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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Yeah the chap builds them by hand - pretty cool. I know @LukeFRC is in his queue...but as far as I understand it, you’ll get the bass whenever he’s done and you won’t be getting build diary updates 😂
  2. Another lovely deal with Walshy. He is now the custodian of my Sadowsky. Glad his “chance to try a sadowsky P” came from me, and this one is special. You can already see from previous posts that he’s a good guy. So this is superfluous really. But is definitely deserved.
  3. @fleabag I’d recommend a courier that @walshy uses for anything bass related. The driver who collected a bass from me put it specifically in his cab as a “passenger”.
  4. Guitar Guitar offer to buy stuff outright, but not sure if that’s 15% less than market value or 50% - having never tried it myself. Would this stuff not sell on here @fleabag?
  5. If only I could apply it to Something useful mate...
  6. Can’t remember who it was now who made a replica with a Warwick neck on here. They did it in white like CS’s bass.
  7. I have a very “active” sounding Tune. A very traditional/thumpy Jack Casady - if I want to have both sounds...or near as damn it, I have a Yamaha BB. I Also have a fretted and fretless J pair. If you have the money and it makes you happy...just go for it. Buy and sell used on here - get more bang for your buck, massively.
  8. Yeah, it’s extra boxes though. And I’ve just moved from a 2 cab set up. Thing is, there’s nowhere near me stocking EBS or Vanderklay etc...so, will have to see what S/H stuff is available to buy to eliminate the dreaded depreciation 🤣
  9. Ok. Car boot I can live with - and 10 years ago the weight wouldn’t have been an issue. In fact 15 years ago I used to use SWR Goliath cabs which were a similar weight. In hindsight it’s probably part of why my back isn’t as good as it should be.
  10. No, I’ve always found roto flats to be...er, yeah...not so flat.
  11. That big open wound Flatwound shouts “Roto Jazz Bass” to me.
  12. @such When you are about to put it back into hibernation, let me know 😉
  13. Cool. The 410 is a gnats chuff too big for my current car boot - will have a scan 👍🏼
  14. Lovely. Love the EBS sound...just not the bulk. Need to look at measurements/weights.
  15. Just looking for general experience, nothing overtly scientific.
  16. I actually don’t do huge amounts of it - but it’s part of the sound...
  17. Yeah. Not sure if shipping is an option. Theres a diagonally configured one at Bass Direct - don’t know if this is a newer/older model. Looks lush though.
  18. Sorry if it’s been asked before... I want a lighter cab, hence my EBS 410 being for sale. I love the air moving but not the lifts. I’m thinking EBS Neoline 212 or a used Vanderklay at bass direct. Will a 212 be too mid heavy? Any experience?
  19. I’ve got a supply of wonderful solder which works well when called upon. I must admit - I hate it, but I’m pretty handy with it.
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