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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1318849728' post='1406744'] Got plenty of rigs I think but not enough basses ! [/quote] Should have my Precision bitsa complete by then, shall bring it along.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1318763181' post='1405818'] That means 'The Paul'. WTF?? [/quote] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibson_The_Paul
  3. I'll be bringing Hartke 5000 + Marshall 7015 bass rig, plus a basic drum kit (Peavey Artist Club, in case anyone cares ) and possibly a six-string rig too to facilitate jamming
  4. I've a Peavey Milestone 3 I'm selling if that'd be any good (and ideally if you're close enough to the West Mids/Worcestershire to collect), the neck'd certainly suit a young 'un as it's very much on the slim side. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/157565-peavey-bass-starter-kit-fs/page__fromsearch__1
  5. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1318522133' post='1403302'] How much you looking at for postage? [/quote] Three quid?
  6. [quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1318451239' post='1402468'] I call them picks - is that better or worse [/quote] That's fine
  7. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1318447039' post='1402376'] Yeah, that one annoys me. And people who write 'mike' when they mean 'mic'. [/quote] Oh yes, that one too. And someone really need to come up with an accepted standard for the verb describing when you place a microphone near something to pick up its sound - 'mic-ing'? Micing? The latter sounds too much like it's got something to do with rodents for my liking...
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1318446130' post='1402351'] D'you mean bottlenecks? I'll get me coat. [/quote] What about the brass/ceramic/steel ones that've never been near a bottle that I wasn't drinking out of then, eh? EH? Riddle me that...
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1318445073' post='1402319'] D'you mean the kick drum? [/quote] Ooooohhhhh, don't you start with that I DO actually have to use two separate terms for it, as 'proper' drummers get riled if you call it a kick drum in a 'discussion about drums' type context, but as I engineer as well I do indeed find myself calling it the kick drum a lot of the time. Foot drum, though, is surely wrong in any context
  10. My dad continually refers to guitar slides as 'sliders', which for some reason bugs the hell out of me...the singer in one of my bands used to term the bass drum the 'foot drum' ...and even though it's (I suppose) a legitimate contraction of 'plectrum', anyone using the word 'plek' for one p!sses me off. Am I just getting cumudeonly in my old age, or has anyone else got pet hates like these?
  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1318280733' post='1400122'] That's a good deal for just the bass on it's own! Wonderful necks [/quote] Cheers Chris, 'tis indeed a lovely-feeling neck if you like the skinnier side of things (so hence ideal for a beginner or jobbing bass six-string player) but I'm more a baseball-bat-neck person
  12. Bandmix and Forming Bands are alright, and partysounds WAS but I don't know if it's still going. Quite easy to get around having to pay to contact people on the former two, too
  13. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1318412326' post='1401691'] To get things moving - I am going to propose a date of Sunday 27th November. Does this suit most people ?[/quote] Suits me down to the ground, day after I'm reviewing/(hopefully) interviewing Wednesday 13 and Micheal Monroe in Wolverhampton too so I'll be in a throughly rock 'n' roll frame of mind (and likely quite hungover).
  14. Can you open up the mini-XLR on the existing cable and have a look? Or get a multimeter and check continuity on the pins of the XLR? A mono jack's TS, not TRS, btw!
  15. Got a pair of 13" Stagg SH Brilliant finish hi-hats I can do without, selling on to help clear some debts as I'm not drumming at the minute - an absolutely astounding pedalled 'chick' sound, and very versatile stick sound; they go from a nice jazz click fully-closed to an overpowering rock roar when hit hard open. Quite heavy for 13"s, and in very good condition - a bit of label wearing but no cracks or keyholing whatsoever. [B]£50[/B] Also a Gibraltar 5000 series boom stand, again in very good nick; not much you can say about these, except they're solid as f***: [url]http://www.gibraltarhardware.com/?fa=detail&mid=1203&sid=374&cid=70[/url] [B]£25[/B] And a Gibraltar tom mount for clamping onto cymbal stands, 10.5mm diameter L-rod (check your tom bracket for whether it'll fit or not - I know it'll fit Premier and Slingerland, as that's what I've used it with, have a look at the 4th page of this to see if yours is 10.5mm or 7/8" (bloody imperial system - [url]http://www.gibraltarhardware.com/pdf/allbrands.pdf[/url]). Again in very good nick, I don't over-tighten so the ball's got loads of life left in it. [B]£20[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030914.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030916.jpg[/IMG] I'm in Birmingham for collection, but it wouldn't cost a lot to post these - give me a shout for any more details!
  16. As per the thread title, going to have one last punt at shifting this on here before I go to evilBay - bought it so that I could run direct into my PA amp and not bother with a bass head but my setup's become slightly more complicated so this won't get used [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030910.jpg[/IMG] Right, the skinny - this is essentially a full-on bass preamp in a box, with switchable distortion and compression. They seem to have got a few bad reviews on t'web from people who really don't know how to use them, as they're not like a traditional bass amp: you treat the three 'sections' (direct sound, EQ and distortion) as being in parallel with each other, and blend them as you need to. So, going right-to-left - you set your dry bass level with the 'Dry' knob, which is unaffected by either footswitch. If you've got a bass which needs no EQ (or you're running it into a separate bass amp with EQ), that's your core sound set, sorted. You've then got an EQ section (bass and treble, plus level) to tweak, which can be kicked in and out with the 'Bypass' footswitch; if you need two differently-equalised bass sounds, or a boost behind guitar solos, that's that done. There's then the distortion (which goes from a subtle overdrive to proper filth, quite cool) on a single knob, also footswitchable. The Volume knob then controls the overall output of the unit, again unaffected by either footswitch - hey presto, three potentially vastly different sounds from a single box. The compression works, does the job, although I found it a touch noisy so didn't use it much for recording - wouldn't be noticeable live. There's a balanced XLR DI out on the side, as well as a 1/4" jack to feed an amp (there's also a parallel output on the right-hand side, which gives you access to an uneffected 'clean' bass sound). For a one-stop recording solution, it's the nuts, and would also suit live bass for anyone who wants a 'set-and-forget' two or three-tone rig. It's got a decent power adaptor (which it needs, won't run off batteries) although it's not the official EHX one as I didn't get one with it. Looking at fifty quid for this, collection from Birmingham B13 preferable but it wouldn't cost more than a few quid to post.
  17. Recently acquired to tide me over while I'm bass-less but it looks like I'll be in a position to sort out my Precision (I'm a poet and wasn't even aware of the fact) this week so going to move this on. Comprises a Peavey Milestone 3 bass in excellent condition (I'd say 'as new' if not for a couple of scuffs below the bridge, probably from ball ends during a cack-handed re-string), strap, cable, a few tuition bits ('Bass Basics' book, with CD, 'Teach Yourself Electric Bass' book and 'Learn To Play Bass - 10 Easy Lessons', with CD) and a Peavey Microbass practise amp (which has a surprising amount of bollocks for such a diddy thing!). Pics: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030911.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030913.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v669/smokingbeagle/Selling/P1030912.jpg[/IMG] Looking for £100 for the lot; with the bulk of it all it'd need to be two separate packages so I'd rather not post but I'll look into it if anyone's too far away to collect - I'm in Birmingham B13.
  18. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1318259599' post='1399785'] Great stuff! ... except he's right - isn't he? [/quote] What about when he's not playing ANY of them, which IME is when 90% of accidental damage to guitars happens?
  19. Friend of mine plays trumpet with this outfit, was very impressed when I saw 'em: http://freelancemourners.co.uk/ Also saw The Urban Voodoo Machine last month who make very good use of brass
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