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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. [quote name='TerryV' post='1044272' date='Dec 1 2010, 08:21 PM']Hi - unfortunatly no - I've just bought some new Ashdown cabs and need to pay for those![/quote] No worries - I'll put a tentative feeler out to see if anyone wants the Hartke as a straight sale! Wherebaouts in the West Mids are you?
  2. [quote name='TerryV' post='1032326' date='Nov 22 2010, 10:22 AM'][attachment=64604:Ashdown_and_Peavey.jpg]Ashdown ABM 2x15 cab.........£220 ono Fantastic sounding cab, with the two 15" speakers with all the tone and clarity you would want! The cab also has fixed casters on the back and side handles and a push/pull bar at the back for easy transportation. It's in brilliant condition, very well looked after. [u]Ashdown Cab[/u]: Impedance 4ohm Power 600 watt Located in West Midlands Area and can deliver locally or arrange courier.[/quote] Hmmm, I also very much want - don't suppose you'd be interested in a part-ex (cash your way) for a Hartke XL115 would you?
  3. Found a few more odds and sods around the place which I can do without, so here they come: A set of drum O-rings (damping rings) for making drums 'dryer' with less overtones for close-micing, particularly when recording. Invaluable wee things for getting a kit to sound more 'studio' in no time at all, but I don't play any of these sizes any more - 12", 13", 14" (with a small burn mark, doesn't affect functionality in any way) and 16" Remos, with a bonus 15" Evans one (I've never played a 15" drum, so no idea where this came from!). [b]Tenner delivered[/b]? Some books - 'Essential Rock Guitar 2K' - Various tabs (Days of the New, Melissa Etgeridge, Kid Rock, Santana, Smash Mouth, Sugar Ray) [b]£4 delivered[/b] Bush - 'Just The Riffs' (most of the songs from the first two albums) [b]£3 delivered[/b] A book I've mistakenly blanked out, full guitar tabs of 'Alright' & 'Pumping On Your Stereo' (Supergrass), 'Basket Case' (Green Day), 'Bohemian Rhapsody' (Queen), 'I Think I'm Paranoid' (Garbage), 'Marblehead Johnson' (The Bluetones), 'Place Your Hands' (Reef), 'Save Tonight' (Eagle-Eye Cherry), 'Secret Smile' (SemiSonic) and 'Stairway To Heaven' (Led Zep) - eclectic, no? [b]£5 delivered[/b] 'Soundcheck - The Basics of Sound and Sound Systems' - brilliant 'getting to grips with it' book for anyone needing to get into the world of live sound [b]SOLD[/b] REM - 'Man On The Moon' (full band tab) [b]£3 delivered[/b] Not pictured - Bush 'Razorblade Suitcase' tab book [b]£4 delivered[/b] 'Current Alternative' bass tab book ('Are You Gonna Go My Way' & Rock and Roll Is Dead' (Lenny Kravitz), 'Backwater' (Meat Puppets), 'Black Hole Sun', 'My Wave' & 'Spoonman' (Soundgarden), 'Comedown', 'Everything Zen' & 'Glycerine' (Bush), 'Live Forever' (Oasis), 'Pure Massacre' (Silverchair), 'Satellite' & 'what Would You Say' (Dave Matthews Band), 'Seether' (Veruca Salt) and 'Violet' (Hole)). [b]£4 delivered[/b] Philips Iqon desktop computer tower SOLD More music-related, a Levys Leathers extra-long wide strap - SOLD There's a stack of magazines I don't need any more as well, I'll get to cataloguing those in a little bit...
  4. Can I add that people will always get rid of 'the best playing/sounding bass they've ever had' when they're 'thinning out the collection'; that's always baffled me
  5. [quote name='dood' post='1027214' date='Nov 17 2010, 07:22 PM']I guess you could try those in Chris' earlier post or indeed TRR's - but if you can get to a guitar shop, see if you can try out one or two different types. Hmmmm.. do line 6 have a chorus/flanger pedal in one box? Or is my memory failing me?[/quote] Cheers man, hadn't clocked that you'd replied, sorry! Did exactly what you suggested and ended up with a Boss CEB-3 which does the job nicely...
  6. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1033375' date='Nov 22 2010, 11:23 PM']Very old Peaveys - don`t know the model numbers, but the same ones I used to use in the 80s. But then, Peavey gear is indestructable..........................................[/quote] Quoted for truth, I've been in a few rehearsal studios with 20+ year-old Peavey bass gear that still does the job.
  7. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1030781' date='Nov 20 2010, 07:52 PM']Under Pressure, Queen and David Bowie.[/quote] Didn't they nick that bassline off Vanilla Ice though? Of the more recent ones, I reckon a lot of people would recognise The Coral's 'Dreaming of You' bassline, even if they weren't sure what it was from.
  8. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1030026' date='Nov 20 2010, 12:10 AM']Off the original subject now but one of the main things is for the cab not to be rocking (no pun intended!) or loose on its footing in any way (bit like putting your hi-fi speakers on spikes etc) as those low frequencies will be ruined.[/quote] Aye, I'll agree with that; as long as you're using good chunky castors with locks you should be fine but beware of flimsy ones! I'd be looking at 4" castors at a bare minimum.
  9. I'm a drummer as well as bass player so I find that my left foot's often going without me thinking about it. No idea whether it helps, but it goes...
  10. T-nuts are the king for this kind of job (hadn't realised that was what they were called, but I've used 'em to fit castors to a couple of cabs with no problems!). [quote name='4 Strings' post='1029297' date='Nov 19 2010, 01:30 PM']Another thought is that, for some, its important to have a good contact between the cabinet and the floor/ground/stage and this will be compromised with castors. In which case put them on the side or back. Doesn't look great, but if you agree with the cabinet/contact thing they look foolish on the bottom. (Could always turn the cabinet on its side to play)[/quote] Actually I've found the opposite to be true, in that sometimes decoupling the cab from the stage (particularly in smaller venues with hollow or semi-hollow stage bases) can be really beneficial in keeping bass rumble out of microphones and suchlike. Varies totally from venue to venue, but if my physics is right (and there's no guarantee ) with, say, 10cm high castors you only start getting any significant acoustic interference into the realm of kilohertz (way out of fundamental bass range); any benefit you might get from coupling the cab to the stage will depend entirely on the stage being totally rigid which may not always be the case! Just a thought...
  11. Cheers all, the EBS is now also on the list to check out - although I've found that I should be able to run the Bass Metaphors at the same time as my other bits using an isolated power supply which might be a [i]slightly[/i] cheaper option than selling on the EHX and getting an EBS or MXR...again, food for thought though, cheers! [quote name='silddx' post='1025774' date='Nov 16 2010, 12:46 PM']And dude, if you have nothing Chinese, your home must look a bit bleak, either that or you've spent your cash on very expensive alternatives hence your lack of available funds for a programmable SSPBDDI [/quote] It's both apart from my laptop (which apparently are ineviatably Chinese ) and I think a Boss pedal or two I don't think I own anything made in the PRC/Taiwan...it's a tiny, tiny moral victory for human rights but, y'know, an EU-made microwave or whatever only usually costs 10-20% more than a Chinese one...
  12. Thanks for those, some food for thought - the MXR does look good, a bit more than I'd want to spend new but I've saved an eBay search! The Digitech looks interesting but no XLR DI out (and may be a bit overkill for my needs )
  13. [quote name='dood' post='1024170' date='Nov 15 2010, 12:16 AM']Ahhh indeed! Although I can cheat a bit as I have a Jazz Bass Special too. Drop the Bass down to Eb with twangy roundwound strings - Rotosound Swing Bass being the string of choice in this case. As for the effect, yup Chris' reply is correct. I also read in an interview Duff saying that he used a flanger, but in a rather tongue in cheek reply, he'd said that the settings were secret. I think that if you have a chorus or flanger that has a 'delay' control on it too (which delays the effect part of the signal for anything up to about 100ms on some units) then this will start to add the necessary character as you increase the delay - but don't go too far, or you'll sound like you're playing in a tiled toilet!![/quote] That's some good info, cheers dude (I'm doing some work pretending to be Duff in a G'n'R tribute soon, so quite timely!) - on a strict 'as-little-as-I-can-get-away-with' budget, then, what'd be the most authentic chorus to pick up? Shall shortly have a Precision and Hartke aluminium-coned cab(s), so hopefully that'll get me in the ballpark...
  14. Looking for something to run straight into one of my PA power amps to avoid having a bass head kicking around the place, which'll give me some EQ control and a DI out for live sound; I've currently got a Bass Metaphors which I quite like but it doesn't play nicely with other pedals on the same power supply (a 'positive-ground' design, apparently) and I can't be doing with having multiple power supplies when I only use three stompboxes! Had a look at the Hartke Bass Attack, but where possible I try to avoid buying Chinese-made stuff on ethical grounds; the Sansamp Bass DI looks good but is a bit pricier than I can justify unless I find one secondhand - is there anything else out there that I've missed? Thanks in advance!
  15. Matt Freeman Duff McKagan Mike Dirnt Off the top of my head, last one could change although I do love Mike's playing.
  16. At one stage those were being sold off by Reverb at silly prices (I'm thinking sub-£300, it may have been even less), still kicking myself for not picking one up.
  17. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1020973' date='Nov 12 2010, 08:31 AM']Someone said to me you can't sell Jack sh*t on here at the moment. Make me an offer and prove 'em wrong.[/quote] Gah, if only it had one less string...
  18. [quote name='3below' post='1020695' date='Nov 11 2010, 09:11 PM']where are you, do you have a cash price +postage if needed? Thanks[/quote] What he said, I need a 3U case as well
  19. Why has the number of TU2s gone down by two? Does daz possess anti-TU2s?
  20. How do mate, got your PM - out of interest is this a Chinese-made job? I'm fairly sure that all of the VMs are, just checking...
  21. Ian Savage

    Question gigs

    In a situation like yours, what I'd be tempted to do in the longer gigs is play the first set all-acoustic playing predominently covers to 'hook' people (with the full backline already set up so they know what's coming), chucking a few of your own songs in there, and then make the second set maybe three-quarters original material to a quarter covers. I might be talking out of my hole as I've never been in that kinda situation, but when I've been with originals bands even in a 45 minute set we've often felt obligated to throw in a cover or two to catch the ear of a 'casual' listener and I'd certainly agree that for your average punter 2x45 minutes of mostly originals isn't going to pull them in no matter how good your songs are - 'tis a sad fact that a lot of Joe Average music punters want to hear stuff they know on a night out!
  22. As far as I know/have heard, the ones to not touch with a bargepole are are original black-fronted MAGs (I THINK only designated as MAG250s). I had one of those, which broke down and went in for repair twice - after the third time the retailer wouldn't repair or replace it and insisted that I move up to the MAG300 (grey-faced), at extra cost to me. Apparently, from what I've been able to ascertain (as I wasn't very happy with Ashdown at the time!) the idea was that the highly conductive magnesium alloy chassis (hence MAG) was supposed to do away with the need for cooling fans on the heatsinks, hence making the units smaller and cheaper. Surprise surprise, the MAG300 replacement I got for my (broken!) MAG250 +some money had cooling fans. Methinks someone at Ashdown dropped a major bollock with the initial series of these; although the replacement MAG I had broke down eventually too (after a couple of years' gigging), and kind of put me off the MAGs entirely.
  23. I've never experienced it with pedals as I've never really used them, but I've certainly experienced the slightly uncomfortable feeling of being a support band unpacking the Epiphones and Squiers while the main band tuck their Gibsons and Fenders out of the way, even though I know for a fact that 90% of the audience won't be able to tell the difference. I think it comes down to 'playing for other musicians', in a way; because we dedicate a good chunk of our lives to working out what sounds best through what, we kind of get into the mindset that EVERYONE cares what we're using, when in actuality as long as you're competent and put on a good show (whether that be musically perfect or shooting fireworks and leaping around, depends on your genre ) most people really couldn't care less. Personally gear-wise I found a happy compromise when gigging with a couple of fairly well-booked rock originals bands by building/buying a few cheap-ish fake Fenders with the 'right' name on the headstock to stop other musos/sound guys/clued-up audience members from thinking I was an amatuer, which at the same time I was happy to throw around and customise in terms of pickups etc to make them sound good. It's a question of perception, really; Joe Punter won't care if your bass sound comes from a Boss multi as long as it sounds good, but can YOU bear to be seen with it?
  24. Dammit, if that were white I'd be all over it like sh*t on a mad woman's walls. Have a bump.
  25. 3Leaf Audio Groove Regulator - 3 Adrenalinn II - 1 Aguilar Agro - 1 Aguilar Octamizer - 1 Akai Unibass - 1 AMT Slap Bass -1 Ashdown Chorus - 1 Ashdown Drive Plus - 2 Asdown dual band compressor - 2 Ashdown sub octave plus - 1 Barge Concepts VFB-2 - 1 Behringer chorus - 1 Boss CE-2 - 2 Boss CEB3 - 1 Boss DD-20 - 2 Boss DS-1 - 1 Boss LS-2 - 5 Boss OC-2 - 8 Boss ODB-3 - 3 [b]Boss SD-1 - 1[/b] Boss SL-20 -1 Boss SYB 3 - 2 [b]Boss TU2 - 6[/b] Boss TU-12H - 1 Boss chorus ensemble CE-5 - 2 Bugbrand Bugcrusher - 1 Chunk Systems Octavius Squeezer - 1 Devi Ever Hyperion - 1 Devi Ever Cherry Pop - 1 Devi Ever SodaMeiser - 1 Digitech Bad Monkey - 1 Digitech Whammy - 2 Dunlop Bass Cry Baby - 3 DHA VT2 - 3 EBS Octabass - 1 EBS Multicomp - 2 EHX Memory Man with Hazarai - 1 EBS Unichorus - 1 [b]EHX Bass Metaphors - 1[/b] EHX Bass Micro Synth - 4 EHX Big Muff Pi (Black Russian) - 2 EHX Octave Multiplexer - 1 EHX POG2 - 1 [b]EHX Small Stone Nano - 2[/b] EHX Qtron+ - 3 Ernie Ball VP-Jr - 1 Fishman Platinum Pro EQ -1 Guyatone MD-3 delay - 1 Guyatone PS-3 Phase Shifter - 1 HBE Psilocybe -1 Ibanez PD7 Phat-Hed Bass Overdrive - 1 Ibanez SB 7 - 1 Ibanez WD7 Weeping Demon - 1 Korg DT-10 - 1 Korg Pitchblack - 2 Line 6 M9 - 2 Line 6 Bass Pod XT Live - 1 Line 6 DL4 - 1 MarkBass Super Synth - 1 Marshall Jackhammer - 1 Maxon CP9+ - 1 Mojo Hand Cream Pie - 1 Moog MF-101 - 3 Moog MF-102 - 1 Moog MF-105b - 1 Moog MF-107 - 2 Moog MP-201 - 1 Mr Zinky Master Blaster - 1 MXR Blowtorch - 3 MXR M-80 DI+ - 5 ProCo Tubro Rat - 2 Radial Bassbone - 1 Rocktron Cyborg Reverb - 1 Sansamp Bddi - 5 SFX Micro Fuzz - 1 SFX S&M - 1 Subdecay Noise Box - 1 TC Electronics PolyTune - 2 TC Electronics Nova Modulator - 1 Tech 21 VT Bass - 2 Tech 21 VT Bass Deluxe - 3 Toadworks Mr Squishy - 1 Way huge swollen pickle - 1 Z.Vex Woolly Mammoth - 2 Z.Vex Mastotron - 1
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