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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I picked one of these up for @TheGreekonce - was absolutely beautiful, every part as good as the USA version. Was a shame I had to send it onto him 😉
  2. I’m currently self isolating…2 days in. Not sure if it’s the covid, the disruption to sleep, the paracetamol or the amount of irn bru I’ve drank in 48 hours… but my dreams are getting more colourfuller 🥴
  3. Well. You’re welcome to come for a brew and rub mine if you’re in need 😉
  4. a lot of bass for the money… I think Frank Felix has a ring to it…my friends could call me Franko and I would be the envy of all the other bass players in town. Damn it…that would be so, so cool. I’d be cool, accepted, respected…I could become the…mayor, MAYOR OF BASS TOWN!
  5. Did you put it on eBay for 1800 smackers?
  6. I’ve bought and sold basses before they’ve even arrived before now. some though, they get played.
  7. None. all 424s. It saw off a 1024x and some 1100’s too.
  8. And @Al Krowmy current bb414 is on about 5 years. And the 1600 is here to stay, that would’ve been a huge, huge error.
  9. the guy can’t reply to a message - I suspect it’s a wonderful idea but ultimately futile exercise
  10. He’s got lust in his eyes…just like hogan.
  11. Either which way - to resolve will be costly, invasive and will reduce resale… Even if you didn’t buy it to sell, points 1 and 2 are still deciding factors for me. From your experience with said instrument @walshy, could it be resolved?
  12. Maybe they do. Maybe they’ll grab it themselves…MAYBE THEY’RE ALREADY THERE NOW. SWINES!!
  13. Wow. If there weren’t pictures of the back of the bass, I’d say the neck was snapped… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/rickenbacker-4003-bass-/115241658412?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  14. I think the haunting melody at the start of The Mandalorian theme is a bass recorder… IT’s everywhere! https://youtu.be/2YDKxcdIXBs
  15. I did 2 lots of washing and made something in the slow cooker before…had to rest for an hour afterwards. Think a big long drive would see the car mashed into a barrier while I had a nap. Currently. it will go away.
  16. From Manchester? With Covid and 4 kids in the car? I’d rather stove my own head in with one of my existing BB’s 😂
  17. Well balls…the only other BB414 I want has come up for sale in…LONDON. Meh. No point in crying.
  18. Hmm. “Ski Jump” translates to £300 worth of piddling about. And work on frets means another £100. not the £2900 case queen… Although general condition looks ace
  19. Mike bought an Ashdown from me - and despite the couriers apparent best efforts to kill it… He’s now enjoying it. lovely guy!
  20. Don’t think it was sold…think it hadn’t sold, and the owner took it back. In fact - I think it went up for sale here. They need to update their website xxx
  21. Yeah. No wonder they’ve not replied…
  22. Well. I’ve just messaged them…
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