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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. Got a modded SD1 on its way which should do me fine for overdrive, and doing some work on bass with a G'n'R tribute band soon - so I guess I need a chorus pedal! £25'd do me for the Dano, or if anyone's got a Small Clone/CE-whatever/Supervibe etc that they want to swap for a very versatile overdrive (great for bass because of the wet/dry control, usually onlly found on reet expensive stuff) give me a shout!
  2. Strewth again, you're chucking yourself in at the deep end! Fair play to you though... [quote name='funky_numba' post='1012740' date='Nov 4 2010, 11:24 PM']Hi Guys, I FINALLY got a bass and amp. Only cost me £50 for the two items. Bought second hand from a friend at work. The bass is in very good nick (it's about 4 years old). The amp is good and does fine for now.[/quote] Good good, as long as the amp works for the time being who gives a crap. [quote name='funky_numba' post='1012740' date='Nov 4 2010, 11:24 PM']Wesley Bass Guitar (don't know the make). There are 2 pickups.. single-coil type I think (can't tell if they are humbuckers). Starfire TEC20B 40 watt practice amp.[/quote] Slap a picture on here if you really want to know the pickup type - doesn't really make a difference as long as they work. Wesley is a Chinese-manufactured cheap-as-chips brand, so don't expect miracles... [quote name='funky_numba' post='1012740' date='Nov 4 2010, 11:24 PM']I think the bass needs a fair bit of fine-tuning, as I believe it's had a lot of use in the past. Being a newbie, I don't know how to 'fine-tune' the bass. I'm so confused by all the mechanics of a bass. The strings buzz at times when I play them. The strings sometimes hit off the frets in the middle of the bass. To stop the buzzing and the strings hitting frets, should I : 1. Raise the bridges at the bottom to increase the space between the strings and the fretboard? 2. Tighten the strings 3. Adjust the Truss-rod. (I don't want to end up busting my bass with this).[/quote] Right then. If the strings are hitting the MIDDLE of the neck, I'd suspect that the truss rod is over-tight, and loosening it a bit WON'T do your bass any damage, so it's worth a go. If the rod adjuster's at the headstock end, slacken off the strings a bit and give it a half-turn anti-clockwise; then get it back up to pitch and see if the strings still hit the frets. You can by all means raise the action from the bridge end (on a pedantic note, you'll actually be raising the saddles), but go too far with this with the truss rod not right and you'll just end up with a bass that's unplayable (can be sorted, certainly, but in the short term unplayable ). [quote name='funky_numba' post='1012740' date='Nov 4 2010, 11:24 PM']I would really appreciate if any of you guys could offer some help with this please. Did any of you have the same problem when you bought a second hand bass?[/quote] Cheap secondhand guitars/basses are almost always problematic, but since they're almost invariably built around Leo Fender's 60 year-old designs (Gawd bless the man ) they can usually be made at least playable as long as the manufacturing isn't total crap. It's just a case of getting someone who knows what they're doing; BassChat is an invaluable resource and you might even find someone versed in guitar tech-ing close to you who'd do the job for you while you watch and learn for the price of a few beers (which would, in my experience, be considerably less than you'd pay to some music shops who don't really know what they're doing and hence won't let you watch them work). I'm in South Staffs/West Midlands, and would certainly have a look at it over a four-pack of your providing if that's anywhere near you [quote name='funky_numba' post='1012740' date='Nov 4 2010, 11:24 PM']On another note.. 1. What does raising and lowering the pickups do to the sound?[/quote] You'll find there's an 'optimum' position for pickups, which you'll only find through experimentation with a given bass; too close to the strings and the pickups' magnets start to affect how the strings vibrate (and, more practically, the pickups get in the way of the strings' vibrations), too far away and the bass starts to sound 'weedy' as the pups aren't getting enough action. [quote name='funky_numba' post='1012740' date='Nov 4 2010, 11:24 PM']2. Would replacing the pickups give me a completely different sound?[/quote] They certainly can greatly change the character of the bass, although I'd live with it for a good few months after a set-up before spending the money on good pickups; a set of Seymour Duncans or DiMarzios in a Wesley bass strikes me a turd-polishing, but if a bass totally suits you feel-wise but just doesn't sound right better pickups are a major step. [quote name='funky_numba' post='1012740' date='Nov 4 2010, 11:24 PM']3. Are there different pickups for different kinds of music i.e. would one particular pickup be better for Jazz while another type for rock music?[/quote] Not knowing exactly what kind of bass you have, that's hard to answer; generally for rock music people will go for a Precision or MusicMan style pickup, for all-round versatility they'll have a Precision pickup plus a Jazz pickup, and for jazz they'll use, well, Jazz pickups, but that really means nothing. The routing on your bass will have the biggest influence on what pickups you can use without major woodwork, and people have been known to play metal with Jazz pickups and country with a Precision; there's no hard-and-fast rules, get used to the bass first. [quote name='funky_numba' post='1012740' date='Nov 4 2010, 11:24 PM']So sorry for the long-winded message. I just need to get my head round this whole new world.[/quote] No worries, we were all there once!
  3. [quote name='dincz' post='1011843' date='Nov 4 2010, 11:34 AM']Or have Behringer's marketing people just pulled figures out of the air?[/quote] This, I'd suspect - when I was working for a major UK audio manufacturer we tested and pulled apart a lot of Behringer kit to see how they were making stuff with such good paper specs for so little money. The answer was, the specs were largely b0ll0cks and the gear was cheaply made with low-grade (potentially unreliable) components. I still like their old Composer compressors, and the ADA 8000's a handy bit of kit, but I wouldn't trust their powered stuff further than I could kick it. Get yourself a decent secondhand US/UK-made QSC, Crown, Peavey or Studiomaster amp instead. All IMO, obviously.
  4. [quote name='keeponehandloose' post='1011306' date='Nov 3 2010, 08:22 PM']A single 15 pushes more air than 2x10s ,as it has more surface area,so 2x10 + 1x15 should seem louder[/quote] I'd agree with this, and the mix of speakers SHOULD also give you a better balance of sound, but that'll depend to a large degree on what kind of sound you're after. You've also then got the option of only lugging one cab to smaller gigs
  5. I sold one of those slot-fronted Trace Elliot combos not long back, was a stonking bit of kit and eminently giggable despite its small size and 10" driver; I think mine went for less than £200, if I needed an easily-transportable gigging amp I'd buy another one in a flash. If I could remember the model number someone'll be along shortly to refresh my memory...
  6. ...this is the one, use one myself and they're great as long as you're happy to use outboard/no effects... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/studiomaster-trilogy-206-mixing-desk-/200534992024?pt=UK_Consumer_Professional_RL&hash=item2eb0d12498"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/studiomaster-trilogy...=item2eb0d12498[/url]
  7. Don't suppose you could measure up the dimensions of the Peavey for me could you? Cheers!
  8. I used to go in for all kinds of weird and wonderful shapes and colours; I guess I'm getting a bit old now though as I'm increasingly drawn towards nothing that isn't based on Leo's designs...still not keen on sunburst, but I guess that'll come as I get closer to 40
  9. On the 'cheap-and-cheerful' front, I've kept a Peavey PVi microphone in the live collection alongside a bunch of pricier mics as I've found that it really brings out softer voices; very high output for a dynamic and a quite 'cutting' quality which can make some peoples' voices a bit harsh but can work wonders for putting a bit of grit into the mix.
  10. From my limited memory of it (tried one years ago but never got 'round to getting one) the Hartke Bass Attack might do the job?
  11. I quite like some African music for chilling out, my major one is Daby Balde:
  12. Ah, dammit, 'Teleporter'! I'd have slapped that as the model name on my F*nder bitsa guitar if I'd come up with it first....might have to build another one now
  13. [quote name='mildmanofrock' post='984760' date='Oct 11 2010, 07:30 PM']Hi folks, I've recently simplified set up... maybe a bit too much because I sold my Ampeg SVT 6 Pro. All I have left now is a Barefaced Big One (which works best with an amp close to 1000W of power) and a Pod X3 Live. Money's a bit tight right now and I wondered if anyone could recommend an affordable power amp that could do the Big One justice? I'm planning on just plugging into my Pod, then plugging the Pod into the power amp. Thanks for your anticipated advice! Steve[/quote] I'm using a QSC USA900 for my PA tops at the minute which I quite like, 900W bridged into eight ohms if that'll suit your cab; the QSC's not light, but you can get 'em secondhand for less than a ton without too much hunting.
  14. Only three XLR inputs, but three line jack inputs as well which might be useful; basic FX loop too. [url="http://www.artproaudio.com/products.asp?id=153&cat=15&type=89"]http://www.artproaudio.com/products.asp?id...=15&type=89[/url] [url="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/627451-REG/ART_MX622_MX622_6_Channel_Rackmount.html"]http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/6274..._Rackmount.html[/url] And this ticks the boxes too: [url="http://www.lifeismusic.co.uk/DJ/Studiomaster-C3X-19-Rackmount--1403.aspx"]http://www.lifeismusic.co.uk/DJ/Studiomast...ount--1403.aspx[/url]
  15. Well it finished at exactly the same value it was at when I posted it, didn't drivve up the price this time out
  16. Might go cheap if anyone's near Maidenhead... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ashdwon-Mage-300H-Bass-Amp-Head-/150501542703?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item230a974b2f"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ashdwon-Mage-300H-Ba...=item230a974b2f[/url]
  17. Another positive experience with Andy, Double Muff I bought off him landed today and I'm most happy with it!
  18. Some very good suggestions, and I'd like to add to the mix a Japanese Bass Collection of some sort - mine has one of the slimmest necks I've ever laid hands on, fully active and eminently slappable. There's a girlfriend joke in there somewhere...
  19. [quote name='XPAULUSX' post='979472' date='Oct 6 2010, 03:21 PM']I guess my question is really would these pair up well together? i think the system impedance for the Wharfdale tops and bins may be 8ohms meaning that the output from the mixer may be considerably reduced however, im not sure, hence why i'm asking![/quote] Hmmm...looking at it the Yorkville's got two separate power amps, I would imagine one for the front-of-house sound and one for the monitors/sub (possibly switchable); running the two Wharfedale 'tops' (the SVP15s) from the front-of house amp would give you a four ohm load, hence each speaker getting 200W, which would be okay. However, putting only 200W from the secondary amp into the two subwoofers is hardly worth it, especially not if you're only putting vocals through the system (which is about all you'd want to with 400W); I'd say use the second amp for a vocal monitor and keep the subs back until you have a setup that'll require them.
  20. I guess not man, been out of there since 14th August - used to run the occasional jam night down there myself albeit with a strong national contigent from the Music Radar forum! Best of luck with it, the market's certainly there it's just keeping everything rotating - if you haven't already drop in the White Lion on Sandwell St for one of their open mic nights (Thursday, IIRC) and let 'em know!
  21. Mmmmm....yeah, bugger it, can I have the Double Muff please?
  22. Dammit, until a month ago I was living three minutes' walk from that pub! Haven't been in since it's been under new management though, I'll try to pop in if I'm in the area one week - hope it goes well!
  23. Best of luck Andy - there's a couple of Precisions on there that really caught me eye, I'll have to get my Nanyo Bass Collection back up on the block and see if anyone bites...
  24. Interested in any trades at all?
  25. Somebody made a comment that the Dream Theatre bassist who 'won' it apparently has quite an online presence too, whatever that means...
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