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Everything posted by AndyTravis

  1. Not really sure what the craic is as Greater Manchester is in a new local lockdown. Now - we’re not rehearsing in anyone’s house so we should be ok...
  2. I used to sell these - the inherent tone is fantastic, but the output was always low. I wonder if some 500k pots would work better - I think they’re humbuckers...think. @KiOgon is your man for this. I wouldn’t mind one of the earlier German ones actually.
  3. The first guitar in our house was a Wilson Rapier 33: had previously belonged to a cousin. wish if kept it.
  4. I think notes can be learned. Feel cannot...and when you throw bad note choice and bad timing together - GAME OVER 😂
  5. I wouldn’t go quite that far. But...yeah. A five Pinter.
  6. I think his farts probably sound lovely. Talented bugger.
  7. I’ll level with you - his first rehearsal was pretty crap. Moments of “oh cool...” So I wanted to push on and see if it was just nerves. The lads were “he might be alright” - and then last night he noodled aimlessly and tunelessly. And as @PatrickJ kindly pointed out - We need something more instant and someone with ideas - not Just an idea... It’s rare I want to walk out of a rehearsal. And instead of “tell you what, give me one more crack and I’ll sort it” I got a gobfull. So...yeah.
  8. Monday. Mike 7-8.30 Andy 8.30-10 interestingly...have just mixed their takes. Doesnt work as well. But as we know, the remote recording idea means feck all.
  9. BB300 Japan Red BB300 Taiwan Red BB350f Taiwan Red BB1100s Taiwan Burst BB1100s Taiwan White BB1024x Caramel Brown BB200 Taiwan Red BB614 Violin Burst BB714BS Lava Red BBG4sII Burst
  10. Upon reflection; he’s a lovely lovely guy, really easygoing and smart. He has a few cool riffs, but his main complaint last night was that he wasn’t prepared (we’d actually been due to see another guy). I think the inflexibility - we were literally jamming ideas...nothing to prepare. I dunno, Nearly there, but not quite. And yeah his recording was great generally. But we exchanged a few more ideas over the last week and I got that sinking feeling.
  11. I’m still on the Modded orange 414
  12. I’ve told the lads this morning to get 3 or 4 more lined up - ex guitarist as a maybe. not that I really want to get into it.
  13. It could all go belly up. i was exasperated with other things tonight too. we’ll see.
  14. The old guitarist was just fine. The whole reason we’re looking for a new guitarist was that he’d left for Birmingham with a girl. He’s messaged tonight to say that he’s still in Manchester as covid has cocked up his move. plot twist.
  15. Ah man, see - I hate being the guy who sends that message. he’s got really snarky with me - that he was tired and he knows it wasn’t great, and we didn’t give him a chance etc. I’m not getting into it with him. If he sends me another message, I’ve got 2 options... ”block” or ”listen pal, he’s the shopping list of errors...”
  16. Name your chosen streaming service and I’ll get you the link
  17. Yeah - the main thing for me is his playing is really inflexible. I try to be as flexible as possible. but the list from the lads; Played out of time Played out of tune no dynamics - just played at one level mad choices with overdrive/distortion instead of listening; turned up louder same riff over all ideas didn’t play any of the songs he’d learned of ours correctly. then there’s the fact that he just said “I can’t remember those songs” - we only released a 4 track EP, not like it’s a huge back catalogue. Maybe he thought his foot was in the door. But I think that’s even more reason to do better. I’ve messaged him. Told him we’ll keep looking, thanks for his time etc.
  18. I have a line 6 sonic port which I’m not using. That would work - When ios12 came outside it stopped working, so I bought an apogee jam but when they did ios13 it worked again so it’s sat in a cupboard 🤷🏻‍♂️
  19. So Maurizio isn’t staying. I’m all for giving chances and stuff... The lads are raging. And when they list their issues from tonight...maybe I’ve been too kind.
  20. He’s just not really getting it. he’s shown us about 5 ideas tonight. And all sound like the old “total guitar” jam along tracks in the style of RHCP. One of ‘his’ chord progressions was Californication. And I played the Flea bass riff over the Chords - he didn’t bat an eyelid. Another one was “Readymade” another was “Dark Necessities”. The rest were derivatives. Anything I brought to the table - which I have loads of little ideas...decent enough...he just played those derivative wah things over - and not even in the key. He apologised profusely. But he was well off. I called it an hour early and I’m sat on the drive fizzing, before I have a beer. Singer and Drummer looking to me for answers or to step in. I’d just had enough - was awkward. Felt like turd all day so I didn’t need it.
  21. This rehearsal is one of those “oh dear” moments. Nothing being achieved.
  22. I think so. There was a comment about the bass being very busy when the original track was sent through, and I wonder if it’s not his thing. We’ll see.
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