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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. It’s been about 10 years since my last DR trial. Maybe it’s time again - although I seemed to dislike them (hi beams I think) - I’m obviously a bit of a Goldilocks for strings 😂
  2. I’m going through GHS 45-100’s like no tomorrow currently, love them but they die when you breathe near them - 2 rehearsals (so 8 hours play) and they’re useless, well…I’m exaggerating but at £25 a pop 😂
  3. They’re great mate, a little firm for me - so I’ll change as I go. Bass is lovely though - many thanks x
  4. Ian has just delivered a Spector. Absolutely wonderful example of why basschat is brilliant - great guy, knows his beans and the bass is good too 😏
  5. Back in the club. Sometimes you see a bass and you think “I have to have it….” So a year to the day I collected my last Spector (435xl) It’s time to go again.
  6. “Tendinitis city” - great name for a band.
  7. Now (3 days later) A Yamaha BB, but made like a Spector Euro Lx by the Czech factory… erm.
  8. You can buy the bb 414/1024 bridge pickups, you could make it a neck through yamajazz… it’s also 4.9kg too 😳
  9. No. To return it to stock would basically be impossible and you’d spend about £400 putting it right for it to ultimately be worth about £600 if that. If you’re after one, look at one which isn’t hacked up. If it was about £150/£200 it’d be worth the investment I suppose.
  10. Don’t play at all unless you absolutely have to (the gigs) erm. That.
  11. Bargain wine red In Boston (Lincolnshire) on Facebook - collect only 🙃
  12. Should’ve kept my 2005 desert gold HH - I wasn’t actually playing much bass at the time, and now it would really suit the band I’m in. d’oh. Looks beautiful - as you well know ☺️
  13. I’ve also done a few years in a moderately successful band who used to spend rehearsals drinking and partaking in chemical recreation. The drummer and myself did not. so we sat around nursing a couple of beers while the rest of the band got blitzed and could barely stand. one Sunday we met at 10am, they were still going from the night before - by 6pm we’d done 45 minutes of playing. I eventually quit. The drummer stayed involved and did another 18 months - surprised at that as he was more sensible than me in most respects.
  14. a vox phantom, double neck, fretless 36” on bottom, electric 12 string (left handed) on top 😜
  15. It’s already been bid on, and I don’t *need* it. If it was silly cheap - I’d jump. Thank you though guys - much appreciated. The bb1600 sounded ace last night and something arriving by end of the week which was a bit unforeseen 🤦🏻‍♂️😂
  16. not sure what the origins are, possibly from a style of German Double Bass/Violin making? Or possibly some marketing nonsense from someone like Rickenbacker/Mosrite 😂
  17. German Carve; pronounced step (concave) carve on the edge of an instrument…a la Rickenbacker/Fano/Ibanez Artist and Kramer 650b 😉
  18. there’s one on bloody eBay “collection only” in London 🤬
  19. Tonight’s rehearsal reminded me of how important it is, originals wise anyhow. We record everything with a zoom h4n - and I’m the lucky bugger who transfers it all to the WhatsApp group - I don’t mind this, I do it with a few beers and as I use GarageBand it’s all a matter of Bluetooth and review. The laughs we have - Jesus, honestly. We have a great time, we learn our parts and play them, but then develop the tunes in the room. But from my point of view, it’s a time away from being “just” dad and “Mr Travis” at work. I adore my one night a week - a bit sad really, but it’s me being me. And listening through it all - I have a sense of pride the band is developing. Anyhow…rehearsal really works for our band, I know other settings/bands don’t work that way - but I’ve done the “here are the chord sheets, transpose it to B flat” gigs and I really don’t want to do them again. I use it as a social thing. 4 hours - 3.5 of which is playing music.
  20. Now… I’m in no position at all. Ive coveted these basses more than any other without having ever played one. I’ve owned loads of stingrays - these have eluded me. Goddamn it.
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