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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. [quote name='Johnston' post='1348276' date='Aug 22 2011, 07:18 PM']I'm going to say no. Partly because of the Pup location and partly because there is no Chrome control plate.[/quote] Knew there was something that looked wrong, that's what it is. Covers on Precisions CAN look cool (and I know I've posted this before, but it's beautiful)...
  2. Bloody hell; £300 tops, even if I came into a bit of money (unless it was Lottery-win type money, and it was as an investment/conversation piece). I've never felt a significant enough improvement in terms of playability/feel between a well-set-up cheaper bass and a £1000+ beast to make it worthwhile, IMO most of a bass's tone is in the strings, the pickup(s), and predominently the amp, and at the end of the day most punters at a gig aren't going to have the slightest clue anyway. Spend the money on booze, drugs and women instead. I have, that's why I play cheap basses
  3. Mine's got the little Mighty Mite cartoon dude and 'licensed by Fender' on the heel.
  4. I'll get better photos and full spec up tomorrow, but boiler replacement is going to murder me finance-wise so I'm getting this up here before I change my mind! Stamped 'Made In Japan' on the neckplate, has had a fairly poor 'Gibson' logo applied at some stage hence the tape (oh, edit: realised you can't see the tape in the picture, but the logo's covered with 'leccy tape at the minute, shall uncover for photos), but main awesome thing is the signature - signed by Stone Roses/Primal Scream legend Mani when he saw my old band at a pub (possibly the Blue Cat, or something like that), reads 'I *heart* rock 'n' roll, keep it alive! Love Mani'. Sounds as a Grabber should, thick as hell with a decent bit of cut to it - money-wise it owes me a couple of hundred quid so I'd like to get close to that.
  5. Right, just bought a 9V wall wart for the Bass Metaphors and it's all working fine, back up for sale as I need to shift on pretty much everything I'm not using at the moment! £55 delivered with power supply...
  6. Interested in a trade for these?
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1345550' date='Aug 19 2011, 03:23 PM']Do NOT allow the drummer to set up first. Do the backdrop (if any), the lights (if any), and above all the PA first.[/quote] That said, you DO need to know how much space the drums take up so that you don't end up having to shift things a foot this way and six inches that way in order to fit the drums in after the PA/lights. Many drummers will have themselves a rug/carpet/whatever which'll mark out 'their space' (and the really organised/anal ones, like me, will have where their stands go marked out on said carpet to allow them to set up quicker). If your drummer doesn't have one, it's well worth suggesting. EDIT: Oh yeah, three hours is ridiculous. Last band I was in I'd get my carpet and stool down (drums), rig the monitors while the singer was doing the FOH and the guitarists were setting up, then I'd set up while one of the guitarists was doing the lights and the singer, rhythm guitarist & bass player were mic checking. Half an hour including load-in if pushed, an hour absolute tops if we were having a natter and a drink.
  8. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1341988' date='Aug 16 2011, 03:10 PM']Holy Trinity. Nice.[/quote]
  9. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='1341530' date='Aug 16 2011, 09:36 AM']As God intended.[/quote] I thought God was more a three-piece kind of guy?
  10. I've never been in a position to pay more than a few hundred quid for a bass (and would always buy used, as without blowing my own trumpet I've got the skill to repair/tweak almost anything which might be untoward on an electric bass), so I've gone for £100-399. That's not to say I haven't played and appreciated basses worth much more, but they've never been so significantly better than my £100-300 fixer-uppers that I'd EVER spend more, even if I had the money. I guess the other thing is that I gig my basses (EDIT: in some pretty shithole venues, often ), and I'd actually be happier with a cheaper one that I wasn't having to be utterly anal about looking after pre/post gig over an expensive one that I'd be paranoid about someone dropping something on/knocking over/whatever. Sure, if I won the lottery I'd love to have an ex-Bill Wyman/Sid Vicious/Phil Lynott/whatever bass around the house as a little treat and as an investment/conversation piece, but that's hardly likely.
  11. ...right, clearout to pay for a broken boiler ... Peavey DeltaFex Twin dual stereo effects unit - two independent digital stereo processors in a single case. Ideal one-box solution for providing two different effects to a live mix via two aux sends, can do all the usual suspects (bunch of different reverb and delay types, reverb+delay combos, chorus, tremolo, rotary speaker etc etc etc) with control over two parameters of each (say, rate and depth of chorus, time and length of delay) all on actual control knobs so no piddling about with menus and scroll wheels. Oh, it's missing one knob as you can see, but no effect on functionality (personally as I'm running it via aux sends I just leave the wet/dry knobs set totally wet anyway). Seventy quid delivered? Behringer Composer MDX 2000 dual compressor/gate - SOLD! SPECIAL OFFER: buy both and I'll throw in the 1m-long 12-way loom crafted by my own fair hands using Sommer cable & Neutrik connectors. Wired with two pairs of mono jack -> stereo jack inserts (to patch the compressor into a desk via insert points), four mono jack -> mono jack (to run the DeltaFex via two separate aux sends/returns) , and then an additional four balanced jack -> balanced jack runs which I used as monitor/FOH sends from balanced desk outputs. Of course if you can collect stuff it'd be cheaper; PM me if you want any more details or anything!
  12. Just got back from the Bulldog Bash, wherein I saw Simon McBride & band (3-piece blues power trio) and Urban Voodoo Machine (up to 12 players onstage at a time, playing Tom Waits/Nick Cave-style stuff) as well as many equally excellent bands of all sizes in between. I'd like to try a power trio myself, but as long as it's well-done I'm not overly bothered whichever way.
  13. [quote name='bassamp' post='1326939' date='Aug 4 2011, 01:44 PM']White P Precision Bass Scratchplate from Squier No cracks at all.. £10+postage From St Albans[/quote] By 'vintage look' do you mean it's 'aged'-looking?
  14. Aged white and cover(s) so far, any more for any more? not sure I can play with a bridge cover though, tried it on a Jazz a while ago and had to take it off in the end...
  15. Oooohhhhh, what could it be.... Oooooohhhhhhh..... And half an hour later... Question is, what to do now? Action and intonation are set, truss rod tweaked, all plays nicely and sounds fine acoustically...but what colour pickguard? Nice (aged?) white, and a bit of body relicing; I'm thinking a pickup cover might go on there too, which would be nice... A little bit MCFC, mind. Had a tort guard on it with Beedster, which apparently looked rather nice (although I don't know how much red you'd want in the tort), black is of course an option (although it MIGHT stray a little too close to the Steve Harris signature)... (to my eyes that's not great...) Opinions, guys!
  16. Lovely P-project just arrived, cheers Chris!
  17. I'm assuming that GarageBand came installed on the Mac? That should be fine to get you started, and as soon as you find it limiting it's a very small jump learning-wise to Logic Express (and IIRC your GarageBand files can be instantly converted). I ummed and ahhed for ages about whether to get Logic Express or go the whole hog and spring for Logic Pro, but to be honest having gone for the cheaper option I don't feel limited by it at all. As far as interfaces go, budget is the main spec for this; there's plenty out there, and the USB/FireWire choice isn't as relevant as it used to be (personally I'd still go FW for a Mac, but that's just me) - I like Presonus myself (had a FireStudio Project which was superb) but the Tascam and Focusrite stuff already mentioned are very good too. If you're wanting to use it both at home and in rehearsals, might be worth trying to track down a Mackie Onyx Satellite secondhand; very versatile bit of kit which I can't understand the reason for them discontinuing. [url="http://www.mackie.com/products/satellite/"]http://www.mackie.com/products/satellite/[/url]
  18. [quote name='Bottle' post='1333490' date='Aug 9 2011, 12:53 PM']I've not used an EQ pedal before, I would suggest you use the guitar EQ to cut all the low frequencies out of your signal, in effect a high-pass filter. The bass EQ pedal may not be voiced in the same way and the EQ points may very well be completely different. HTH, Ian PS I remember starting a thread about this topic in the 'Amps and Cabs' forum a couple of months back: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=141237"]Here[/url][/quote] Thanks for that Ian, food for thought! Actually, a guitar EQ might indeed be better (and I could use it as a solo boost when I'm playing six-string as well)...as long as the lowest frequency band control will 'shelve' off everything below it...
  19. Right, I reckon I'm going to have a stab at putting together a bass rig from all of the bits of PA/bass/guitar gear I've got kicking around, based around this: [url="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150340958255350&set=a.162117845349.156112.614755349&type=1&theater"]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=101...e=1&theater[/url] I've currently got an EHX Bass Metaphors preamp, as well as a TU2 and an SD1 overdrive pedal from my guitar rig. Really want to spend as little as humanly possible (naturally ), so at the minute I'm thinking I'll go bass -> TU2 -> EHX, then take the parallel output from the EHX into the SD1 via some sort of filtering to feed one side of the amp and the guitar 4x10", and use the EHX to EQ/compress a full-range signal into the 1x15". The idea is that I'd be able to switch in and out a bit of drive in the midrange/top whilst retaining a clean full-range signal (or even use the Metaphors EQ to trim a bit of the high-end out of there, should it prove a bit 'toppy' (although the Marshall doesn't have a tweeter, so should be alright))), and possibly even provide a rhythm guitar frequency range boost for solos should I find myself in a single-guitar band (likely). The question is, what to use for the filtering into the SD1? I'm fairly electronics-savvy, so could easily build some form of high-pass filter into a little box (probably the cheapest solution, although it'd be a bit of a faff to experiment with frequencies), or could use a crossover (possibly expensive in a floor-mount format, and probably more complicated than I need) or simply to shove an EQ pedal in front of the drive pedal (simple yet flexible, but would you use a bass or a guitar EQ?)) Hopefully a few of you guys have played around with bi-amped rigs before and can give me a few pointers...
  20. [quote name='Hobbayne' post='1332431' date='Aug 8 2011, 05:31 PM']It looks like most ebayers are aware that its not pukka - only £141 with an hour to go? [/quote] Still more than it appears to actually be worth.
  21. [quote name='Wilco' post='1329689' date='Aug 6 2011, 10:47 AM']Y'know for some reason I hadn't thought about that. I have changed the valve but other than that, my technical skills are limited to plugging it in & switching it on, so I have less than half a clue! I will endeavour to find someone locally who can do that - thanks for the suggestion![/quote] Apparently these guys are Swindon/Wiltshire way, never used 'em myself but a mate of mine's recommended them: [url="http://www.svlguitars.com/"]http://www.svlguitars.com/[/url]
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