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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Classic stack is noise cancelling, don’t know if they’ve discontinued it. But if they haven’t - I can guarantee they’re silent
  2. The classic stacks Duncan do are ace. Have 2 basses with these in and I love them.
  3. Might be worth the question. It looks much more recent than the T-Basses, wooden pickup covers etc. Love the body shape. I wonder if it was a luthier who was commissioned to make a prototype for when Peavey took over.
  4. Seen them A few times - would be nice to have with a similarly aged Fender, just to own.
  5. I’ve been using Ashdown for years now, known Mark for longer 😉
  6. I changed jobs 6 years ago. I absolutely thank my lucky stars really - we worked through lockdown, my wife setting work for kids and me doing welfare checks and keeping in touch with families. Now both back in our schools - business as usual. The company I worked for previously seemed to fall apart and they were almost done while furloughed - but have been bought out at the 11th hour. Lots of mates who’ve struggled/lost jobs. As well as all my muso and actor mates who are struggling currently 😔
  7. The one with knobs 😂 In all honesty - no clue, meant to look it up, but it sounded good from when I put the batteries in so didn’t need to read up. It’s Vol/Blend/stack bass&treb/tone control active passive switch separate.
  8. Does my little P/J gang count 🤔
  9. Just did a little recording this morning, the East is a superb pre
  10. Wonder if this bass was constructed under the Peavey ownership, after MG had stopped working with Trace?
  11. This is the only other T-Bass variant I knew of...
  12. Unless he means he’s not well at all - feeling very odd 😏
  13. Wonder if Mark Gooday will know anything about it? I’ll send the pics.
  14. “You played well, you’ve passed the audition...” ’well, you’ve failed mine...’
  15. Rehearsal was a great success with this 🤗
  16. The blue sterling has been on stock for years - I haven’t played 5’s for about 4 years and it was on my “maybe” list back then - and I recall it’d been there a while at the time.
  17. Radio silence from guy I've known for years. Speaks volumes. I think “hi mate, that was fun - but not for me” would’ve been better than nothing. Sent him the audio files from the rehearsal, no “cheers mate”. Really odd - hopefully he’ll say something at some point.
  18. He had an original 60’s jazz with dead butterflies encased in the lacquer done by DH too. madness. Oh to be rich.
  19. So it’s down to the Damian Hurst paint swirl...think they were originally done as a series to auction off for The Silverlake Music School Flea set up.
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