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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. Now on eBay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320787197244?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  2. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1320233771' post='1423992'] That's pretty tasteful for home relicing. Good job! [/quote] Cheers man; one side-effect of the 'flatting back' of the finish which I'm very happy about is that the body doesn't feel so 'sticky', especially on a sweaty stage; reduces friction burns/blisters on picking hand & forearm, which I very much like. (Haven't gigged this one yet, obviously, but certainly found that on my Telecaster which I've done much the same thing to).
  3. Oh, man....if I was ANYWHERE near SW London...
  4. Well, we're back on track after a few months' doing actual work and still having no money so after putting a ding in it myself during the house move decided to go the DIY relic route - an hour or so with some sandpaper and wire wool and we have: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/P1030917.jpg[/IMG] Aged white 'plate for sure now...and need a pickup!
  5. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1320188826' post='1423687'] I got it off Ebay and my wife picked it up from Pembroke. I don't know how long he'd had it, or if it was you and you've moved? I'm going to make it look even cheesier by painting a Mudflap Girl on it in silver... [/quote] Good man probably wasn't mine unless it's moved around a lot in the last couple of years then - I did make silver flames out of sticky-back plastic which went directly onto the baffle of my 1x15 as well, they looked particularly cool under stage lights
  6. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=1423364"][/url]KingBollock, on 01 November 2011 - 06:45 PM, said: I adore my Peavey rig. It consists of a T-Max 500 and a 410TX. The only reason the TX doesn't have it's badge is because its previous owner painted flames up the front of it. Have you got my old Peavey?!? awesome... I likes Peavey stuff, I does; had a 115BW cab, a 410TX, 2x10 of some variety (no badge) and a T-Max during my proper gigging days, heavy as f*** but not an issue with a van and people to help you get it up stairs...sounded great and practically indestructable! Currently got a Classic 4x10" guitar cab as well as the Milestone III bass and Microbass practise amp (which I'm currently trying to move on to finish my P-project, incidentally ), nice kit.
  7. [quote name='Walker' timestamp='1320172396' post='1423344'] Do you guys try different pedals before the amp and in the loop? Some of my pedals run with far less noise in the loop, but some of the dirt pedals sound like crap if they are not before the amp. It means a lot of cables running from my board! Is this the usual way of doing it? Bit of both? [/quote] Like I say, the usual way is to have modulation and time-based stuff after gain/distortion as that's where they tend to sound better, hence with guitar amps where you're tending to get distortion from the amp those kinda pedals often sound better (and quieter) in the loop. 'Course, even with a bass amp any noise you get from the pedals will be further amplified by the amp's preamp stage, so as you've noticed some will be quieter in the loop (as long as the loop's set at the right level, which is a whole other can of worms).
  8. Slightly on a tangent, but since you're Midlands-based I'd better mention the West Mids Bass Bash (get-together for folks 'round these parts to talk gear, try gear, jam tunes, drink beer...) - Sunday 27th of November, 1pm at the upstairs bar in the Madhouse (down by the jewellery quarter)...
  9. Thirded on the 'experiment' recommendation; the rule of thumb for effects order is usually gain, then modulation, then time-based (reverb, delay etc), but you can get awesome sounds by doing it 'wrong'. Since you're using a wah, though, one thing to remember is that if you run wah into distortion the frequency peak created by the wah will be distorted MORE, which tends to give quite a strident, boosted sound; put it the other way around (distortion then wah) for a more subtle effect. For guitar, at least, it's often worth trying out chorus/reverb/delay/flanger/phaser etc in the effects loop, but if you're not using drive from your amp it's probably not worth the bother.
  10. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1319985790' post='1420835'] A watt is a watt. Reserve current capacity and headroom is something else entirely. Old 'big iron' amps have high capacity power supplies, most Class D use switching supplies that don't have a lot of storage capacity. There's still much to be said for those fat bottom girls. Of course there arises the question of when is a watt not a watt, and that involves marketing trickery, if not downright deception. [/quote] All true; the big, heavy ol' Traces, Laneys and the Hartke I've currently got were/are easily giggable despite 'only' putting out a couple of hundred Watts. Not played a 'lightweight' amp that's come close.
  11. I'd like it if I could play like that, just so that I wouldn't, out of spite.
  12. Would be interested in the P half of the pickup set, but I know you'll probably want to shift 'em as a pair...
  13. Pretty much written off putting my live/recording rig back together for the foreseeable, so these are just taking up space, all XLR-XLR: 1 x 10m - purple Lynx cable & Neutriks, £8 1 x 10m - Stagg cheapy-but-goody, £5 2 x 3m - Planet Waves, £15 for both Planet Waves ones have hardly been used (got 'em with a pair of condensers I bought years ago), other two have been used but all perfectly functional. Make me an offer if you want the lot as they're just hanging around the place at the minute.
  14. ...no good for me, I'm sorted, but if anyone wants me to pick it up and hold it for 'em... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CRATE-BASS-RIG-220-Watt-BX-220H-/150679881709?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item23153887ed
  15. On behalf of a mate, haven't actually got my hands on the thing yet but once I have it'll be set up properly with 10s, fretboard lemon-oiled etc...it's the big-headstock Standard version rather than the cheaper Affinity, has a decent Fender gigbag, strap and I'll dig out a quality cable to go with it should one be needed. In what I believe is Candy Apple Red, white scratchplate; AFAIK the whammy bar's missing but I might have one kicking around somewhere. One of these, in the absence of proper pics 'til later: [url]http://www.dawsons.co.uk/guitars/squier-standard-fat-strat-hss-rosewood-neck-candy-apple-red[/url] £120 or thereabouts, and if anyone's after a full-on starter kit I've got a Park G10 amp I could be persuaded to part with for twenty notes or so as well if the buyer wants to collect...I'm in Birmingham B13.
  16. Quick bump, haven't got around to eBaying it as I've hardly been at home but must go this month!
  17. Go on then man, I'll take it off your hands - how'll you want paying? Sounds a daft question, but it's definitely a legit Shure? I only ask as there's a glut of fakes around at the minute...
  18. [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1319559225' post='1415792'] Now £65 shipped [/quote] May well have that man, can you give me a minute to check bank balance?
  19. What're you running at the minute? Graphic EQ would be my first port of call for that, but once you know how to use one a multi-band compressor can work wonders.
  20. Re: compression on live vocals - it's an absolute ballache for mid-sized venues with mid-sized PAs, since as you say it's nice to have compression out front to even out the vocals a little bit, but if you apply that compression via the channel inserts (which is the 'standard' way of doing it), the compression ends up in the monitor mix as well, reducing your gain-before-feedback. The way I found around it was to use a desk with sub-groups with insert points (Studiomaster Trilogy's my personal preference, but plenty of mid-range desks have got 'em now), then sub-group the FOH vocals and compress that sub-group to suit. Hey presto, compression in the out-front sound but not in the monitor mix (which will hopefully make singers ease off the mic a bit too - I've had nightmares engineering 'screamer' type vocalists, and combined with the habit some of them have of totally abusing the mic/cable I've come close to fisticuffs with more than one).
  21. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1319123074' post='1410253'] I guess some noddy desks have phantom power on or off for the whole desk but generally it shouldn't be an issue... [/quote] More and more these days, sadly; seems that a phantom switch per channel is solely the preserve of four-figure+ professional units now Reading into it, I guess it's only an issue if your phantom regulating resistors are out, which condensers wouldn't be all that bothered by but which'd cause a d.c current through a transformer-less dynamic capsule; I was under the impression that removing the transformer would essentially unbalance the mic as the transformer centre-tap would be earthed, but apparently only the mic body is connected to earth. Ignore me, it's been a long week
  22. [quote name='mcgraham' timestamp='1319118910' post='1410154'] I had a look at that after Andy mentioned it, thinking 'someone is pulling Andy's leg'... but no! It appears to be a real mod. Some other forums indicate that removal of the transformer leaves the capsule susceptible to getting shorted by phantom power... not something I fancy dealing with. [/quote] A real mod, I would imagine, to be implemented only by eejits; you're right, phantom power will then be shorted across the capsule which would likely cause damage to the mic and /or the desk's phantom supply. Unless I'm missing something...but I'm sure I'm not (I came across a cheap Chinese fake 58 last year which had no transformer at all, wouldn't use it for that reason...)
  23. Would it be dreadfully bad form if I mentioned this via private message to some local folks on Music Radar? Might swell the numbers a bit, and be good for the charity side of things....
  24. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1318938742' post='1407904'] Are Ian and Nige not bringing a bass? Doesn't matter, just the more the merrier! [/quote] I'll bring my Precision bitsa along, should be finished by then! [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1318938751' post='1407905'] I think someonw was trying to rustle up a drummer? Is that still happening? It would be great to have a little jam if poss... [/quote] I am indeed bringing a kit, and I'm not a TERRIBLE drummer...
  25. Rack case swap with Sim went perfectly (mostly , only problem was due to couriers), absolute gent, would deal with again!
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