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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. Yeah, the tendonitus is getting no better so I reckon I'll be stuck with gigbags for the foreseeable someone else might as well get some use out of these: Hiscox Fender-type case (won't take back-angled headstocks too well, but fits Strats and Teles perfectly) - currently has 'Savage' spray-painted onto it but shall remove or over-spray in black if it's a deal-breaker, £40 Shaped bass case, unsure of the make but it's pretty much brand new - fits a Precision perfectly, shall try it with a Jazz if I get change but IIRC the Precision body's slightly smaller so it might not fit. Lovely air-cushion handle on this too, as well as clips for shoulder straps which is kinda unusual on a 'proper' hardcase. SOLD As far as shipping goes, it's do-able but I'd rather do pick-up/ local delivery - not likely to have the time to wait in for a courier over the next few weeks!
  2. Let me know if the PF sale falls through, potentially interested.
  3. Cab now definitely for sale, case not - cab with proper fitted castors now at no extra cost though!
  4. [quote name='dincz' timestamp='1340218653' post='1701337'] I have it straight from the horse's mouth (or Alex Claber's to be precise) that 40Hz would work well with the Compact. [/quote] *smug face*
  5. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1340279008' post='1702121'] Also check out Joanne Shaw Taylor. She's a Brummie but you'd never know it from the voice. [/quote] Good shout; I'd been meaning to listen to her for ages, this has just reminded me. I think I have a new muso crush, too
  6. Straight off the bat I'd recommend listening to some of Ian Siegal's electric stuff - he uses Andy Graham for his UK-based band lineup and has not long done an album with Garry Burnside (son of RL) on bass, both excellent players in their own way.
  7. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1339768404' post='1694050'] The HPF on my Fishman Plat Pro EQ sweeps from 15Hz to 125Hz. with a 12dB/octave cut. For a fixed cutoff point I would think somewhere around 75-100Hz is probably in the ballpark so what you have will probably work pretty well for bass. [/quote] I'd dispute that - low E's about 40Hz IIRC and the G's around 100Hz, you'd be cutting almost all of the bass frequencies before you even start! I reckon a -3dB point at about 40Hz would do a decent job of keeping 'rumble' and noise out, but I'm not sure how much of that you'd get
  8. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1339743168' post='1693491'] Hmm, this entire story is one persons word against the other. I don't think we can dismiss what Americano is saying just because the OP is a member here. If they have issues that they still need to sort out, they should do it. Just not on a public forum where it's going to end up like a playground fight. [/quote] This ^ [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1339750662' post='1693618'] +1. I might have inferred it in jest but agree that my Bass playing ought to be reported to the Police :-D [/quote] Has Sting quit?
  9. [quote name='dannyt144' timestamp='1339763881' post='1693926'] 8 ohms amp in to two 8 ohm cabs (which i think makes them 4ohms each???) ok or not lol!!! [/quote] The amp's output impedance isn't really an issue - if it's 4 ohm minimum total speaker impedance (just checked, it is), then yes, two eight ohm cabs in parallel will give you 4 ohms and draw maximum power from the amp. [quote] The two cabs are switchable between 8 and 4 ohms. i believe that i should be plugging the 8 ohm in one cab then take second output of cab in to the other cab (one output of amp and the join the two cabs together) is this right or should i put 1 output to one cab and other output to other cab??? [/quote] Yep; set 'em to eight ohms - whether you daisy-chain cabs or go from individual speaker outputs is down to you, shouldn't make a difference; I'd be tempted to do the latter on the offchance that a cab output fails, but that's highly unlikely.
  10. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1338554284' post='1676256'] just contacted by the buyer and they want me to wrap it for a courier and i said collection only! God knows what its going to cost to courier, way more than its worth i would guess! [color=#000][font=arial, sans-serif][size=2][b]Dear skidder652003,[/b] Hello. I am the lucky winner. I will pay you till Monday via paypal. I can arrange the ollection via UPS service for Tuesday or Wednesday. Can you please pack nit for me? Please also inform me with your contact name,full adress and mobile phone number. Waiting for your reply. Kind regards[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000][font=arial, sans-serif][size=2][b][color=#000][font=arial, sans-serif][size=2]- ladybird079[/size][/font][/color][/b][/size][/font][/color] [/quote] What a tit! Ah well, means you can legitimately re-list it, I suppose...
  11. The venerable Alesis SR16 can be had for very little money these days, still pretty good-sounding and versatile; downside would be that as it's only got 1/4 jack outputs you'd need a mixer or some means of connecting a line out to your amp. Personally I reckon it's well worth practising with a drum machine rather than a click, helps with groove etc...
  12. [quote name='stelios82k' timestamp='1337618378' post='1662900'] sorry for the explicit language, didn't know more polite words! and sorry for the girls (it was just an example. if anyone is offended replace girl with guy) [/quote] Aye, these ugly guys with nice tits... Anyway, my bitsa as it stands at the minute: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/P1030953.jpg[/IMG] Sue Ryder body, Warmouth (I seem to recall) neck (actually considerably skinnier than a normal P neck), Fender pup, tone control disabled...I likes, a lot.
  13. I bes slightly tempted, whereabouts are you and have you ever given this a run-out on bass?
  14. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1338443555' post='1674557'] i use the ampeg PF500, so far no probs at any gigs, you cant beat a little head onstage [/quote] Indeed no issues with it heating up at all then? I've got the crazy-mad idea of having it in between my 1x15 and (castored) 4x10 to get it closer to the floor and (hopefully) less susceptible to being pulled off/drinks damage, but worrying slightly about air flow...
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1338388113' post='1673719'] I didn`t notice any, though have to admit, wasn`t looking. I think it`s more down to the Portaflex cabs having a handle on top, so the feet need to be high enough to place the amp over this. With a Precision these amps sound great, ideal for old-school rock - really miss mine, but no point having an amp that`s wrong for the band [/quote] Magic, thanks man; think I might be treating myself to a 350 in the near future then! Anyone wanna buy a Hartke HA5000 (in need of a bit of TLC) or a 3U rack case?
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1338378593' post='1673486'] I had the PF500, Ian, and it was great. Unfortunately the sound wasn`t right for one of my bands, just a bit too warm, so I sold it, but I`d recommend them in an instant. There have apparently been some problems however, with some of them, but I never encountered any, either on 2hr gigs, 4hr rehearsals, or day-long recording sessions. If you like the Ampeg sound, you`ll like the PF amps. I reviewed mine on here, and our very own Truckstop is the current owner. [/quote] Cheers Loz, that's reassuring (warm is exactly what I want, to be honest; gonna be putting a Precision and/or a SUB through it for old-school rock-type stuff) - I notice the feet on them are quite high, are there cooling grilles on the bottom or something?
  17. Kid Rock fully ripped-off SHA and WoL in 'All Summer Long'.
  18. I'm in very much the same boat and currently mooching around the new Ampeg Portaflex heads (PF350 and PF500) which look like solid, if basic amps - anyone have any experience of those at all?
  19. Oh man, proper bargain; I'm the same, if that was black I'd be on it like sh*t on a mad woman's walls!
  20. Still potentially interested depending on price...
  21. Might be interested depending on cash price...
  22. No worries Shell, let me know whenever (or just drop in!) Nige, there'll be a bass rig, drum kit, keyboard and guitar rig there, along with my Precision and Tele, so if you want just pop along unarmed and have a beer and a jam!
  23. I've arranged this at the Madhouse bar (Hampton Street, near the Jewellery Quarter) for the populace of the Music Radar forums, just as a last-minute thought as Nigel arranged a BassChat get-together in the same place thought I'd see if anyone from these parts fancied dropping in for one? I'll be there from about six, lemme know!
  24. Ahhhhh, confound it...let me know if the sale falls through!
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