And the day arrives…
Proper studio day.
Doing all live takes today - then some overdubs for guitars.
I felt the 602’s EP was too robotic and polished.
I asked that we live tracked this new stuff.
we’ve booked a local string quartet for some tracks and we have a Horn section doing some remote recording for us.
Giddy for today. I think we’re doing 9 tracks.
There was a Shuker “artist” model which was similar to a Rob Allen.
Ibanez did one too, about £600
Cort, as above.
Spector Di the Spectorcore in the same style.
and there was a lovely Status Electro for sale here, but not sure if it’s gone.
its P only and doesn’t have those odd little box tuners.
quite an upgradeable little thing…
Plays great with new d’addario and a tweak - absolutely jealous 😂
I’m still in, even though I picked up a yamaha today.
It’s Ella’s first bass!
”dad I want a bass, I want a yamaha, I have £120”
Fun fact - I joined Basschat the day she was born.
@lee650 has the Spector now…
Gutted really, but I know he loves it.
The Sabre is an absolute knockout, and I dare say, more suited to me than the Spector.