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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/P1030953.jpg[/IMG] Finished!
  2. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/P1030950.jpg[/IMG] There we are, happy bunch...L-R Shelley (Seashell), Ollie (TRBBoy), Dave (nugget), Nigel (Yorik) and me (Ian Savage). Also took a pic of the non-bass gear I bought while it was all set up, 'cos it looked all nice under stage lights: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/P1030951.jpg[/IMG]
  3. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1322496325' post='1451538'] Can we see the group photo as well please? [/quote] 'Tis on my camera, have to find a way of transferring it to the work computer over the next couple of days.
  4. A quick shout for those coming, if anyone's able to get a loan of a crash/ride cymbal for the afternoon it's finish the kit off nicely; I was SURE I'd be able to lay hands on a decent one in time but it seems to not be in the stars. Not a problem, shall be able to use my cheapy 16" spare Stagg crash but it's REALLY not the best-sounding thing (not that I imagine most of us care), just a thought in case anyone's got one kicking around (and if anyone knows of a 50s/60s/70s 18" Ziljian Avedis going sub-£100 do let me know ).
  5. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1322162727' post='1447502'] Hey guys, I'd love to come. Is it far from New Street train station? I think I'd only be able to bring one bass with me as I'd be getting the train. [/quote] Also five minutes from Snow Hill, if you can get there to make things easier.
  6. Currently running a Hartke HA5000, Marshall 1x15 cab and a Behringer tuner, whole setup's cost me about £250 tops (including the rack). Should be able to cope with anything I need to do, and VERY loud - heavy though.
  7. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1322126377' post='1446703'] I think it`s probably something o do with the pricing. Whenever something is good value for money, it invariably is seen as "budget" which is true in respect of Peaveys pricing, but not in respect of it`s sond, or quality.[/quote] Agreed, kind of a shame for Peavey as they're always going to sturggle to shift anything punted at the higher end of the market due to their reputation; good news for us as we can get pro-level gear for semi-pro money! [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1322126377' post='1446703'] The other thing is that with much of the new bass amps being manufactured lightweight, Peavey gear still weighs as much as a small planet. [/quote] Hells yes. That said, the lifting and lugging of a Black Widow-equipped cab or three kept me fully in 'skinny pretty boy' mode for five or six years of gigging.
  8. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1322067954' post='1446160'] Alright for some! I've got about a 1 1/2 hour drive home, so no chance of me drinking! I'll have to make do with a shandy..... [/quote] There have to be SOME upsides to living in Birmingham...
  9. [quote name='yorick' timestamp='1322066770' post='1446134'] So, Ian............. how you getting home, then???? [/quote] TAXI!!!! Nah, early-ish finish so I'll hopefully be able to leave my cab(s) and drum kit at the venue, bus home and go back & get 'em Monday, otherwise it's less than a tenner in a cab, well worth it for the option of knocking a few back whilst being a right noisy bastard
  10. [quote name='yorick' timestamp='1322049361' post='1445760'] Tonyf can't make it, his other half will string him up otherwise. Deezbar is paying us a flying visit though. Small and cozy gathering then [/quote] Ah well, be nice to put faces to names anyway; shall be driving over, dumping gear then taking car home again so there WILL be some nice steady drinking going on
  11. I am sorry, got a busy weekend this coming one and confused my band rehearsal Saturday afternoon with the Bash Sunday afternoon...
  12. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1321033234' post='1434701'] My drummer is possibly coming with me if theres a kit available [/quote] As a 'standby' in case I can't lay hands on one in time, any chance you could ask him if he could bring a crash/ride? My setup's dead simple (kick, snare, floor, hats, crash/ride) but I had to get rid of the latter a few months ago to keep financial head above water - now in a position to replace it but I can't find one!
  13. This month, I are haz been learning a Wildhearts set - Red Light, Green Light Vanilla Radio Sick Of Drugs Top Of The World Nothing Ever Changes But The Shoes So Into You Suckerpunch Rooting For The Bad Guy 29 x The Pain I Wanna Go Where The People Go Love U Til I Don't Not necessarily in that order good fun to play, and my voice and the guy singing lead's blend together in a pleasingly Ginger/CJ manner...might make a couple of quid out of this one and have fun to boot
  14. I'll get in line behind Dafydd; I'm Birmingham-based but all over the Midlands for band/work!
  15. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1321033234' post='1434701'] My drummer is possibly coming with me if theres a kit available [/quote] There is - be a simple little thing (kick, snare, floor, hats, crash/ride - oh, and cowbell ) but it's a decent-sounding wee kit.
  16. Top of my head: Tom Waits - The Ghosts of Saturday Night (and The House Where Nobody Lives, little bass on that though) Ani DiFranco - Dilate, Self-Evident The Hold Steady - Lord, I'm Discouraged Ian Siegal - Mortal Coil Shuffle John Lee Hooker - This Land Is Nobody's Land SRV - Dirty Pool There's bound to be loads more than that (plenty of old acoustic blues that's well sub-80bpm in the collection, but can't be doing with going through it all...)
  17. I'm taking cues from the 'proper' vintage ones in the pics above, not overly bothered about making it 'totally authentic' though, as it's only for my own enjoyment, not trying to fool anyone with it.
  18. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1320794119' post='1431655'] sorry - i just don't get relicing at all what's the point? [/quote] I wouldn't do it to a brand-new bass, obviously, but personally: - I've dinged the body myself anyway (and it was in 8/10 condition even before I got it); add the fact the bass is a 'bitsa' means it's worth next to bugger-all on resale, so I'd rather make it suit me (which, sadly, = fairly worn but still functional and looking alright, if past its best) - makes it far more distinctive should it ever get nicked - yes, alright, makes muso snobs come a LITTLE bit closer before they turn their noses up - as I mentioned before, the feel of roughed-up body paintwork is (IMO) far nicer than 'new-bass-gloss', 'specially if you sling it low like wot I do and have your right wrist/forearm rubbing the body whilst playing; sanding back the gloss from my Tele made it SO much more comfortable to play. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Telebefore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/P1030152.jpg[/IMG] Personally I like the look of something a bit more 'roughed-up', in many spheres; many people don't, each to their own.
  19. And after the addition of a 'tasteful' pinup decal and a bit of roughing-up of the bridge: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/P1030949.jpg[/IMG]
  20. [quote name='Gazm' timestamp='1320781178' post='1431395'] It'll be 1 louder if the volume knob goes to 11 [/quote] Peavey Classic guitar amps go to 12
  21. Sounds interesting, might have to seek out a low-noise fan for mine if reinstalling the other amp module doesn't sort it.
  22. I've got the HA5000 (the biampable 2x250W) but had to take one of the amp modules out straight away as it were knackered. The other one still works, so I've been using it 'as is' and did notice the fan was a bit noisy; had hoped it was down to one module being detached from the heat sensor and making the fan run at full speed all the time, looks like I might be wrong Shall let y'all know if it improves when I've fixed the other amp and reinstalled it...
  23. Now on eBay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320787170047?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  24. Now on eBay: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320787120085?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1555.l2649[/url] http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320787131310?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
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