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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Circling like a Buzzard for that mate…after all, you are the KING
  2. Let’s not a bit of gossip Eclipse things… try a bit of Stealth… otherwise, you’ll ruin the Groove…
  3. Sabre classic “sledge” in the fancy flip flop paint…got to admit, closed my eyes and pressed “buy” - but you only live once and I’ll be damned if I didn’t give it a go. do fancy a cream Pearl pickguard on it.
  4. Arrangements have been made…back in the club.
  5. Lovely - I know @leemarseillebasshas 2 of these, and they absolutely sing. I have a soft spot for anything BS, and still miss my 714BS
  6. You truly are a god among men @Maude
  7. Seeing a painted neck… might be an earlier one, pre 1980
  8. 2000 think about 1981 model.
  9. Doesn’t the SV have a valve in it? is it in need of a service/valve replacement? Im sure it’s just a 12ax7 or something
  10. I’d say pre 1980 is “vintage”. post 1980 to 1990 “near - vintage”. 1990-2000 “old” 😂
  11. This has been doing the rounds for a few years now. Not done tastefully enough to make sense. And the price has been £3000 down to £900 and everything in between, without a sale.
  12. It was… It moved to a member on here and was moved on again, lost track of it after that. I kept it with the pickguard on but it had all the sting marks underneath…
  13. I’ve just made myself sad that I sold my fender custom shop sting 🙄😂
  14. That’s sort of how sting plays isn’t it? saw a cool post on Facebook somewhere which showed the progressive wear on his 50’s P from the mid 90’s to 2021
  15. Taken from my Aerodyne, I just wanted a more classic fender look. They’re heavy, chrome, and sort of a strat knob with a recess before the skirt. Push fit for splined pots.
  16. As per description… taken from 2014 unused aerodyne, I use the bridge pickup solo’ed a lot and had a Fender Vintage Noiseless pickup spare so did a swap. nice pickup - single coil. all the wire is there as I de-soldered from the pot.
  17. I’m glad you’re sorted - I hope my input made a difference, either way - have fun now!
  18. My local PMT had one for £379 for about 4 years
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