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Everything posted by Gust0o

  1. I managed to beat an escape from the office for a rare stroll along the river... only I managed to find myself drawn to Banks music, for a quick browse. I'm pretty glad I did. As per usual, I received the typical patter - how's the day; business good; is that yet another tie; cold out - and the lad got to chatting about what he'd had in on the last delivery. MIM Ps, MIM Js... including a stunner in white. Tempted? No thanks. I can't imagine myself playing Anthrax covers in my games room on that thing. It'd be like like marrying Keeley Hawes. It'd be great, she's beautiful... but, sooner or later, she's going to find out I'm an idiot. Not getting good vibes on that, laughs the lad, but we did get some Vibes in - cue another stunner in white, with a tort plate. Well, I had time to kill, so time was killed. I was very impressed, all told. I don't know what I was expecting. I've seen some great comments on here about these, versus previous Squier and Fender efforts - sound and tone, both great; look and feel, great; price, great! I'd almost prepared my defence for bringing it home. "Well, Mrs Gus, it's just like marrying Keeley Hawes... and then she found out I was an idiot; so anyway, this was a bargain." Glad I took that lunch break now!
  2. Top work matey! How does it play?
  3. According to the above it's the patent number, not the serial - as they only began using that in 1990, which would understandably, not allow for an 87. I don't know
  4. I think when I'm older, more girzzled, and dripping with boutique hardware, then I will reconsider slap. Not before, though. It's a technique, and one I believe I've only half-mastered. It's very rarely used in the music I play and listen to, which has been a real disincentive to perfecting it. Great for the odd show-off, but not something I think I could compete on. Maybe one day, though. Hopefully!
  5. Ooh, Modulus! How long has this been saught after?
  6. For those seeking to kill some of the suspense, the manufacturer of Gaffer Tape would appear to be Le Mark Self-Adhesive Ltd - a member of the Le Mark group. No sodding idea on their market status.
  7. I like this - some suspense whilst I try and scoff lunch at my desk!
  8. Yeah, I don't think you wasted enough billions to make it a success, OldGit - bloody good effort though!
  9. This is one stunning bass. It's a shame I could never sneak it past the wife. Have a bump.
  10. Kudos for attempting this - experiential learning in action!
  11. Ditto. Can I suggest we try and coordinate our ram-raiding efforts, though?
  12. Wow, that must have been some gig - we don't see much street-fighting action in quaint old York!
  13. This is one best played whilst pouting, I find.
  14. [quote]+1 for the decent strap thing. If you're using a recycled car seat belt, you're waisting your time[/quote] After they'd stopped manufacturing those sh*te Head bags that were so popular years gone by, they had a surplus of poor quality polyester left over...
  15. I saw that article too, some very interesting stuff - the resonator sound is very unique, at least to these ears! Cracking price, only £150?
  16. Perhaps unsurprisingly, my Ironbird has never been a fan of staying put! It's due for a respray when I sort out some damage to the points, so I'll be moving the front strap knob at the same time. I don't suppose anyone has tried weighting their strap, have they? The Ironbird is very light, and I'm a bruiser so it might be an idea to keep the neck nice and high.
  17. I think we've missed the point that expense is relative - I have an accountant, who I would consider expensive, but then I'm in the novel position of needing an accountant to help me manage my money. What's expensive to me is not necessarily expensive to the next man. I would not disparage someone who has saved dutifully to obtain an entry-level instrument, when it's obviously a significant commitment of their resources; nor any less so the chap who was spending c.$9,000 on his prefered instrument. We're in danger of forumlating some very circular logic here, and infuriating ourselves with it. I don't think the Ferrari example helps - it's very much ingrained in the modern consumer psyche. And, just to ease the circular logic along, what does a Ferrari matter if you can't drive... ah, but it would force to you drive better... ad infitum, ad trolling. I think we owe ourselves a little better, and we might cool our tempers a little. It is, as so many have said, a matter of personal choice - with the usual cut across of resources, access, etc. Ultimately, as with any consumer decision, we should get what we want (or a compromise thereof), be it "expensive" or otherwise. The better argument might be, in making your decisions, do you actually get the bass you want - or the one you think you should have, acknowledging the influence of brand/prestige and personal circumstances? I should, on the face of it, be in the position of being an expensive bass buyer. I have a good career and I'm young enough to challenge further; I have a family business which means I'm not reliant on the lottery to pay for pension; yet drive a sh*tty S-reg and spent £120 on my last bass. Horses for courses. I wouldn't expect my own behaviour to necessarily reflect, exactly, on anyone else. We all live our lives in their myriad ways, and reach different outcomes.
  18. It's horses for courses. You're really not going to lug your boutique pride and joy down the pub for a quick thrash with the lads, now are you? I think I'd qualify as a budget bassist. I don't think I've spent more than £150 in a single sitting to date - but you never know, what's suited me 'til now might not suit me in future.
  19. Gust0o


    Ditto! I may still crack, but that would be two newbies in a month - when does GAS become a problem?
  20. Wizard do sound like they've had some good press, so I've dropped them a line. Further thought, what about Gotoh? Given as I've got Gotoh bridge and tuners, my brand loyalty does make me wonder - there appear to be some very cheap ones on Ebay.
  21. Love the Charvel - all you need now is the hair!
  22. [quote]1978 USA B.C.Rich Mockingbird bass,used in a Thin Lizzy Video,cost me £0 1981 USA B.C.Rich Mockingbird bass cost me £0 1960's Hagstrom bass cost me £0 1980's USA B.C.Rich Gunslinger bass,my cost on it £25[/quote] Not counting favours, eh Lorne? :brow: Some awesome bargains. No wonder we don't see any up here, they don't get further than Plymouth!
  23. 1987 NJ-series BC Rich ST Bass - sub $50, worked out at £50 including shipping to the UK! My Ironbird was £80, which I thought was a blinding bargain given how hard they are to find - especially the Mk1 shape!
  24. BCRs. I get the sense I will be in a minority on this one. But a beautiful mid-80s BCR will do it for me everytime.
  25. I was hoping some of you would be able to lend some advice. I had ordered some nice EMG PJHZ pick-ups, which are their passives - which makes a nice change from a long list of active offerings. However, they seem to be having some difficulty with my order (US shipping) so I might be back to square one. Anyone have any pick-up tips? I'm after plenty of attack (which I think is the correct technical term! Pardon me if not!) being a rock player - which might have been the EMGs down to the ground. Requirments: Split-P and J-type set, serving two-tone and master-volume knobs (replacing an existing, corroded set) Attack! Must be passive (aware this contradicts the above some, but as it's a first effort build/fix-up I don't fancy routing) Budget is, well, generous. If it's sensible, I'll consider - though my most of the boutique offerings would be absolutely wasted on my woeful playing. Any thoughts chaps? If some superstar rides in and aims me at the complete package, I'll love them forever.
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