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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. It’s not - absolutely expected it for a while and saves being polite when I don’t want to.
  2. I can’t sing, play bass, or guitar...and the dancing is only good when I’ve got a pole and baby oil.
  3. I’ve already started talking to singers I know. It’s been funny for a bit. The drummer and I have similar ideas and seem to agree more - so maybe he felt pushed out. I’m past caring - we’re not staying as the 602. Makes no sense, Max joined once we’d chosen the name - and there’s only me left from that original set up. So we move on.
  4. He did a “I’m taking my ball home” over something...so I let him. Haven't got time or patience for it. It’s a relief really, he was doing my friggin nut in.
  5. Stop making it attractive to other people 😩
  6. Hah. Well - at first glance, I’d say 60’s spaced. 60’s sits the bridge pickup more or less in line with bridge pickup control. 70’s takes it more or less in line with tone control.
  7. Absolutely in love with this - have been since you bought it. Affectionately referred to as “The Hulk”. Now...where will I find £1250 🙄😂
  8. What can I say? About 5 months ago, I sold a BB714BS bass to Lee. We’ve been on a real journey together. He’s absolutely a top bloke. So chuffed to have met him - finally. As ever - Basschat is full of great people.
  9. @ezbass that’s awesome - great video, and lovely performances. if only I could get my lot to behave 😂
  10. As @MoJo stated earlier - the switches are notoriously weak on the 414. Mine was replaced with a switchcraft upon purchase. he’s your man for more information
  11. Nice BB614 on eBay - collect only. Near Bristol? Melksham? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/154057841128 Raspberry Red - so one of the last 614’s.
  12. Looks lovely. I’m way too skint to even look.
  13. https://www.btnmusic.co.uk/product/yamaha-electronics-cover-cb809561/ @MoJo
  14. So, Andy looks like he’s in. We’re sending tracks back and forth and demoing ideas where time allows. He bought a Vintera 60’s Strat to celebrate - so fair play, he seems enthusiastic. Drummer has just bought a Roland TD kit so he can track drums more or less silently at home - before we meet and rehearse, bit scuppered by holidays this past fortnight. Hopefully...hopefully...we’ll finish our second EP by the tail end of the year.
  15. This got close - had clever switching too.
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