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  1. If i had advertised this body has having seymour duncan pickups with cts pots and swithcraft jack then people would have been all over this advert like a ferret up a drainpipe, but because the name is "Johnson" all the bass snobs automatically think its a load of c**p, the body is a solid Alder body which is a quality piece of wood which ever way you look at it, i suggest all you bass snobs really get a life as your giving all genuine bass players a bad name. The original advert i had no replies but no doubt i"ll have plenty replies to this one. Get a grip people, your an embarrasment to the bass playing community
  2. Ive decided that i want to start a precision project so this body has to go to get the precision project ball rolling. I bought this as a full bass 4 months ago and immediately got rid of the neck as it was way to bulky and just didnt feel right, i know im gonna take a massive loss on this but its just not gonna get finished. The good news is the body is 99.9% mint, there are some small scratches at the back of the bridge where i"ve changed strings but other than that its immaculate. the body is made from solid alder, the pickups are johnson/EMG. I"m not sure of the exact colour but im pretty sure its as close to Fiesta Red as your gonna get. I"m open to offers on this. I Also have a brand new chrome bridge cover thats never been on a bass, its no good to me so if anyone has a chrome bridge cover for a precision and they fancy swapping that would be great. Get that jazz project you"ve always promised yourself started, this is a seriously nice body.
  3. I was well into level 42 many years ago "80S. At the time i was a singer in a punk/metal band, we were the worst band ever. The band finished years ago and i"ve no intention of starting again but ironically it seems funny that our drummer is interested in getting back together after 25 years. I"m tempted but our drummer lives in canada. what do you think guys and gals
  4. Brilliant. But i cant do doing with the all black precision, it does nothing for me.
  5. THE ADMIRAL. My girlfriend thinks anything other than facebook is a waste of space, whereas i think anything except facebook is fine. She"s not got the brains to look at Bass chat ,and if she does look at my favourites she wont know one Bass website from another.
  6. I"ve only been playing a few months but practice quite a lot and the girlfriends quite happy with that because i dont leave the house, HOWEVER, If i said i had joined a band and needed to practice twice a week then i know she would kick off ( shes that sort of woman ). Personally i would go with the bass because my relationship is a joke anyway, ( seriously ) and its only a matter of time before it burns out anyway. On a good note, at least i have 3 bass guitars to keep me company
  7. I cover mine in self ahesive vinyl, you can get it in any colour and its dirt cheap, i"ve just bought some black and it cost me a quid and was big enough to cover 2 jazz sized scratchplates, you can get it from any signmakers, i"m sure there will be one near you somewhere. Its pretty sticky stuff as well and you can peel it off and replace with a different colour when your fed up with the same colour plus its a damn site cheaper than buying a new scratchplate plus it will keep your original plate in tip top condition if you ever decide to sell the bass on.
  8. This may seem a little extreme but you could try wood filler (or something similar) along the join lines then sand it flat, it may cover it over once you have done your colour coat. I dont know if this would work or not but theres no harm in trying. Interesting question though as i have a bbn4 yamaha that i"m considering finishing as its in natural and you can clearly see the joins on the 3 piece body
  9. cheers for the replies guys, much appreciated
  10. Anyone who"s read my "Disaster" thread will know i"ve been having problems with a precision copy neck i have and i was resigned to binning it but after a few days thinking about it i thought what the hell, i"m gonna have a crack at sorting it out myself and turn it fretless into the bargain, it was free so if i messed up no big deal plus its only a cheap neck, call it a learning curve if you will. I Removed the frets as carefully as i could then set to work stripping off all the old finish, took me hours to do then it was time to try and sort out that warp at the heel, plenty careful sanding later and i was amazed that i got the warp out and the fingerboard now looks nice and straight, filled in the fretslots with wood filler and set to sanding the entire neck working up through various grades of paper, it still needs a bit of sanding but so far so good, The only problem is that with all the sanding its left the fretboard looking anemic, is there anything i can put on to darken it a tad, i have some oil that i"ve used on rosewood boards but never maple plus i"Ve decided to spray the headstock to match the body. Worst case scenario is that i"ve completely wrecked the neck and i wont know for sure till its back on the bass but so far so good
  11. Bad news im afraid. I"ve just sussed out the neck is warped and twisted so i"ve a spare fretless neck i"m gonna put on it, gutted to say the least, as it is it plays and sounds great up to the 16th fret then after that its unplayable . I"ve never played fretless before but i suppose this is a good chance as any. gutted really as i really loved the maple look against the blue body
  12. Its all down to one thing MONEY. I Wont spend a penny in my local shop as their arrogant egotistical b*****ds who are only interested if your willing to spend a shedload of money on gear thats 100 quid cheaper 10 miles away. Reidys in blackburn are a top shop, they couldn"t do enough for me. Small shops need to do a hell of a lot more to bring the punters in, i hate my local shop that much i"m not even gonna mention the name
  13. I"ve just been online looking at basses and found a shedload of different colours. What is everyones idea of a nice colour for a bass and is there any colours you would stay away from. Personally i hate the colour black, its boring and looks awful, i also cant stand black or white(brilliant white that is ). My ideal colour would be "wine red" with an antique white pickguard and all maple neck. Be interesting to know what other people think
  14. Seeing as my necks none to clever ( see "Disaster" thread ) i was thinking of keeping the old tuners as they dont look in bad nick,just a little grubby and stiff, there the open geared types and they can be packed up awaiting the next project ( yes the bug has bitten ).
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