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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Ah well. Decision made. Fender vintage noiseless bridge pickup…done
  2. Much better. And I’d spend more trying to get something of a similar quality with a reverse p/j
  3. Well, I’ve had it listed for a few weeks and shockingly it’s not gone. As I’m in the studio next month, I’m going to take it for a few specific tracks - it’s too good to just sell for selling’s sake. I might look into some EMG’s for it. Like a Spector BB…🤨
  4. He apparently sprayed the bodies from fender in a colour called Peacock blue. Sims did the final fit and finish with the LED necks…and yeah. It was all a bit of a nightmare apparently. 4 or 5 of them ended up with tort pickguards etc. doomed.
  5. Highly thought of mate, not quite at JV levels - £300-£500 seems to be what people are asking £250-£350 seems to be what they’re actually selling at:
  6. I enjoyed it, nice to know “creative tension” was alive and well in the 60’s 😊
  7. Meh. not big enough or passive enough 🤣
  8. Ooof absolutely lovely - I too missed out on the eBay one, but a recent purchase says no to funds…
  9. I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again - I want Spector to Make me a BB, or yamaha to make me a BB Spector. It’s becoming an obsession, think I need to talk to John Shuker or something… There’s equal Love here - but I know I’ll not find another bb1600.
  10. Honestly Bri, even with slightly knackered GHS boomers on, it sounded bloody ace. I made the right choice
  11. Bit of studio time tonight. Bb1600 was ace
  12. £200 bass only… after that I’m done.
  13. That’s a wonderful performance of a great song. how come - (noticing quite lovely “hooky” esque playing) that Hooky is is revered and Clayton is somehow reviled on these pages? I’d do that every night of the week and twice on Sunday for a tenth of what Clayton has in the bank. More power to the guy. I admire him hugely.
  14. Ah yeah - I remember that. He still has an affiliation with them, was in a lot of the literature for “Meters” headphones. I suppose once you reach his level, it’s anything and everything - he’s had multiple signature basses for Fender and Warwick - after playing Lakland for years. A very nice position to be in.
  15. I did battle with a 68 tele neck and a 70’s p body. was never 100% happy
  16. The body end of the neck on “tele” basses is square. The regular precision neck…is rounded. get a luthier to do it.
  17. The thing that strikes me is the quality of materials, (that maple!!!) - they obviously spare no expense making these. Obviously - @hiram.k.hackenbacker is an absolute stand up bloke, and if I were in a position to buy, I’d have no hesitation. Only mildly baffled as to why, once you’ve reached this pinnacle…you’d sell. But, I’ve got an inkling as to why that may be. It’s beautiful mate - totally out of my “type” but I think they’re ace.
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