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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Yamaha just seemed to start doing that in the 1990’s - don’t know why 🤷🏻‍♂️
  2. I don’t bet, I’m too skint from buying basses
  3. There was an 88/89 in blueburst at the gallery for about 3 years…should’ve jumped on it. I keep an eye out for it…it’ll turn up - they always do.
  4. If a Diego blue turns up - I won’t be saying no.
  5. Yeah, it’s lovely - but I want something with a bit more character I suppose. Something valvier 😉
  6. I’m sort of done for BB’s - I’ve owned everything bar a 3000, the early ones don’t do it for me and the new ones don’t either. So unless yamaha do a bb3000 reissue, I’m ok there. We’ll see - amp is something I’m wondering about - should’ve kept my Reidmar. Absolute dummy move that.
  7. It would be noble of me to step aside…
  8. If it’s paid for in 2021, then it’s 2021 stock…
  9. I want to try. I do. I don’t know who I’m trying to kid…
  10. Yeah. I have a little book of BB’s and I tick them off - sort of like Pokémon Go, but for yamaha BB basses… I’m on “stop” at the minute…
  11. There was one on Facebook a few months back - long gone as it was well priced.
  12. Arrived On Tuesday (21st) - the second bit (pickguard) is being done as we speak so will be mid January probably. Enjoying it so far, even with telegraph wire strings 😌
  13. If it was headless…would it need double bauble end strings? anyone? No? too much merriment 😔
  14. I think it’s a nice eb3/SG Bass alternative. My daughter is Brian May mad…and plays a bit of bass. at £900 or £600 used - it’s just a bit of a stretch for her to mess about on…currently
  15. Roland cubes always seemed pretty decent.
  16. I see a crutch without an owner…
  17. No, I was in Scrooge mode and took my ball home last night…😉 And certainly you can @Benzilla
  18. Circle of one - Oleta Adams Pino Palladino on the majority, if not all tracks.
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