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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Factory fretless that mate. The multiple and badly placed micro switches…not so much.
  2. Can’t find a feedback thread for Mick, which strikes me as odd - he’s a local bass hero. Anyhow he had my dream Yamaha. He messaged months ago saying he may list it. I promised I’d buy it if he decided to shift it on. He did decide, but the timing was off for me due to job change and remortgaging. ”No stress, ready when you are” - and here we are. Just a fecking marvellous human, and the packaging was bomb proof. Legend - thanks Mate xxx
  3. Gerry sold me two yamaha basses - his mate happened to be heading my way, Both arrived in great condition and Gerry was very good with communication and messages regarding the instruments. Many thanks G - good luck with the UBass!
  4. If you do, I’ll have the pickups etc. I want that double humbucker 😂😂😂
  5. I miss mine…I know it wasn’t right for me, but I loved owning it. It was lovely. every time I see a red one…I think “ooh mine” and it isn’t.
  6. Yeah and the sucked sweetie black knobs which I love. Have got 5 left…must find more.
  7. Adore the Rivoli in appearance, but I know the sound isn’t right for me. Can't say I’m not massively tempted by it though. Because looking at a bass is as good as playing it, right?
  8. I wonder. Did that come via my mate Karlfer? Looks like my old 714 - loved it.
  9. Yeah. Mint green too, hmm. Lots of options. That G&L looks clean.
  10. I’ve seen burst bb’s with tort before, looks nice
  11. Think I’ll be getting some new pickguards for them…tort maybe
  12. Can’t wait to get to these tomorrow, will be lots of fun. New strings in the post and then Standard Trav Tweak, Then the 1300 too… Pics will follow tomorrow. Off to enjoy a pre birthday meal with the wife in Lancaster ☺️
  13. @Al Krow was intended to wind Lee up, but yeah - a pleasing photo
  14. @TheGreek would love both of them, but I need to close my eyes.
  15. The twins have arrived…just 3 new bb’s today then…
  16. Not the same level, but I had one of the Hohner 80’s ones. Bloody loved it - one of the best sounding basses I’ve recorded with.
  17. The delivery of the 425 to @lee650 completed in a next car park made me excited for my own delivery. What a feeling.
  18. Ian Brown. Absolutely bypassed me when he was enjoying post Stone Roses (who I still don’t get) successes. But recently, I can’t turn of Solarized, love the production. So I’ve explored his other output…ace. And for a guy who essentially cannot sing and mumbles in a thick Manc accent…I love listening to him.
  19. Eagle 1 has landed with my parents…so I’m one step closer to the bb1300. eagle 2 and 3 are on their way up the motorway as we speak. then I decide whether or not I need 2 of the same bb…and sell one. Like busses…
  20. Like the colour of this bass, TRBX? Oh oh is it bb714bs lava red?
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