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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. @Fil1ip well...that’s me missing my 714
  2. I’ll record anything you want - I know @marleaux62 will be happy to lend it to me.
  3. @marleaux62 keep it warm for me. I’m dreaming about that bloody bass!!!
  4. Haha, if I win the lottery I’ll be in a better position.
  5. I adore these. I’m not currently buying though.
  6. Yeah. The only bass I’ve found which does both is my Sadowsky
  7. Listened to a whole Springsteen gig once at old Trafford, was ace. I was 3 miles away in my garden.
  8. @lee650 told me about this documentary coming onto Amazon Prime. Really Decent hour and a half describing his career. Think it’s about 2/3 years old. But i really enjoyed it.
  9. That’s been for sale...for a long long time
  10. “Alice In Chains - MTV Unplugged” the album “Nirvana - MTV Unplugged” wishes it could’ve been. 😉
  11. I am in love with this bass @Sean. Not got anything to sell or offer in trade. Absolutely heartbreaking
  12. Jeff Buckley’s. Given to me by his (former) manager. Apparently used at his final gig. Got it while fixing some stuff for Michael Tighe who was in a band called The A.M. after Buckley’s death. Oh well...no clue where it is currently.
  13. Damn. If I had a spare grand, that would be mine.
  14. I know the BB’s are the thing here. I keep want an SB though too. Great shape, sort of the midway between the SBV samurai basses and the BB’s...I think chronologically as well as in appearance.
  15. or this 😂 hang on...not the picture I meant...
  16. Joe Satriani at the Manchester Apollo. My mate won tickets on a local rock radio station. He was a fan. We managed 45 minutes. Also, the first time I ever saw someone set up an iPad to record the entire gig (leant on the balcony) and preceded to scroll through his phone for the time we were there. It’s what I’d call a chocolate gig - nice, but you feel sick if you just carry on.
  17. Got some free tickets for the “Chelsea Daggers” band The Fratelli’s? yeah, 2 songs in...drum solo. We got the bar and then walked out. ”you can’t return once you’ve been out” said the doorman at Manchester Academy... ”it’s alright, we don’t want to return...” came the reply.
  18. She really wasn’t for me at all, I never understood the hype, much like Florence Welch - their voices are like nails down a chalkboard to me... Mrs T loves Winehouse though, and she howls along in the bath - quite a good voice my wife, but I just couldn’t get into it. Still, she was a talent - but behaved in a way which led to her being hounded and eventually she became what people expected to see. Was a real shame. Think she was either the same age as me or a little younger. What a waste.
  19. I saw AW at the fender strat anniversary concert in about 2004, and she was an interesting new artist. I then played Bestival in 2008 and she was booed off the stage as she was in no fit state at all, and was a mess. Crazy how different the two performances were in just 4 years.
  20. Yeah, it went back to Jaydee after I bought it. Wonder if I still have the emails Edit - no I haven’t, it was about 12 years ago hahah
  21. So happy the bass I loved but didn’t gel with has a new lease of life. Did you find the serial number - was it 1180880 or something like that?
  22. Oh my. I saw that on Instagram...how intriguing.
  23. Ah yeah totally forgot about him, which is odd because we sold him a TD kit once... Also John Thompson and Al Murray are drummers.
  24. I just really remember liking the bb604, a real “sleeper” bass as they don’t go for silly money. Edit - this chap is on a lot of Yamaha groups on Facebook and seems to utilise a 605WR to great effect https://www.facebook.com/100000516907786/posts/4391140704246450/?d=n
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