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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Oooh. Now then. This excites me Mick!
  2. If it’s a good sounding/playing/well put together J type, it could say “mutton chops” on the headstock as far as I’m concerned - £700 isn’t astronomical, if it’s a Good instrument. I’ve owned Yamaha’s from £100 worth to £3000 - the name on the headstock doesn’t mean much. I sold a Squier Venus electric 12 for £800 About 7 years ago - god knows what I’d get for it now. And it’s not emperors new clothes - it’s a nearly 40 year old instrument which was the predecessor of the current Fender Japan reissues which fetch £700+ The only “big” difference is a water slide decal on the headstock front. 🤷🏻‍♂️😉
  3. I have a mate who builds trumpets - he is/was good mates with Mr Lado. There was talk of me having a (non unicorn) one made but it never happened.
  4. Wal mk1 fretless or MIDI but...who’s got £8000+ spare...not me
  5. The blue sparkle one was always on my shopping list, when I worked in a shop - the lightest one we had In was 10.5lbs hahaha
  6. Oooh magic. Imagine a BB-SH. Clank Clank Clank...with a West Ham Logo 😂
  7. If these were £750/£800 more often I would give it a go. I had an 83 Squier which was battered and modded - loved it. I know where it is and I’m still waiting for a “ok mate, I give up - you can have it back...” It’s a nice looking thing, but as stated we’re spoiled for choice these days so £800+ can go far.
  8. Doesn’t get more 80’s. Needs to be pink sparkle with a lightning bolt decal...
  9. There...Ave some of that 🤣
  10. In all honesty no, I haven’t - I’ve skim read; but this thread is on it’s thousandth iteration so it’s more guesswork/estimation. No pretence at all - and if you were pointing a finger at me; I’d not worry. If we agree - I apologise for misreading your tone.
  11. Well in my case it’s direct experience - I’m allowed to disagree; I’m allowed my opinion. I used to sit and test shipments of basses, we used to get 6-10 of the same bass delivered to us to send out to shops - I used to set them up and send any back with flaws/damage. This could be 50-100 instruments at a time. I did that for 12 years, 40-50 hours a week. Did it with guitars too. I do have a clue. I’m not entering into a disagreement with you - merely offering another viewpoint.
  12. What bothers me about these sorts of comments is the attempt to invalidate others experience and knowledge... It really doesn’t matter at all. At all. I’ve never once bought a Bass because of the wood it was made from, ever. If it plays well, weight is good...and sounds right for what I want at the time, there we go. I don’t really understand what these threads are for - “SEE I TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE WRONG!” Slow clap. not specifically aimed at @Killed_by_Death or the OP. And then people do posts like mine and @AxelF‘s and it gets locked, or lost. Give it 3 months it will happen again.
  13. You’ll appreciate the video I posted most likely, decent playing at least - if not scientific enough for some.
  14. DeGier did this with a passive P type a while ago. Anyhow. There was a sound variation between the body Wood types. Have had this discussion so many times now I can’t be bothered. That video with the slapping borders on useless...
  15. Yeah I saw one at £150 and enquired, got no reply and then marked as sold it ☹️
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