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Everything posted by blazer3
I"m ready to start on my first bass project, i"ve just got a p bass wiring kit from axesrus and im a bit confused as to which pot is which as their identicle. Does it matter which i use for the vol and tone etc or is it all down to the wiring. cheers mick
I Recently aquired 2 old hardcases, one of which hadnt been opened in approx 15 years so both smell musty as hell, i"ve got em opened up in the spare room as we speak with the window open,is there anything i can use to spray in em, stuff like febreeze etc or will the stuff react with the paint on the basses when they go back in. There old cases and not worth a jot but there better than a gig bag. cheers mick
Cheers for that andy. Once it was set up it played great,really nice sound from the jazz style set up and im more than happy with it, much better than the jazz copy i have. Cheers mick
I"ve picked up a bbn4 today (did a swap for a pair of binoculars) and all the bbn4"s ive seen on the web have the 2 either side tuner configuration but mine has the 3 and 1 configuration and i cant find any pics anywhere of that model, the yamaha website dates it to dec 06. can anyone shed any light on this model, its natural in colour, serial number is stamped on back of headstock. Needed a good clean and the action lowering quite a bit plus its picked up a few battle scars as the guy used to gig with it but overall its in pretty good nick, came with a very tatty hard case as well. Im pretty chuffed as i think i got the better part of the deal.
Bumnote. I used a heatgun, stripped it off in no time whatsoever but be careful around the edges as its thinner round there. Also where some sort of mask as the fumes will do serious damage, i didnt have a proper mask so i just cut a strip from an old beach towel and tied that round my face. cheers mick
MR T. Cheers for the advice, thats what i"ll do then, i dont want to mess it up just for the sake a few quid, cheers mick
I"m using the plasti-kote super spray which i think is acrylic, i"ve gone for satin as i didnt want that high gloss look, more of a soft sheen, like i said in my original post, it seemed to be ok on the scrap wood i used but a bass body is a lot bigger area.
Ive just started on a precision project and i was wondering if i could get away with not clearcoating the colour, just buff out the paint with buffing compound as i dont want that shiny new look, i"ve tested the idea on a scrap piece of wood and while it initially took some paint off it eventually settled and come out ok and was smooth, obviously i"ll be putting a lot more coats of colour on the body just to make sure not to much paint comes off to show the primer underneath. As anyone else does this and what was the outcome, im priming the body today (as we speak actually) then applying the colour coats tomorrow. regards mick
It all depends on where you see yourself bass wise in a few years time. If you join a band then i suppose you would want a nice instrument and gear, something that sounds good and plays well (who wouldn"t). Considering i am new to bass playing, i know exactly what i want and it doesn"t involve joining a band, in all honesty i"m quite happy jamming with a guitar player friend of mine (usually drunk but what the hell ) as its a great laugh and because were both beginners its fun as well, were both 41 years old so were not kids. All in all i really couldn"t justify spending money on a squire let alone a fender because in my eyes it would be a waste of money as it wouldnt get the usage. My jazz copy plays and sounds fine to me (probably sound garbage to someone else) it was cheap and i dont mind if it gets knocked about, i"ve learned how to set it up and i just love picking it up and playing. Everyones opinions will be different and i wouldn"t regard anyone has a gear snob just because they wouldn"t entertain a cheap bass, its just that thier future plans may be completely different to mine.
I"m not lucky enough to find a decent bass for a knock down price, however im a member of my local freecycle group where people give away items they no longer want or need, you can also put wanted ads on as well so the other day i placed a wanted ad asking for old bass bodies for a project i fancied doing (cheeky, i know but if you dont ask you dont get) and was contacted by a guy in southport who said he had a full bass i could have as it had been in his shed for around 20 years and he wanted shut of it, when i picked up the bass it even had a hardcase with it, i didnt even look at the bass till i got home. Check out the action in the pic, it must have been an inch high, the bridge is in great nick as is the maple neck now its been cleaned and the body had been painted with a brush there were strokes everywhere so i rubbed it down and now its blue but i"ve decided to replace all the electrics and pickups. All in all a bass that cost me nothing and with very little outlay could turn out very nice indeed, it has no marks or makers name anywhere so im surmising its a cheap thing that the guy bought when he was a teenager, it even had a cheesy learn bass book in the case. RESULT
Some sound advice there guys.cheers for that. I"m gonna replace the pots as there in a terrible state, was thinking of getting one of the p bass kits from axesrus, anyone bought one of these kits, they seem decent quality, certainly coudnt be any worse than whats in now.
I was given a precision copy yesterday and was wondering if theres anyway of getting rust off the pole pieces without using wire wool, the electrics on it are none to clever and when i plugged it in there was an almighty buzzing which after taking off the plate was down to 2 wires not being connected, so the pickups seem to work ok. cheers mick
Behind the wall of sleep/NIB. Now thats a bass tone to die for and is the only reason i picked up a bass in the first place, even though its took me many many years to pick up a bass, each to their own. Love steve harris"s tone as well.
Geezer butler was ( still is for that matter ) the main reason but Steve Harris, Bob Daisley and Lemmy being high up on the list theres countless others but i"ve drank so much beer over the last 25 years i cant remember their names coz my brains turned to mush. Im probably gonna get slated for this but i was never a fan of Geddy Lee & Rush ( nice sig bass though)
I Used self adeshive on my cheap jazz copy, pickguard and face of headstock, looks miles better than it did.
ok i may be a newby bass player but im far from a newby music lover and i consider myself pretty clued up. This is a great 69 session and even though jimmy page is great on guitar, i cant help but be drawn to jones and bonham which his probably why i picked up the bass in the first place (cant believe it took me 29 years to pick up a bass, 29 Goddamn years) i must have been bladdered for 29 years which i think i was tbh. Anyway i may be stuck in the 60s/70s and 80s but i love it and i wouldnt change it for the world.
Hi all. ( sorry if this is in the wrong section ) complete newby to bass playing, just bought myself a jazz bass copy from a local store, the bass itelf looks to have been in the warehouse for quite a while and was very grubby and dusty, everthing else has cleaned up a treat and now looks mint,except the fretboard,it still looks very dull and dusty,i"ve cleaned it once with "kyser lem oil" and while the upper board looks cleaner than it did the lower part still looks dusty. How can i bring back the original look of the board, i love dark rosewood boards, is there anything else other than the lem oil to get the board nice and dark again. any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the replies guys. Im not rushing into buying gear, being skint doest help but it keeps me away from the shops.
Hi all. A mate of mine pointed me in the direction of this bass site so here i am. 41 years young and just started learning the bass, i love this instrument, where would any band be without a bass player, my influences are Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Led Zep. basically all the old school stuff. I bought a jazz bass copy yesterday as i like the sound, i"m hoping to save up and get a proper jazz bass but the one i bought sounds great so it will do me for a while. Any advice will be extremely welcome.