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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. It's not just you, but to be fair I don't think it's most sellers, it's more the manufacturers - a lot of people will assume that if they've got a 200W combo that's the power that it puts out 'as is'! I've been guilty of this before now, simply putting down a (solid state, valves change things a bit) amp as having a certain power output (going by the model name, generally)...but I'd like to think that most people realise that running an extra cab will make the amp LOUDER regardless!
  2. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='947655' date='Sep 6 2010, 09:07 PM']I take it Repairs and Technical is not a popular hang-out? [/quote] I just tend to hit the 'view new posts' button ; from my experience a lot of Class D stuff isn't easily servicable though, rather than replacing a blown transistor, capacitor or whatever as you would on more traditional amps you have to replace whole boards from manufacturer spares because the tiny components don't take well to a normal soldering iron approach. I've inferred from talking to service folks and some general internet chatter that some of the earlier Class D amps (the Ashdown SuperFly and Crate PowerBlock in particular) had power sections that simply didn't turn out to be up to the task, and got discontinued - hence the discontinuation of product lines and the lack of service options. I hope yours isn't one of those, haven't heard anything specifically mentioning the Yamaha units so they might still be suppying spares.
  3. From a quick Google, apparently it's a Marco acoustic bass: [url="http://www.marcoguitarsbass.com/index_archivos/Page375.htm"]http://www.marcoguitarsbass.com/index_archivos/Page375.htm[/url]
  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='947067' date='Sep 6 2010, 12:00 PM']Check his signature ;-)[/quote] Oh yeah *slaps head* hmm, teal's probably my least favourite of the colours they come in, but might still be interested...
  5. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='947046' date='Sep 6 2010, 11:44 AM']I'll be selling mine soon £375? I only need 2 basses, my jaguar and a musicman, got one coming soon, so the SUB will have to go.[/quote] Don't know how soon I'll have the money together (depends if someone buys my Breedlove electroacoustic, for which I'm asking exactly what you want for the SUB) but may well be interested...what's the colour?
  6. I've had to strip down to one through money and space necessities - ended up keeping my Bass Collection SB401 as it was my first 'proper' bass, I can get pretty much any sound I'm likely to need out of it, it's very forgiving feel-wise and I'd get nowhere near what it's worth secondhand. If I start gigging again I'll probably treat myself to a MM SUB though, purely because the look of the BC doesn't suit the more rock/blues stuff I tend to do with bands.
  7. This is one of the original Korean-made Atlases, brilliant 'jack-of-all-trades' electro with a very comfortable action and body size, which comes with a custom-fitted (as in, by the factory) Hiscox LiteFlite case. It's in very good condition, as you can see - there's some light pick marks from strumming on the front and it's somehow picked up a perfectly circular ding about 1mm across just below the bridge, but apart from that it's in fantastic nick! A thousand words, and all that: The name on the hardcase should come off with a bit of isopropyl, if I get interest in it on here I'll take it off myself; looking at trying to get £375 for this, which is about half what you'd pay for one new without the case! I'm in Staffordshire at the minute (Cannock kinda way, to be precise) but shall hopefully be down in Warwickshire in the next week or so. EDIT: price drop to £325!
  8. [quote name='Clarky' post='940409' date='Aug 30 2010, 09:34 PM']Thunderbird - wanted to love it and had wanted one for years - found skinny long neck and raised central body section made it really hard to play SG bass - looks so cool but clunky neck and short scale made it play like sh*t[/quote] +1; can't be bothered my arse with holding a bass 'in place' all the time, hence the neck dive on T-Birds gets on my tits something rotten. And I find Grabbers to be too heavy also...don't know what it is about Gibson basses, they just don't work for me.
  9. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='939695' date='Aug 29 2010, 11:42 PM']Tokai makes quality instruments, from the same factory as Fender in China, before your second post I was acutally thinkg that £350 would be a fair price and you beat me to it, if the conditions are good and it plays well you're on to a winner[/quote] The '80s ones certainly won't be Chinese-made, I'm fairly certain they were only manufacturing in Japan back then (although they might have started doing some stuff in Korea by the end of the decade); if it's in decent nick I'd say £300-350 ish would be a good price.
  10. You've also got the option of the Boss LS2 Line Selector, which gives you a bit of control over the level of each output as well...most stereo chorus pedals and suchlike will also run both outputs at all times as far as I know (the Boss one I used to have certainly did) and then you've got the option of slapping a bit of chorus on your bass too...
  11. [quote name='Jesso' post='934159' date='Aug 23 2010, 08:48 PM']Clipping the amp is worse for the speaker than the amp I've read, but is that true?[/quote] As a general rule that is true, because amplifier clipping introduces large amounts of high-frequency harmonics into the signal, which can fry tweeters in a very short space of time. If you've got the user manual for the system have a look at what level the clip lights on the amplifier are set to come on at; if (as is the case with most amps) they're set to come on a few dB before you hit the maximum signal level that the amp can put out you're probably okay to have them flashing BRIEFLY on signal peaks, particularly if it's only the subwoofer amps which are clipping as obviously these won't have tweeters in the to fry with high-frequency clipping distortion! Do keep tabs on the temperature of the amps as you're running them to be on the safe side; if they're too hot to touch after thirty minutes to an hour of working you'll need to beef up the system, if they're only warm you're alright.
  12. [quote name='nottswarwick' post='930920' date='Aug 20 2010, 01:49 PM']How much?[/quote] I'd take £200 for it, it's in storage at the minute but I'm over there later so I'll get some pictures...actually I might be up in Nottingham a week tomorrow if your mate's in no screaming rush...
  13. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='930799' date='Aug 20 2010, 12:15 PM']+1 to the above. If you're thinking of the Trace route though, and you don't need masses of volume, the small bit mighty BLX combo range are great - these are the ones that have the rectangular slit down the front. There's an 80 watt and 130 watt version. The 130 watt version is much more adaptable as it can take an extension speaker and has DI out.[/quote] I've got a 130W version which I could be talked into selling, I'm in Staffordshire at the minute...
  14. For paid gigs, I've always treated any shared gear used (van, PA, lights etc) as an extra 'band member' when divvying up the money, whether it's owned by the band or by one person.
  15. [quote name='Killstarz' post='928639' date='Aug 18 2010, 01:49 PM']Just been looking into the Ampeg B-100r...man what a nice bit of kit. [url="http://www.ampeg.com/products/diamondbluebass/b100r/index.html"]http://www.ampeg.com/products/diamondblueb...100r/index.html[/url] anyone know how much these sell for new and where i could get one?[/quote] Bassist in a psychadelic band I used to drum for had one of those, kept up with the lead guitarist's Bluesbreaker and my less-than-subtle drumming admirably. Brilliant bit of kit, if a bit rare this side of the pond as you're probably finding out.
  16. I'd be tempted if you have the option to split the bass signal into the two preamps and run each one into a separate amp and cab, but obviously that doubles the amount of gear you have to carry...
  17. I don't think there's any snobbery in it, just that if I had to pick one bass and one only to play for the rest of my life it'd be a Precision or a passive Stingray...Leo had a touch of genius about him IMO.
  18. It's a bit left-field, but could you add an active PA subwoofer from a line-out?
  19. There's the Tanglewood TEB-12 which has a big fat neck 'bucker and a mini-humbucker in the bridge, short-scale though...and apparently now quite rare from a quick Google! I've got one that's utterly shagged through years of gigging, there's one on Gumtree posted a couple of months ago...
  20. Go on then, I'll play - the whole instrument collection so you'll have to put up with a couple of six-strings in there L-R MIJ Grabber copy (possibly an Ibanez), was my spare bass until Mani came backstage at one of our shows and signed it ("I *heart* rock 'n' roll, keep it alive!")- now a display piece! Tanglewood TEB12, utterly thrashed over years of gigging, now signed by Duff McKagen and also just for show (it's knackered!) 'Fender' 'Esquire' put together from various bits and 'reliced' - sounds bloody lovely! Bass Collection SB411 (I think), unofficial import bought from the Bass Centre in the late 90s Breedlove Atlas electro-acoustic, wonderful thing.
  21. WELL under-budget, but wasn't there a SUB five doing the rounds recently at £350? For my money there's hardly any difference sound-wise between the SUBs and the 'proper' Stingrays, and if it's a difference of a few hundred quid...
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