's run by the guy who used to put on Music Live...
  20. I'd happily pay postage if you could chuck 'em in a box/bag!
  21. Sounds good to me! I'm @iansavagemusic for that Twittering thing...
  22. Having helped out with the Great British Guitar Show in Brum last year I've been drafted in this year to set up an after-show jamming / talking / drinking session for a select few (who I get to choose, lucky me! ) - it'll be on the Saturday night ([b]March 1st[/b]) in the upstairs bar of [b]Madhouse Rehearsals[/b] (near to the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham, B19 3LS. Linkies: http://www.ukguitarshows.co.uk/ http://www.madhouserehearsals.net/ The show itself has pilfered Fender away from the London Bass Show this year, and has a whole bunch of other cool exhibitors too - if the London show's too much of a trek pop on in (I'll likely be hanging around the JHS stand)! There's plenty cheap accommodation nice and close to both venue and show (the Bloc hotel in the Jewellery Quarter is the epitome of cheap and basic, but it comes recommended!), all easily accessible by public transport too. The after-show's likely to be running pretty much as soon as the show finishes at 5:30, there'll be backline provided by Marshall/Eden/Natal on a decent-sized stage with a professional PA. Anything goes (within reason ) for live performances; I'll be lining some stuff up over the next couple of months for the exhibitors/artists from the show but there'll largely be carte blanche for jamming, (short) band performances and solo spots. It's somewhere between 'invite-only' and 'general admission' - we're not charging entry for the after-show and there'll be a secure room for stashing any gear you want to keep safe, but with with musicians' peace of mind at heart we're not publicising the fact that it's happening. Anyway, if you fancy coming give me a shout and I'll put you on the list - and if you've got a party piece you want booking onto the live stage let me know!
  23. Out of interest (I probably can't afford ), through-neck or bolt-on?
  24. [quote name='ratman' timestamp='1386375058' post='2299581'] I've had no bother taking pedals through airports. Just don't have batteries in them. [/quote] This, to be on the safe side - I've been asked a few times recently when sending packages through the post whether they had batteries in them, guess they're clamping down on it.
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