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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. Another Midlander, good man Might have to think seriously about this West Mids bass bash once I know where I'm gonna be living after August... Oh, and while we're on the subject of Wolverhampton...
  2. I really shouldn't, but might as well ask; d'you fancy thrashing out a trade deal with that Studiomaster?
  3. I really shouldn't, but I'm kinda interested - could you measure the bugger up for me please? If it'll fit in the flightcase I use for gigging my guitar cab, I'll have it...
  4. The only ill-effect I've ever had from leaving a cab in a car was leaving it in the sun for hours and hours last summer - when i took it out to move it into the venue I scraped it on the car door, and rather than causing a tiny scruff it took a big chunk out of the Tolex because the glue had kinda melted. That's less answering the question 'can I leave a cab in a car?' and more answering the question 'do I unload gear like a moron?', though.
  5. [quote name='ras52' post='1271495' date='Jun 16 2011, 02:07 PM'][quote name='JamieCooper91' date='Jun 15 2011, 08:40 PM'] Melissa Auf Der Maur! What a girl.[/quote] I've neither seen her nor heard her, but her name is hot! [/quote] Only since she dropped the 'de' from the end of it. She is actually pretty cute too, as well as being a great player; I'm a total sucker for redheads, mind.
  6. That's really nice would you be able to stick it in a box for shipping, perchance? Might know someone who'd be interested...
  7. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1270818' date='Jun 15 2011, 11:11 PM']I can trundle south for a good trade! Have you a cunning plan?[/quote] I was thinking of formulating a cunning plan, until my crash cymbal cracked at rehearsal last night no bass toys for me this month, again...
  8. That's brilliant, thanks guys - 'acoustic wadding', that'll be what I need! Have to see if I can get that from a physical shop anywhere (gonna try to sort 'em out over the weekend) - cheers!
  9. Now, I've got a degree in this kind of thing so I should know, but I'm fairly sure my audio course never covered the two practically-related questions I've got! Fitting out an empty pair of wedge monitor cabs, and I need to know - 1/ what kind of material's good to use as the absorbant inside a cab (fully aware of the need for it to be there to prevent resonances and so on, just not sure what to use!), and 2/ is there a 'standard' size of bolt to fix LF driver into chassis? The recieving nuts are already there, and they LOOK like they're M5, but I don't want to bugger the nuts up... I've Googled away on this and found nothing, just wondering if the combined pool of BC knowledge can help me!
  10. Sean Ysuelt (ex-White Zombie) takes me back to my formative years, great bass playing and I had a major teenage crush on her too weird when you find out your teenage crushes are now in their mid-late 40s, though
  11. [quote name='LITTLEWING' post='1269224' date='Jun 14 2011, 09:10 PM'][attachment=82686:XL215_web.jpg] HARTKE 2 x 15" 4 ohms 400 watts rms cab. Good condition. No issues with the speakers, clear and bassy. Has to go, I got too much gear. £120 ono. Pic isn't the one but just as tidy.[/quote] Collection-only, I guess? Shame you're about 200 miles away from me...
  12. I am pleased to report the full functionality of the 206 Oh, got the original manual as well, but you sound like you know what you're doing anyway Oh, edit - just noticed your Torque head up for trades, I might have a use for that - shame there's no XLR DI, but I'm sure I've got a DI box somewhere...don't suppose you get much south of Manc at all do you?
  13. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1267977' date='Jun 13 2011, 10:04 PM']Ta for the reply, I hoped they were switchable in 2sSo that`s cool. Pretty useful. Anything need fixing, ie scratchypots or faders? Ta, MM[/quote] All was well last time I used it, I'll rig it up tomorrow night and check the lot. I fully refurbished it when I bought it a couple of years ago (nothing needed fixing, just a bit of an internal dust-down and vacuuming) so I'm assuming it'll all still be fine, but best to be sure; I'll let you know for sure tomorrow.
  14. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1266586' date='Jun 12 2011, 08:33 PM']Hi. am interested in the 206 What are the pre/post switching options on the auxes,is it possible to route 4 of them pre fade? ta.[/quote] Oh, sorry, missed this - aux 5 and 6 are fixed pre-fade (although if I remember right you can change this with an internal jumper should you feel up to taking the desk apart), sends 1-4 are switchable pre/post in pairs on each channel. So the short answer's yes If you're planning on running four monitor mixes plus two effects sends, that's exactly how I've been using it; a couple of the aux returns can also be routed to aux sends 5 and 6 (and have basic EQ) as well, so I've tended to use aux 5 for the centre vocal, where they might want some vocal reverb in the wedge, and 6 for the drum monitor, where they might want a clue of any effects you're applying to the snare then aux 3 and 4 for the other two monitor mixes. 'course, if you can spare one of the Multi channels (actually, now I think about it, the M stands for 'Mon:Ster' as in mono:stereo, not Multi, but hey ho) to return your effects you can route 'em wherever you like. EDIT: meant fixed pre-fade on 5&6, I am a moron
  15. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='1267287' date='Jun 13 2011, 01:54 PM']How much for the Stagg cymbal inc postage? Cheers[/quote] Fifteen quid? Pilskin, I'll do some clips when I get chance - just realised my hi-hat stand's at the rehearsal room, I'll swing in and get it tomorrow.
  16. What Doddy said, that pop/punk sound relies on a lot of low mid for the balls and a bit of treble for the 'clank', and a Precision with a pick should get you straight into the right ballpark. If you must go the effects route, I reckon your first stop should be a graphic EQ; it might be that the EQ on the Behringer isn't up to it (haven't used that particular amp, but I'm not a fan of Behringer generally to be honest) - a Boss GEB7 or something similar might be worth a look (or I'm selling an Electroharmonix Bass Metaphors which has a pretty flexible EQ plus a bit of distortion )
  17. Wee bump as I can't be arsed with eBay, they've locked my bloody PayPal account by the look of things
  18. [quote name='BassBod' post='1266253' date='Jun 12 2011, 04:18 PM']Best gig bags I can afford (Levys, favourite) for all stuff where I'm traveling by car or public transport...Hiscox for all vans and flying.[/quote] Plus the one.
  19. Bump for a couple of other things I've decided I can do without: One 'Ultimate' guitar stand, home use only so in very good nick, one of these: [url="http://www.ultimatesupport.com/product/GS-200"]http://www.ultimatesupport.com/product/GS-200[/url] - sold pending the usual And I'm not happy about doing this, but needs must; my Studiomaster Trilogy 206 desk. All the features you need for doing anything short of full-on halls - 14 mic channels plus two 'Multi' channels which'll take either mic, stereo line or both, four stereo aux inputs for effects returns, laptops/MP3 players etc (two of which can be routed to monitor sends), six aux sends, inserts and direct outs on all mic channels, four-band semi-parametric mid eq on mic channels, four assignable sub-groups with individual outputs...basically a total workhorse of a desk! External power supply too (which is of course included), helps keep electronic noise down. Overview here: [url="http://www.studiomaster.com/1995%20-%201998.htm"]http://www.studiomaster.com/1995%20-%201998.htm[/url] Was all working perfectly when I last took it out on a gig six months ago, the fact I haven't used it since is what's prompted offering it up - shall check functionality fully early this week! Only issue to my knowledge at the minute are two missing knob caps; one of them is 'around somewhere' as it's gone AWOL since I last used it, the other I'm sure I can find a substitute for. Say £120? I'll get pics later when I'm not chasing a toddler around a room that looks like a bombsite, just thought I'd get them up here before I change my mind about the desk
  20. I know from Googling that Stagg and Warwick do 'em (I used to have a 6-guitar one which I think was Warwick, good bit of kit), but I'm currently looking for the same kind of thing in a smaller format (probably made for 3 guitars) and can't find anything online! I'm sure I've seen 'em, and one would be perfect for sliding down the back of my guitar cab in its flightcase as there's about a 5" gap in there doing nothing, hence I'd have one less thing to load in/out at gigs - but I can't find one anywhere! Am I dreaming, or do small-format versions of these exist?
  21. For gig-worthy sub-£300 combos I'd be looking Trace Elliot or Ashdown ABM all the way, personally - but then I never got into the whole 'lightweight' thing, so I don't know what I'm missing Although, actually - I've seen Edens go for that kind of money, and the ones I've played have been great...
  22. There was talk of one in the north West Midlands/South Staffs kind of area, seems to have gone cold; might start poking my nose for venues in a couple of weeks if anyone fancies one though.
  23. Is that a shallow job? (kinda looks it, but can't be sure...)
  24. Another clearout towards the basic cost of living Few drum things: - an interesting pair of 12" hi-hats, the top one at least of which is a Zildjian Avedis. The guy I bought these from reckoned they were from the 1950s, the Zildjian logo matches this and there are pictures of similarly-drilled Zildjian bottom hats around, so it's quite probable that they are an original pair. Whether they are or not, they match perfectly, sound great and have no cracks, keyholing or other damage. I'll do some soundclips if anyone's interested; say fifty quid for these? A Stagg 16" thin crash cymbal; I'm not going to use any spiel on this, it's not great, but it's servicable, not cracked or keyholed and a step up from the brass starter stuff many drum kits come packaged with. Had it in the bag as a spare but never needed it; a tenner plus the postage or collect? Aaaannnnd a Gibraltar stool from the late 80s/early 90s; good thick padding, rock-solid base, a tiny tear in the top which I've glued down. SOLD And finally I find myself in the absurd position of owning half-a-dozen microphone stands and only two mics after my last clearout, so the two I've hardly used can happily go - one's a nice K&M boom, one of these: [url="http://www.dv247.com/microphones/kandm-st210-7-microphone-boom-stand--17647"]http://www.dv247.com/microphones/kandm-st2...om-stand--17647[/url] and the other a cheap and cheerful (and surprisingly useful, as it has clip threads on both the straight and boom parts of the stand; I've used the one stand to mic both hi-hats and snare simultaneously in the past, handy) Thomann job, like this: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/millenium_ms2005_mic_stand.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/millenium_ms2005_mic_stand.htm[/url] £25 for both of 'em? I'm Birmingham/Warwickshire/Worcestershire/Staffordshire-based, between home, daughter, work and family, so if anyone wants to meet up to save posting anything there's options! Cheers y'all...
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