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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Hence I shall never buy another as my spine can’t do it. Hant stopped me owning 2 Thunderbirds though 😂
  2. I actually said “take a picture, so I can see how it looks on me” - next day, was up for sale. Shame, sounded bloody great.
  3. I like them all. but still...me and a NR thunderbird...really doesn’t work.
  4. Yeah. Didn’t want to sell it really...but I sat with that and the Sadowsky and made a snap decision. Lasted about 24 hours on the marketplace so I didn’t have chance to change my mind 😂
  5. “Go” branded bag, fair nick - step up from a dust cover, but some padding. would cost about £5 to post in UK.
  6. Nice padded bag, had a life, but not battered, just a bit old. quite heavy so might cost £5 or so to post... Located in m27 Salford/Manchester
  7. Urgh. Why’s it done that? anyhow. The 3 colours.
  8. Aye, just wondering if you were after another 414...
  9. Black 414 just on eBay £180. looks rougher than I’d want...but seems solid
  10. I know roughly what an ash/maple jazz and precision will sound like, I can approximate most combinations in my head - everything else is nuance (pickups/pre) etc. Also, I’ve had about 6/7 basses with graphite necks and they all had a commonality...again, body wood and pickups etc will put a different spin on it. But as @Beedster stated, a good neck mated to a good body is just that - unless it’s made on spec at massive cost, mass manufacturers won’t match bodies to necks specifically. Im falling into the wormhole - I’ve been here before and I’m sure it’s a daily occurrence on forums around the world. Body and Neck wood choices and the affect the do or do not have on the sound of an electric bass or guitar. The variations come down to inconsistency of wood and how well they match bodies to necks etc. And what works for me might not work for 3 or 4 other players. An interesting experiment was when I played 3 p/j’s and sent the recordings to a few basschatters, between a £2500 sadowsky, a £2000 status and a £400 Yamaha - there was very little in it and it was difficult to pick between the 3. ”it all sounds like you...” - can’t remember if that was @LukeFRC or @bassfan I will now sell all of my basses 😯
  11. Yeah. It will come down to the player too - apparently some very famous guitars (greeny’s LP springs to mind) are alleged to be absolute pigs...but some people seem to be able to make them sing. We used to get 4/5 American standard P and J basses in at a time - they would vary. Wood species all the same etc, weight (density?) would change resonance and therefore feel in hand and overall sound. That’s a whole can of worms though, so.
  12. We used to order the same Gibson acoustic guitar 6-10 units at a time, for whatever reason, the Montana acoustic dealership orders always came through us at Manchester shop. we’d sit and compare them and even same day of completion, same spec, out of the box guitars sounded different. Better/Worse is always subjective but some were vibrant and alive, great for strumming, some were dark and woody/dead which was crap for strumming but ace for flat pickers. Anyhow, that’s my anecdote on production variables.
  13. One in one out... out bass was a £500...in Bass £1750 still...one in...one out...
  14. Jenny has seen all of the above listed basses. Never the receipts...
  15. Now then... I literally pulled that price out of my bottom. knew it wouldn’t be cheap, but at that juncture I’d start seeking out an original 4005
  16. It’s a totally new composition just for you
  17. If it’s not a massive text, send me a photo - my drummer is Lithuanian and speaks fluent Russian.
  18. Haha. They’re a thing mate...just find it so odd. Like dictaphone notes to a secretary. ”I don’t want a conversation and I can’t be bothered to text you...I want to talk at you...”
  19. My wonderful wife has very few flaws. but one thing I cannot accept is the relentless use of voice notes instead of text messages by her and her mates, and colleagues. On WhatsApp they press and hold the mic icon and witter on about whatever, so an inordinate amount of my life is spent listening to... ”well, she came round and I was like - what you doing here at this time, and I was like...” and ”are we doing week 3 of Macbeth with year eleven from Tuesday or Wednesday because I’ve not got the PowerPoint ready yet” It does my head in. So on another thread I posted some music. I’d already sent it to a select few - now @Cuzzie is someone who I respect massively and I really appreciate his enthusiasm and healthy constructive criticism... Today was different, he replied with...A VOICE NOTE. Not one for swearing or violence... here’s how I replied
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