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Everything posted by Gust0o

  1. Lovely basses. Still miss my '76, sigh.
  2. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1387119231' post='2308333'] How about a Barefaced club? [/quote] Throwing a foam party? I don't think the suggestion was to have separate forums, mind. Was wondering if this was something you might use the forum tags for, to highlight topics on specific makes or models. Just thinking out loud. I'd assumed the TB clubs were a vanity thing, but I can see how they might be useful.
  3. Sounded good last night in Sheffield! Typically thunderous
  4. Good call. The chap didn't fancy paying, so he left the forum not long after the ad was raised. I'll close this one.
  5. I'll second the MTD comments, above. I loved mine, very easy player; I don't think it took a lot of thought or adjustment to play.
  6. I still have a copy of this, somewhere: http://youtu.be/XWL4rWgUB0k
  7. Welcome in
  8. Brilliant at Download, I couldn't believe how loud Geezer was. Looking forward to seeing them again on Sat
  9. Done, done and done; or at least on every device I had to hand
  10. I loved mine. You will love this
  11. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1386203200' post='2297294'] I was in York at the weekend n all! [/quote] D'oh! The finish on the 2013 is very thin. No bubbles on mine, but will relic nicely... which I'm assuming was the point, Gibson? I didn't know they'd pulled the White/Cream model in 2014; but they did add a 5-string
  12. Schwing!
  13. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1386178992' post='2296821'] We don't have access to information like how many and which members have paid the fee. If you were willing to give me that information I'd happily put some numbers together. [/quote] No? In large part, they're the members posting the ads You could try Kiwi if you needed more - I'm not sure of his thoughts around divulging information, but it's a very public forum. The bulk of it's workings are on show for people to scrutinise.
  14. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1386190081' post='2297061'] Where are you based? [/quote] You've got two on the wall - lovely things... Though why they persisted with the short scale has always irked me. The classics, I guess
  15. Blinkin' 'eck, we all seem happy to pass comment on the EB, but I can't recall many beyond myself owning one I'd definitely try and form your own opinion. I was going to remind you that I'm down the road if you want a try - indeed, Skej might still have one on one the wall of his shop still! I'll wait for someone to say you need a P-bass, now
  16. I'll vouch for the EB2013 - light, fast-necked and very versatile. Confounding any assumptions people might have about Gibsons - coil-tapping and Babicz-bridged to boot! Skej will have an opinion, too - he sold me mine
  17. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1386173769' post='2296745'] It'd be good to get some stats. [/quote] It's an open forum - help yourself, why wait?
  18. Welcome in
  19. Mickey, that is stunning. Those pick-ups really kick! Same as used to be in the old BC Richs. Love this guys excitement about it: http://youtu.be/Dhfjb03R2-c
  20. Kyuss - One Inch Man.
  21. Even more yes!
  22. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1386092732' post='2295646'] First time in my life I've ended up in a casino... [/quote] Oh aye, all "beginner's luck", eh? Having met Risingson, I'll confirm he's a top bloke, though he's yet to gamble any of my money, I hope
  23. [quote name='thodrik' timestamp='1386013121' post='2294636'] Start listening and watching stoner doom bands. A Rickenbacker bass tuned to C (or below) is semi-obligatory with a lot of those bands. Start with Sleep and Kyuss (Reeder era) and go from there. There is a Stoner/Doom thread on Talkbass and I bet that there is a bunch of guys who use Ricks. The guitarist in Arch Enemy has another band called Spiritual Beggars, and I'm pretty sure that the bass on all the early albums is on Rickenbacker as well. [/quote] Oh yes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKqoNrZ00Bg
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