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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. The drummers' forum I frequent is at www.mikedolbear.com, where there's also a Classifieds section including personnel; I can post a link to this thread in the percussionists' section there to save you signing up if you like?
  2. It depends on the type of effect and how you want it to affect the sound whether you run into the front end or put it in the loop; as a general rule gain-based effects like distortion and wah work best going into the front, EQ depends on what you want to do with it and time-based stuff (chorus, delay, flange etc) tend to work best in the loop (or at least after your drive effects). Compression's a weird one, as if you're looking to smooth out the dynamics of your playing before it hits your amp and get an overall 'smoother' sound you need to run it into the front end of the amp, whereas if you're using it as speaker protection it could do with being in the loop. Then there's the issue of what order to use the effects in which is a whole other can of worms you're highly unlikely to damage anything whatever you do though, so experiment away!
  3. [quote name='Anthony Joseph Wiaczek III' post='1223106' date='May 7 2011, 12:44 PM']Must admit I'm still umming haha I cant be certain on the sizes but they should be 12" 14" 16" 14"sn and 22" Bass. I dont think you would be able to take a lug off the toms due to size difference dude. Hope this helps [/quote] Thanks Anthony, shall have a serious think if the microphones and keyboard I'm flogging sell! Two last things, I'm thinking (hoping!) that the 16" floor means it's on legs rather than stand-mounted, and whereabouts in Lancashire are you? Cheers dude...
  4. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1222642' date='May 6 2011, 09:41 PM']Its pretty "flat" (as in pretty transparent, think even sounding) so in comparision it can sound a little 'scooped' and has a very tight bottom end/low register. I really like basswood as a wood for basses, for the same reasons it is common on 7 string guitars and 'shred' guitars.[/quote] ^This; it was companies like Ibanez who turned basswood from the cheap wood you used on Far Eastern stuff which didn't merit ash or alder into a quality wood of itself. I wouldn't class it as a 'tonewood' as such, for exactly the reason mentioned above; it's quite neutral-sounding and lets the pickups and hardware dictate the 'tone', such as it is. And it's generally pretty lightweight too.
  5. [quote name='dc2009' post='1222370' date='May 6 2011, 04:57 PM']Man, I haven't a clue about how we'd be doing it, all I know is that Midi controllers in general can be used to do stuff like that. What would this virtual instrument thing need/how would it be done?[/quote] Well, the point of MIDI controller 'boards is that they don't have in-built sounds of their own, they're made to control other sound generators (hardware or software synths, or sequencers) via MIDI or more recently USB (this one'll do either). The easiest way to do what you're talking about would be to sort out a free soft synth on a laptop or netbook and either get someone to approximate by ear the sound you recorded with or (even better) find out what the sound was and see if there's a soft synth patch on the net for it (there'll almost certainly be something close). Then you just connect keyboard to laptop/netbook, connect that to the PA and Bob's your mother's brother! If you're properly clueless re. soft synths and suchlike a knowledgable mate will be worth their weight in cheap lager, but once it's set up it should be a piece of cake to run.
  6. [quote name='dc2009' post='1222303' date='May 6 2011, 04:09 PM']Hmm, there's a chance my band need a Midi keyboard (I'd be the muggins dropping my bass to use it for a song). Basically, if you have a listen to Luck (follow link to the band myspace in my signature), we have a keyboard line that was done on a superexpensive korg that happened to be in the studio on the day. What do you reckon the feasibility is of us getting a patch from somewhere that sounds like it (I have a friend who owns a studio so perhaps not impossible) and using this to play it? Thanks Dan[/quote] That should be easy enough to knock up on a virtual instrument, aye! The extra control on the Edirol might be reet useful for doing something like that too if you (or tech-savvy friend ) have the chance to configure everything. I take it you'd be planning on running the keyboard straight into a laptop and laptop D.I'd into the PA?
  7. Right, potentially daft question - if one is engineering a four ohm two-way speaker enclosure, the main driver needs to be four ohms regardless of the tweeter/crossover employed, right? Just bought a couple of cheap empty monitor cabs and trying to make my own four-ohm monitors as they're like rocking horse sh!t without spending loads, just narrowing my options as to what drivers (12") I can use for them. Cheers in advance if anyone can refresh my memory!
  8. Don't know if I'd be up your way to collect, not sure if I can afford it and you're umming about selling it, but what the hell - what shell sizes are the Yams, and would you be able to take one of the tom lugs off and use it on the bass?
  9. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1220632' date='May 5 2011, 09:15 AM']simplistic... inevitably limited-sounding.... which doesn't even have the distinction or interest value of being old....[/quote] Hang on, I think I [i]am[/i] this bass...
  10. [quote name='guzzibass' post='1220577' date='May 5 2011, 08:01 AM']Anyone seen this - looks pretty cool...!!!! [url="http://ht.ly/4NmJX"]http://ht.ly/4NmJX[/url][/quote] Like the look of that, not sure one'd be worth nearly a grand and a half though....
  11. As the title says; yet another unexpected bill means moving on even more of my 'studio' rig A matched pair of SE Electronics SE1A small-diaphragm condenser mics - [b]SOLD[/b] And an Edirol PCR-80 MIDI controller keyboard - picked this up off of eBay last week, all works fine, 61-key master keyboard with can be USB powered or via a 9V AC adaptor (not supplied). The only issues are one fader tip broken off and one fader knob missing but both still work. [url="http://www.roland.com/products/en/PCR-80/"]http://www.roland.com/products/en/PCR-80/[/url] Sustain and volume pedal jacks, MIDI in and out on DIN plugs or use USB (or both, apparently; haven't downloaded the drivers to get the full features but it'll apparently do stuff I'd never even think of needing ). The surface controls can be assigned to pretty much any parameter you like (even without fiddling with anything I had 'em controlling synth pan and volume in Logic, so someone with the time and inclination to set it up could probably fully control a synth or sequencer from this) Paid fifty quid for it which was a steal, so I'd like to get that back - based in Birmingham / Warwickshire / Worcestershire / Staffs (between home, work, child and parents!) for meeting up or whathaveyou.
  12. Go on then, I'll play Probably playing some sort of slo blooz, or something... Slightly more 'rawk'! Used to wear hats live quite a lot actually, can't find many pictures though for some reason...
  13. Squier Mustang or Daisy Rock if she/you can cope with the out-and-out girliness of 'em.
  14. Got an EHX Bass Metaphors for sale if that floats our boat... [url="http://www.ehx.com/products/bass-metaphors"]http://www.ehx.com/products/bass-metaphors[/url] Fifty squid?
  15. What he said ^ next step up is really something like a Mackie Control or Yamaha 01X (which is what I'm using); bloody superb bits of kit, but at least three times the price even if you drop on a bargain.
  16. The Stagg ones are cheap, cheerful and do the job as long as you're not throwing them about the place.
  17. You're not the only person, there's surely at least 1, 5, 1, 5, 1, 5 other country bass players out there...
  18. [quote name='silentbob' post='1208366' date='Apr 22 2011, 03:03 PM']What about some Toploader stuff. I've always thought Achilles Heel was an epic song.[/quote] That's a good call; also Train (most people will probably remember 'Drops of Jupiter') would work well. Oh, on an 'American radio rock' tip, might also be worth looking at some Counting Crows and later-era Matchbox 20 too - most of the 'More Than You Think You Are' album had some pretty cool piano parts.
  19. Plenty of 70s Stones stuff fits the bill, and if he needs a bit of a break partway through the set...
  20. [quote name='Monckyman' post='1204962' date='Apr 19 2011, 05:14 PM']They aint wedge monitor shaped, but with a bit of wood and a plan you could easily make tilted cradles for them. Make nice side or infills.[/quote] Ah right, cancel that then; been after a pair of wedge monitor type speakers for a bit!
  21. Colour me very interested, whereabouts are you and how much do you think it'd cost to post 'em? EDIT: hang on a minute, is the shape of the cab like this: or like this ?
  22. Started on guitar because my folks wouldn't let me have drums, doubled on drums when I moved in with my grandparents who had a garage, switched back to guitar when I moved to Uni accomodation, switched to bass because everyone else was better at guitar and drums than me, got fairly good at bass, spent the next six or seven years doing it... Now mainly doing drums and guitar actually I think I have longer-term attention-deficet-disor...oh look, a bee...
  23. I'm amazed this has got to five pages and no-one's mentioned simply removing the neck from the body and taking it on in hand baggage; a little bit more faff, yes (and obviously if it's set neck or neck-through a non-starter) but for bolt-on basses I'd suggest it's the single safest way of doing it. That said, I've taken a few acoustics on flights in Hiscox cases and never had a problem, and having been to their outfit (in Cannock, Staffs if anyone's close, they're top guys and they've refitted a couple of cases for me in the past for next to no money) they really are professionals, I can't say enough good things about them. Oh, and the lock thing - certainly for US flights (and possibly for others, I'm not sure) they have the legal right to break into any hold luggage without notifying the owner, so for F*CK'S sake don't lock the case! They won't be subtle about getting into it if for whatever paranoid reason they feel that they have to...
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