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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. Three, two of which are currently museum pieces on account of being thrashed and/or autographed. To be honest, I think one gigging bass will do me for now.
  2. My first EVER gig was dreadful, and I still blush looking back on it - playing guitar, 30 minute support for a friend of the bassist's band, singer decided she didn't like/couldn't remember the words to our three original songs ten minutes before we went on, so I sang one of them (very badly), and we dropped the other two in favour of an under-rehearsed Green Day cover with me on drums (as the drummer couldn't play it fast enough, but he COULD play the guitar part (sort of)). Terrible, terrible, terrible. First gig on bass was MUCH better, having joined a reasonably established local originals band, so decent crowd, free beer and pretty women...now that I think about it, that might be part of the reason that most of my bands up to now I've been a bass player...
  3. [quote name='Dropzone' timestamp='1323958430' post='1469173'] Thanks for the assistance. Am going into the computer via an Alesis USB 16 multimix. I think i will just use the miced amp to get started and then look deeper into this once I have a decent signal for everything else as this could eat up a lot of time with no significant benefit and then just demotivate me ;-) [/quote] If you're mic-ing anyway, it's very little extra effort to simultaneously record a DI signal from the guitar which you can mess around with later to thicken the overall guitar mix.
  4. [quote name='Dropzone' timestamp='1323952412' post='1469041'] I am struggling to get a good guitar sound by D I ing. Get a fine sound when micing an amp but was hoping to just take a direct feed. Anyone got any advice? Ta Mike [/quote] Are you running any kind of speaker simulation or anything like that? If not, that's your first priority...
  5. ...and you want to see what happens when a BC member welches on a deal his/her life wouldn't be worth living
  6. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1323806275' post='1467397'] Back on topic, there was a time when MIM Fenders were deliberately inferior in hardware, electrics and used unselected wood (meaning you could get poor quality wood or great tonewood, but no guarantee either way). [/quote] I've found this to be very much the case with Stagg cymbals ('hand-made' in China alledgely using ex-Zildjian machinery)- there's a huge number of total dogs out there put when you get a good one it's REALLY good.
  7. Few more things kicking around the flat that I can do without - Guvnor strap, webbing, pretty much unused, couple of quid delivered... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030965.jpg[/IMG] A Levy's wide leather strap, goes STUPIDLY long (to the point where [I]I[/I] didn't use it at full extension, even at my most animal...) - this one's actually unused, as when i was gigging on bass I had two of 'em. I taped my wireless unit to the one I was actually using, and kept the clip-on strap ends of the other on my spare bass so that if I broke a string I could just unplug and clip the strap-with-wireless onto the spare...long story short, the strap part of this one's never left the house, and the ends sat on the spare bass which I never had the misfortune to need! Twenty quid delivered (these were thirty-odd when you could get 'em). [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030964.jpg[/IMG] Also an 'Acme' power distribution unit, aquired this as part of a rack setup and can't see me needing it anytime soon. It's got eight outputs on IEC connectors, according to the labelling on the unit it'll supply 6.3A per output and 15A total. I've only got three IEC-IEC cables for it, sadly, but they're the kinda thing you used to get for powering computer monitors from a desktop unit so i'd guess pretty widely available - twenty quid? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030966.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030967.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030968.jpg[/IMG]
  8. Oh aye, that'd help - cost me £100 so offers around that kind of mark would be good. Oh, and it is a '63 (there's a little stamp inside which says 'F63', apparently that's about all the serial numbering they were doing then!).
  9. Pics: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030958.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030957.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030963.jpg[/IMG]
  10. Pics: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030955.jpg[/IMG]
  11. Picked up a Yamaha DG Stomp of off that there eBay so can hopefully now do without this - in good nick, gigged so a couple of paint chips but works perfectly. I've definitely got the box somewhere, just can't lay hands on it right now - shall update when I find it! £45 delivered? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030954.jpg[/IMG]
  12. ...don't want to do it, but needs must - decided I can do without my slide guitar [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Six-stringrig.jpg[/IMG] Hopefully fairly obvious which one - 'tis a 1963 (IIRC, shall check tonight) S65 model if research serves. In good nick for its age, frets are a touch worn but more than serviceable, and if you're mostly using it for slide (which, let's be honest, is what you want this for ) it makes no odds. The pin-up girl's a waterslide which'll come off easily should you not want it there; the thing sounds wonderful for bluesy stuff, as you'd expect, holds tuning pretty well too. Shall get some proper pictures tonight if I remember, just wanted to get it up here now before I change my mind
  13. Full specs etc can be found here: [url]http://www.qscaudio.com/products/amps/usa/usa.htm[/url] but as the name suggests, 2x450W into 4 ohms, rock-solid USA-built bit of kit. Has been used but not abused and always flightcased, so in good nick; only problem I had with it was the Yanks' utterly bonkers habit of only fitting outputs on binding posts rather than Speakons. So, to remedy this I made a little breakout box with two pairs of Speakons which is wired to the binding posts - it will of course come with the amp, as it was made for it! XLR/jack combo inputs, as you can see, plus some really wizard protection circuitry, built-in switchable 30 / 50Hz low-cut on each channel, plus pretty flexible mono/stereo/bridge switching. Perfect for monitors, FOH tops, or driving a sub in bridged mono, fantastic bit of kit - I just don't need it right now and I've got bills to pay! After £100 for it, I'm in Birmingham but often up and down by forty or fifty miles on the M6/M5/M42/M40 so could maybe deliver. Postage might be a bit pricey, but I'll look into it if anyone wants me to. Oh, I guess I could also do without the rack it's in - 6U full-depth Warwick job, one of these: In very good nick, been looked after - £30 if you can collect it?
  14. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1323466117' post='1463792'] I spent most of the mid 90's feeling pretty miserable and sorry for myself (I realise now that, in comparison to some peoples problems mine were a bit petty) So, I went out, started a band and along with the guitarist/singer wrote some pretty good songs, recorded some of them and played some pretty good gigs. [/quote] [quote name='The Hold Steady'] Well I got bored when I didn't have a band, so I started a band, man; we're gonna start it with a positive jam. [/quote]
  15. My Bass Collection was perfect for me when I started out (sparkley, active, skinny neck), as I progressed with the instrument I found that these were everything I didn't want in a bass The Jap Grabber copy - love the sound, touch on the heavy side. Peavey Milestone I - nothing I 'hated' about it, just a bit soulless. Current bitsa Precision - love it
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1323440380' post='1463431'] I'd go back to programming electronic music. While I love playing live, for me it's about the composition first and foremost. [/quote] I'd have drumsticks surgically grafted to the stumps.
  17. I haven't had 'downs' to anything like the degree many on here have, but I generally find that something life-changing happening in either direction does coincide with an increase in creativity. Two of the best songs I think I've ever written are about a pretty horrible breakup and about a new girlfriend, hopefully neither of them too tacky - if nothing in particular's going on in my life I find it very hard to get inspired.
  18. I used to have one of these, the kick drum's like a bloody cannon going off. The PST5 hats are very good mid-range cymbals too, well worth £50 - have a 'bit of a bargain' bump!
  19. Oh man, proper 'if only I had the money' moment really can't justify it though...
  20. A few nibbles but no bites (or even Grabs), so another little bump - don't make me take this to eBay
  21. I'm looking at potentially doing a bash for MusicRadar forumites in the same place sometime in the new year, would probably be cool for any BC Brummies to pop in for a drink and a jam too.
  22. [quote name='thumperbob 2002' timestamp='1322745350' post='1455212'] Definitely true- though I sometimes have a cheat sheet which basically shows the arrangement- maybe the first line of a section wriiten out.....[/quote] I have to do this with a few songs; I can be relied upon to forget at least one verse of 'Hallelujah' every time I play it, and 'Mr Jones' is a complete swine, so I just have odd words from the start of verses written on the setlist to remind me. Other than that, it really is just practise, practise, practise!
  23. Another bump on the off-chance, borrowed money from family which I hate to do so really want to pay 'em back!
  24. [quote name='nugget' timestamp='1322685738' post='1454610'] having a twang on that tele has made troll through ebay for one, xmas present for myself !! [/quote] Has to be strung with 12s though, remember Just realised how fat that lineup pic makes me look - I must have been digging in my back pocket for something for my jacket to stick out that far, I'm only ten stone!
  25. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1322649248' post='1453839'] Great pic, Ian. Would you (or any of the others) mind if I put it on my Facebook page? [/quote] 'course not, shoot!
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