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Ian Savage

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Everything posted by Ian Savage

  1. Go from mixer to the amp's effects return, if it has one. Should be fine.
  2. Apparently it's a bit of a mission to get the holes to go through EXACTLY parallel to the body and come out the back nice and evenly-spaced. There IS a way of doing it, read it on the MusicRadar forums a while back - shall see if I can find it!
  3. What it says on the tin - simple practise amp with two 'channels' - clean with just a volume control, distortion with gain, volume and contour. CD/MP3 input and headphone output; apparently the CD in doubles as a speaker emulated line out, but I've never tried it. One of these: Looking for a mere £20 if you can pick it up (south Birmingham), probably wouldn't be worth posting but if you're interested I'd look into it!
  4. This seems to fit my Tanglewood dreadnaught quite well (would do it perfectly with one extra pad, which Hiscox have been known to fit at minimal cost in their factory if you're within shooting distance of Cannock, Staffordshire) - maximum dimensions are about 41cm (lower bout width), 30cm (upper bout width), 11cm (body depth). Used but not abused, in good condition - only things I can see are that the glue holding the accessory compartment lid on has gone and it's been stapled on instead (easy fix with a bit of resin glue if it bothers you) and it hasn't got the key. I'll try to get a picture later, no idea where my camera cable is :s looks exactly like this though, grey fur lining and all: £45 if you can collect from Birmingham!
  5. I got slightly excited then. Turns out it's for connecting musicians to other musicians to, like, form bands and stuff. Not to bump uglies. Disappointed
  6. I was in a Wildhearts tribute band for a bit (well, we never technically broke up, so I kinda still am ), and someone once tweeted one of our gigs at the real band's frontman. His response was along the lines of "Give me a bit more notice next time and I'll get it filled for you". Ginger's a f***ing legend
  7. What S1mon said (see what I did there? ) - maximising the symmetry of your room is studio design 101. If you absolutely have to be in the corner, yep, get yourself a corner desk of some sort or at the very least angle what you have into it, and bass-trap the corner. Something like this: http://www.the-product.co.uk/malibu-corner-desk---pine-effect-11824-p.asp, a bit of high-density Rockwool and a few quids' worth of wood to build some kind of frame and you'll have improved your room sound immeasurably.
  8. Still got the ODB dude? I'll have it if you have...
  9. ...looking at putting together a basic pedalboard should I get the slot I'm auditioning for next week, and got a couple of questions regarding some of the pedals I'm considering. 1/ If anyone's using the Mooer-esque mini tuner thing (this one: [url="http://www.dhgate.com/product/ex-micro-pedal-mooer-style-pt-21-metal-case/161040661.html"]http://www.dhgate.com/product/ex-micro-pedal-mooer-style-pt-21-metal-case/161040661.html[/url]) does it track a low B, and is it any good generally (got offered one for £25 delivered, but if a Polytune Mini's worth the extra I'd go for that instead)? 2/ EHX Nano Bassballs - does it play well with others running from the same power supply? I'd only be looking at a little board wth four or five pedals max so can't be faffing with multiple adaptors, and I've got experience of the Nanos crapping out when asked to share a PSU with other pedals... Thanks in advance for any advice!
  10. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]T-Rex Bloody Mary distortion pedal - does teh brootalz that you'd expect from the name, but more versatile than you'd expect! Not hard to coax an AC/DC crunch or ZZ Top creamy lead from it - works 'okay' on bass, but if it worked really well I'd be keeping it, far better with a six-string Need to liquidate some assets for a fretless - I'm in Birmingham but postage shouldn't be more than a fiver.[/font][/color]
  11. Does what it says on the, um, can - two-knob phaser that does all the requisite phase sounds from subtle shimmer to nausea-inducing wobble very well indeed, built like a tank, in pretty much new condition. Need to liquidate some assets for a fretless - I'm in Birmingham but postage shouldn't be more than a fiver.
  12. Hmmm...potentially interested but I'd need to arrange a courier, how busy is 'busy'?
  13. What are people filling the fret slots with when de-fretting? I smell a summer project coming on...
  14. I was once in a band called 'Vinegar Stroke'. We were EXACTLY as dreadful as you're imagining.
  15. The one thing I kinda wish is that lyricists would realise that certain couplets have been done to death and should be drowned in a bag in a canal because they will never further a song's cause. Cases in point: 'bed' with 'head' (e.g. "in my bed, with you in my head", or any varient thereof) 'years' with 'tears' or 'fears' (special lyrical retard points go to Evanescence on that one for "...all of these years, ...all of your fears, ...all of your tears" in one chorus) 'rain' with 'pain' (JESUS F*CKING CHRIST, it's raining, get over it). Sorry, that needed to come out.
  16. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1372707293' post='2128957'] When I first heard "everlong" by the foo fighters all those years ago, I loved it for it music/melody I thought it was an absolutely belting tune. I recently learned the words to the song, now I think it is one of the most beautifully poetic rock ballads of all time. You can feel the pain he is going through, loving someone so much but knowing that it's over. The line "breathe out, so I can breathe you in" followed by the chorus And I wonder, when I sing along with you, If everything will ever feel this real forever, If anything could ever be this good again, The only thing ill ever ask of you, You gotta promise not to stop when I say when Gives me goose bumps man! Brilliant! [/quote] That's another stunner, even just reading the lyrics takes me right back to my first proper girlfriend and a sixth-form residential (and subsequent psyche-altering breakup) - kinda proves the point There's so many great lyrics I could fill up the whole thread with 'em, but I shan't...
  17. Possibly interested if this falls through...
  18. Usually, yes. It's what makes me love a large proportion of the music that I love (Springsteen, Gaslight Anthem, Counting Crows etc al particularly jump to mind) as opposed to just 'liking' it. The line in Bobbie Jean about calling up 'not to change your mind, but just to say I miss you baby; good luck, goodbye' makes my chest tighten just typing it. Yes, I'm a wuss. And yes, I know it's written about a man
  19. Almost invariably eBay, I'm not too picky about gear
  20. I've got one of those Staggs that I'd consider parting with if you wanted to make me an offer...
  21. Actually, I'm going to use this opportunity for a sneaky plug for the website I review for [url="http://www.themidlandsrocks.com/tag/ian-savage/#.Uc8fFT7wJkg"]http://www.themidlan...e/#.Uc8fFT7wJkg[/url] Rob Zombie's was pretty good too, now I remember! And I somehow managed to forget Streetlight Manifesto, if you like punk at all you NEED it.
  22. Ohhh, there's a few that have impressed me - Black Star Riders' 'All Hell Lets Loose', Dave McPherson's 'Dreamoirs', Eureka Machines' 'Remain In Hope' jump to mind.
  23. For reasons I'm not going to go into until they become public, I'm band-hunting! Endorsed pro bass player with ten years' experience, also able to capably switch to guitar; currently Birmingham-based and have the option to be for the remainder of the year, but if the right band came along in the immediate future willing to relocate - feet firmly in the 'rock music' camp but fairly versatile musically. If anyone's looking or knows of someone who might be do let me know - not REALLY interested in trying to build something up from scratch (been around the toilet circuit more than once and it's getting wearisome ) but I'll listen to anything.
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