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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. I know. I’m changing my username to Vivian…
  2. Phone had a massive episode after posting that. Oh well, at the time it was hilarious. Now I want to smash my phone.
  3. Wasn’t planning on, but I’m easily bought
  4. Noice. Not close enough…and possibly a bit more than I wanted to pay. Will think on that 👍🏼
  5. Looks like it could be short though @Ricky Rioli
  6. Don’t bank on that. S means all sorts in vintage yamaha land. There are medium and short scale bb’s. I cannot get my head around those earlier models and my brain hurts a lot.
  7. Early 80’s. Probably about 83-85 then replaced by bb450. the Grover Titans on that bass have been made a pigs ear of and it’s a real shame. think the VI/IV etc were Japan only, so it’s rare to see over here. And the original machineheads are a bugger to get hold of
  8. I always have and always will love the Deftones. The wife and kids were out yesterday and I had their recent (ish) album “Gore” on at a hefty tilt… They came back in and Jen said “ooh trav, he sounds in pain - and it’s too loud”. But I like old heavy too - she’ll happily listen to Metallica and that kind of stuff, just think Chino’s screaming isn’t her cup of tea. Although I spotted The Disturbed on her Spotify playlist.
  9. Out of interest - was I just really unlucky with mine, or have you had any niggles?
  10. I had an “ultimate” stand - it was wicked, loved it. it was expensive, about £50 Then after about 10 years - just standing, not gigged or packed down frequently or used other than as a stand…the locking mechanism just gave way and the bass took a tumble (don’t worry Basschat buyers it’s my fretless which I still own) - and I was gutted. I couldn’t fix it as the red locking part encapsulated the bolt and washer, so without destroying it - it was a lost cause. I need a double stand. I have a rack for 6, and I have 2 further instruments needing a house. Nope, need space for 9. FFS. Just remembered the bass I’m putting together and a guitar which miraculously appeared today.
  11. Doing some “proper” recording with it today. Hopefully
  12. I was in ‘nam, Man…you weren’t there…man vietnam? nah man…Chelten(h)am…
  13. Nah. Like my BB’s with a big backside
  14. Got all excited then. Collection only London… then I realised I have to get the purple paint for the 350, and I’ve just bought a £70 Gotoh bridge for the 424x and I need to grow up.
  15. Bbn4 (1) - that bridge is what I have on my bb414, they’re on these and the early attitudes. the 3+1 headstock caused EB to get hot under the collar and yamaha had to change it.
  16. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pDvG2qqj_KVjm1Ef8AcG2W7xmVj9ty4m/view?usp=drivesdk Right, so the main body of it is 100% on bridge vol/tone, 90% neck full tone. Humbucker mode. Theres a noodly bit which is just bridge humbucker. Think I added reverb. Slappy bit - single coils both on full vol/tone. sorry it’s scrappy - 3 year old playing up so - but yeah, It does a lot and it’s nice, looking forward to band context.
  17. Just packing the kids bags for a trip to the beach tomorrow, and then I’ll give it a go
  18. The spec sheet I have is in Japanese. And I will do sound samples shortly. And then a NBD thread I suppose…
  19. I just don’t like the “humour”. Ive seen a few of his videos now, he’s obviously a good player. But I wouldn’t care if I never heard/saw him again.
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