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Everything posted by Gust0o

  1. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1379535594' post='2213980'] That said I am currently inexplicably also drawn to the troy sanders bass. [/quote] The Jag?
  2. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1379534886' post='2213962'] I have both, and I like both. Sorry for the boring, non-committal response. [/quote] True, though
  3. ... or not. Decided to change jobs instead. Tired-and-overworked-bump
  4. Lakland? Have my DJ to bits! [b]Edit: [/b]missed the "has to be a Fender" bit - but there are plenty of other good jazz basses out there if you can look beyond the headstock
  5. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1379492591' post='2213203'] Just realised there is another thread open about the ATKs, I should have posted in that one.. [/quote] Topics merged
  6. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1379430620' post='2212599'] Yes , that would be a winner in the current musical climate , where retro and lo-fo are the dominant trends and show no signs of abating . You only need look at the demo videos of these basses to realise what market they have been created for . Just as their were legions of interchangable also-ran hair metal bands in the '80's and armies of would -be dissaffected grunge rockers in the 1990's , so nowadays we have a plethora of sensitive men with indie beards , plaid check shirts and way too many effects pedals. [/quote] A manufacturer makes for a market. No bad thing, in my book.
  7. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1379428320' post='2212572'] I think folks would find these basses rather more appealing if it was someone else rather than Fender making them . [/quote] That's my hypothesis. Still, I could quite imagine getting on with something that had an approximate Stingray sound, yet was passive and with the neck of the much-loved P-bass - which is pretty much what we have here, no?
  8. [quote name='cytania' timestamp='1379402810' post='2212122'] Horrible tones. Triplebucker one is like Fender doing the Ibanez ATK. [/quote] Is that a bad thing, though? On the one hand, we love the ATK - best bargain Stingray sound, etc, etc, [i]ad infinitum[/i] and a firm forum favourite. Fender do something comparable, at a similar price point, and now we [i]hate [/i]it?
  9. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1379169735' post='2209435'] [size=5]check out the 36 hour rule!!![/size] [/quote] Well said, TheGreek - we have a rule to only allow bumping every 36hrs, to give everyone a shot at having their ad on the front page. Please respect it. Stunning bass, mind
  10. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1379341637' post='2211452'] If I bought something then I would always imagine the item will arrive after the weekend. [/quote] Nah, it's Christmas morning - I want to open my presents [b]now! [/b]
  11. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1379351241' post='2211595'] I think the 'one trick' reputation is generally fuelled by 'that' particular sound that many owners try to emulate rather than any major limitations inherent in the instrument itself. [/quote] A fair comment, I think. Still on the list!
  12. Welcome in
  13. [quote name='Ruck' timestamp='1379333599' post='2211308'] Oh dear hehe, ebay is starting to sound a lot more rational with some of the comments made [/quote] Chin up and take the feedback - just shows how many perspectives there can be, even for minor things I know, as a buyer, I get some a little of the Christmas-morning feeling about new things coming in - and can be totally unrealistic/optimistic about when they might arrive as a result Get me told! It'll be with you when it's with you!
  14. There's a lesson, for all of us, about managing expectations - don't leave it for the buyer to imagine what might be happening, [i]tell them[/i]. If you tell them Friday, they then expect Friday, and they're not busy imagining - as we all do when buying new things - that it will arrive immediately and be absolutely fantastic
  15. Welcome in
  16. Erm, Pinball, do you need a hand with that post? There is a difference between ESP and the ESP-LTD, which is the cheaper sub-brand. I have an ESP-LTD Surveyor and really enjoy it. It's a very light instrument, super-slim neck well put together and the EMGs make an almighty racket - though the pre-amp does afford some options to adjust that, for those of a more mellow persuasion. I'm a big Karma to Burn fan, and that inspired me to make the purchase - and I can see why that chap favours them; though I'll agree that they're bracketed as a "rock" or "metal" brand, though you could play anything on mine
  17. I love the Washburn!
  18. Welcome in
  19. Depends on what you want from the bass. Lots of people swear by both - it's a question of need and taste. I won't be swapping from my Stingrays just yet
  20. Welcome in
  21. Nice
  22. Welcome in
  23. Not-getting-played-bump I did, finally, take some new shots - they'll make an appearance this week
  24. There are times when I believe I am punishing myself with my recent one-in, one-out policy - and this is one of them, love it
  25. [quote name='mikebass456' timestamp='1378837118' post='2205401'] Oops sorry - have I overstepped protocol here? I'll kick back a bit until the newbie tag disappears. [/quote] Don't be daft Welcome in
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