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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Yeah, I assumed as much, was more rhetorical...but people fall for it, it’s got bids etc.
  2. This red one is a one off and he’s hinted that it could be a prototype for a sig model.
  3. That version of Lets Dance was ace. I had an older BTB 676 and although I never got to grips with it and sold after about 2 months, it was a great bass.
  4. There’s a guy asking £1800 for a Gibson EB, think that’s 3 times what they were new RRP and about £1300 more than they were when not many people bought them and they were on clearance lists everywhere.
  5. I think realistically the most you can be asking... Any condition issues, go south of these... Just my opinion of course, but I’d want something super light or factory fresh for more than this. 414 £200 614 £250 415 £250 615 £300 424 £300 425 £350 1024 £500 1025 £550 2024 £1200 2025 £1250 I haven’t differentiated between x/non x... CX/MX/MA versions not withstanding due to scarcity.
  6. If it was £300 I could live with myself. But £650 is hilarious.
  7. Yeah, a real shame - it’s about 3 miles from me. I predict it will stay at that distance for some time.
  8. Yeah, magically adds £350 to its value. £250 and I’d have bought it...but £300+ and I’d go looking for a 1024
  9. @Ed_S i remember when they another e2 stuff. I was still in the shop at the time...”what the hell are they thinking?!” Bad marketing idea - shame as there were some nice models in it.
  10. The red 424x now relisted at £650?! Wow 😳
  11. What just wrecked the Mic? I really loved the LTD TS-4 I ordered in for a customer when I worked in a shop. Basically the same bass, but relic white with EMG’s. Spotted this too - they do it in black now, but it’s pleasant enough...
  12. Why do these questionable (I.e. Fake) fenders always come from house clearances? Not a Fender of any format.
  13. This - absolutely loved it. Made hairs on my arms stand up, having played this in several covers bands - I was really happy to hear this reworked version. Roisin Murphy is absolutely ace.
  14. Cheers for this. Seems really positive, can’t deal with heavy though.
  15. Haha, nah...just looking guv, honest..
  16. Just spotted these, think they’ve been about for a bit. Nice P/J with Duncan vintage pickups. Anyone seen one out in the wild? I like the white one. Seem about £800. weird price point I suppose.
  17. Weight, adjustability, sound acoustically and plugged in. I can now make the Casady play more like the solid body basses I have. Sounds better too.
  18. Didn’t Nick Smith @doctor_of_the_bass have a hand in these?
  19. Samick did this too - early 1990s SAKB model
  20. I’m sure this has been sold on basschat before.
  21. I’d guess warping in single piece necks is a 1/1000 if not less issue. Maintenance, correct storage and stuff like that... I owned a Jaydee with a multi laminate neck which was probably the least stable neck I’ve owned. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  22. 415 was orange... I really didn’t feel any benefit to a multi laminate neck. Same pickups, bridge, wiring, body woods, neck join... Same player, same basslines. In fact they were so similar, I shoved flats on the 415 and ended up not using it as much...but to justify taking the two to gigs. A bad multi laminate neck or a good non laminated neck... I do fancy a 424x just to have that pickguard/metal plate look. And red was the least dull colour they did.
  23. But then again, I owned a 425/415 at the same time and liked both equally...and out of all of the BB’s I’ve owned - the 414 remains, and I preferred it to the “superior” 1024x. All subjective really.
  24. Collect only. Shame - only realised it was collect after sending the link to @lee650
  25. Hope that’s not the only finish available “post sprout toilet bowl” isn’t that appealing...
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