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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Yeah, he replied to me on Facebook about it - said it stemmed from the American old army drill chants “I don’t know but I’ve been told...” Now I can’t unhear that - same as when someone told me the first phrase of the “sunshine of your love” guitar solo is lifted from Blue Moon...
  2. Not famous by any stretch, but our bands songs always stem from the bass
  3. Positions as far is I can remember
  4. Ah, ok - imagine a short scale neck shoved into a Les Paul body with a generic set of pickups off an Epiphone viola bass and an Ibanez stop tail. Hardly worth the picture to be fair mate - I’ve saved you a job 😉
  5. Gryphon is top - actually not as bad as I recall. but that SG was stunning.
  6. Meh. This is their latest offering they also made a Gryphon and other SG’s in conjunction with Drew when he ran the GBBL. The Gryphon was silly ugly (in my opinion) but they did a Pelham SG which was stunning...
  7. I haven’t - I played an SG bass in black satin in about 2015/16 at the GBBL. I wasn’t bowled over - but it was nice to see. I often think they could do something really special along the lines of a Gibson esque bass - and have massive orders... But they seem to be happy enough in their current guise. I spotted a Gypsy semi hollow bass announcement recently? But it fell short of the mark for my wallet to start tingling...
  8. Will wait until payday...but think I’ve found replacement
  9. Today’s task. Sort the 2 point series/parallel switch which has been intermittent. Cleaner...nowt. Open up the back. Loose (off) wire. Easy peasy - look - an empty prong with a blob of solder, magic - that’s it. Yep, signal...good. Solder. Not an ounce of difference, well...no, just nothing. de-solder. touch test, signal from a couple...took a faff of hold/strum etc. Solder. Magic. Works and deffo series/parallel. still intermittent. FFS. Switch is goosed/on its way out.
  10. Are the spaces at the bottom “just in case” 😂
  11. The only genuine “lawsuit” was Gibson vs Ibanez on a headstock copy. Possibly Tokai too on the fenders...but fender just had that factory make some guitars for them (I think I read somewhere) The “lawsuit era” is a bit of a misnomer really. And people shove it on listings to add some sort of magic... Copying tried and tested designs saved on expensive r&d I guess.
  12. If I wasn’t skint, I’d give it a go
  13. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/363275709866 whats the betting it turns up absolutely unusable
  14. I sit down with a bass, get comfy, then adjust strap to suit that seated position. For pretty much everything that works. For Thunderbirds...not so much. My back is terribly fragile though.
  15. Bought my Sadowsky and Casady from them. Lovely.
  16. Mild neck dive but better than the other thunderbird I had (reverse/classic) think the gibbo will be different again, set neck, mahogany etc.
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