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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Stop, stop...I’ll rip me troosers lad...
  2. Wait for the clearance sales...they’ll be there. £3000 for a stingray. PAH
  3. The thing is, they’re not really the same thing... You should buy a bb404 and a bb414 and swap the electronics over...you’ll only be about £250/300 out of pocket...winner.
  4. I picked a 414 (same pickups as 424) over a 1024. just so the balance in the force is restored
  5. I changed it to try to inject a little more humour... the entire thread was started because we were taking the proverbial out of me buying endless amounts of basses, when my sub £200 Yamaha is absolutely fine. Anyhow, I work bloody hard and if I don’t spend it on basses...it’ll be cheap cars, fast drugs and hard women...
  7. “You said you wanted to get @Doctor J. Do you really wanna get him? You see what I'm saying is, what are you prepared to do?” ‘Anything within the law.’ “And *then* what are you prepared to do? If you open the can on these worms you must be prepared to go all the way. Because they're not gonna give up the fight, until one of you is dead.” ‘I want to get @Doctor J! I don't know how to do it.’ “You wanna know how to get @Doctor J? He pulls a JPEG, you pull a GIF. He sends one of yours to Instagram, you send one of his to Reddit. *That's* the *Basschat* way! And that's how you get the Doc. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?” “Do you know what a blood oath is, @LukeFRC?” ‘Yes.’ “Good, 'cause you just took one”
  8. Compared to the guitar next to it, and the bridge placement...it’s a 30
  9. I want to be in love, I want to be irrational... but I can’t get past short scale, or the inevitable king’s ransom price...
  10. It’s called, apparently...a 4005 cx
  11. 1024x also available in vintage white so used about £500, and bb424x available in white so about £250/300 for very similar look. god bless Yamaha post 2005 and their hilarious decision to make 3 price tiers in all the same boring colours
  12. Short scale. And probably £7500. will not be buying
  13. Where are these posted then? ah Instagram
  14. Wonder if Shaftesbury are going to sue them...
  15. Nope, not a bit - if you find a transition one about 1986/7 with the square pickup surround on the P they’re identical apart from country of origin. The Taiwanese ones can be a fair bit lighter. I preferred that one to the 1988 one I had with the more straightforward p/j pickups sound wise - but the physical quality was identical again.
  16. £3000 for a stingray?? wooooh. Nope Id be buying a pre EB or a couple of decent early 90’s ones.
  17. Was that an American FSR a few years ago?
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