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Everything posted by Gust0o

  1. I don't know... I think I have broken the internet! The forum doesn't appear to be wanting to link. Let's do it the old fashioned way.
  2. Love it! What trades were you considering?
  3. Morning all, it's house moving time - and I don't think I'll fit everything on the wagon Looking to sell my Musicman 4H - its the 3EQ model, with a rosewood fingerboard on a maple neck. In overall good condition, barring one crack in the lacquer near the neck pocket. Has some small dings I've captured in the pics, but as to be expected from a playing bass. More pictures to follow - let me know if you'd like specifics
  4. I had one of these as a 5-string - superb little bass, would recommend to people
  5. Still for sale - am about to move house, and with no intent of moving this with me. Bargains ahoy!
  6. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1473591497' post='3131392'] Why do you have to "get it"? I don't get why people get fizzy knickers about Fenders, but I don't let it hold me back. [/quote] This^^^ I've had a few now - Grabber, EB2013, Les Paul, Thunderbird... and have had amazing sounds out of all of them. Very uncomplicated basses; very big tones; assembled on Friday afternoons... but that's Gibson
  7. Bump for price reduction I'm due to be moving house shortly, and have very little intention of carrying all of this with me. Happy to deal
  8. Nearly went, can be flexible on price
  9. Apologies, life took a turn for the worse after posting this, and I haven't had significant time here - I still need to move these, and am happy to consider offers.
  10. Afternoon all, With the band imploding, these aren't getting the use - condition is pretty good (all in working order, one small repaired tear on the 4x10 fabric cover). HA4000 is in an ABS 2U case, and I'll throw in all the necessary cables (from OBBM). Priced as follows: HA4000: £150 4x10: [s]£150[/s] [b]£100[/b] 1x15: [s]£150[/s] [b]£100[/b] And we can work forward from there All the kit is with me in York - more than welcome to drop by, try and have a brew. I don't do the travel with work any more, so more limited options on delivery. Happy to add more photos as required - let me know if there specific shots you would want (rear of amp, etc).
  11. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1453197885' post='2957224'] If the original bassline is one that I particularly like or is key to the song, I'll try to play it faithfully. Otherwise, I'll add or lose bits or just invent stuff. [/quote] Seconded.
  12. Not sure if RIck can have a look at this, but am experiencing a few issues since moving to Windows 10 / MS Edge: [list] [*]If I create a new topic and populate the header first, I cannot enter any text into the post box. Indeed, I cannot get the text cursor into this box [*]If I hit "Quote" it gives me a new text window, but doesn't populate the quote and will not let me enter text. [/list] Grrr @ Windows 10
  13. Superb basses, I have love mine to bits. Don't suppose you'd consider any trades? Suspect I would need to let one go before becoming acquisitive!
  14. I shouldn't imagine this will loiter - I had a 5'er of these, and a ridiculous good bass for the outlay. You'd pay a lot more for a lot less with most other brands. The neck was an absolute dream, slim, fast and very comfortable for someone known to suffer with their hands.
  15. Would love a Big Al, so that's a shame to read! Bongo is marmite on looks, but well worth a try - I had a Bongo Stealth and loved it, incredibly versatile.
  16. Welcome in
  17. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1427291043' post='2728349'] John Hall's a lovely man. I have it on good authority that he's personally involved in the QC process of new Rick (sorry John, "RIC") 4003s, and devotes a full 10 minutes to diligently licking the fretboard of each bass before it's transported, dripping, to the packing department. That oaf Sterling Testicle would never show this sort of commitment. Too busy watching his slaves count his money, in the lower dungeon of his marshmallow castle. Jon. [/quote] Is that the industry secret to a "quick neck"?
  18. I know, Rob - but, as Stu calls it, we're only human. I'm about to prove so myself. I'll either have called this right, or I'll be a total fascist - but, in the spirit of being human, it's my mistake to make. I'm going to give us a little break from this one, let people catch up on the existing posts, and maybe come back to it later - when I find my nads, that is
  19. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1426898410' post='2723360'] He did a slot with Geoff at a Yorkshire Bass Bash I organised few years ago. I wouldn't say I'm high profile mind.... [/quote] He did, indeed - very nice guy!
  20. Same camp, Skank - not keen of feathering John Hall's nest, but have a lovely Rickenfaker with the guts of a real thing. Makes one heck of a noise!
  21. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1427114366' post='2725853'] Not really fair to exclude Mods from that, Ted. They're members too and they have a huge influence on the feel of the forum. [/quote] Interesting point - as I've always felt less able to post, since Kiwi asked me to help out. There's an element of "the shadow you cast", I'm sure, but my posting has dropped off. I do a good routine in chasing up reluctant buyers; late-shipping sellers; and complainants of all colours, mind - so I'm no less busy, mind But, it applies here. So, here's my diplomatic response for the delicate of opinion People have gone. Where they've banned themselves, tough - although I think these should be reviewed over time. Where they've made a decision, so be it. They've considered their reasons, and done whatever they feel best for them, and all power to them for it. That said, it's absolutely within their gift to choose to return also - and if, or when, they feel that that's best for them, I'm sure they'll fit right back in But does it mean the "ethos" has changed? No, not necessarily. We still talk bass, and we still look after each other - a recent, very delicate, thread has shown that. To say the "ethos" has changed feels, if you'll permit me, that the "old guard" [i]were [/i]Basschat, which feels a little conceited. Everyone reading this right now [i]is[/i] Basschat, and Basschat - in so far as a forum can allow for it - will be what you make of it. I think, rather, that the "personality" has changed - as that is tied to particular members and their contributions. And there are plenty of other personalities out there who can add their stamp, and it will be interesting to see what it becomes. Within that I might like to know a bit more about what the plan for the site is; what the rules are; whatever it might be - but the site goes on. I'm happy to give it the time to evolve. It is dead? No. Are these growing pains? Oh yes. Are these the after of one member getting themselves banned? I think that's likely. Is it a shame people have left? I could be the Churchill dog, oh yes But the "new" people aren't bad? They're bloody good, the same as we all were when we were new Will this be quoted on FB? I don't know, I doubt I'm that interesting
  22. 3 tone burst? A la: [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/esp-ltd-surveyor-5-5-string-electric-bass-guitar?source=3WWRWXMP"]http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/esp-ltd-surveyor-5-5-string-electric-bass-guitar?source=3WWRWXMP[/url]
  23. Gust0o

    Fender MIM

    [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1426237898' post='2715885'] Road Worn Jazz - Totally stunning [/quote] One of the few Fender basses I really, [i]really[/i], want
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