Well anything left over (which is quite a bit!) will be on its way back tomorrow afternoon, just need to buy some fresh envelopes as I was a bit over zealous when opening these 🥴
@Edenburgh wow, looks belting.
In other news @ead and @bagsieblue sent a little bag of bits each and managed to source an appropriate nut and washer.
Very helpful and a sign of the great people among us.
Need to get in the back to realign the switch - my ocd can’t cope with a jaunty angle.
They’re in my fretless and fretted passive J’s, fantastic pickups.
My bb is a 414 and I don’t mind any single coil noise as the bass sounds Brilliant as it is - also the pickup isn’t a standard shape like the more recent BB’s
Might be worth the question. It looks much more recent than the T-Basses, wooden pickup covers etc.
Love the body shape.
I wonder if it was a luthier who was commissioned to make a prototype for when Peavey took over.
I changed jobs 6 years ago.
I absolutely thank my lucky stars really - we worked through lockdown, my wife setting work for kids and me doing welfare checks and keeping in touch with families.
Now both back in our schools - business as usual.
The company I worked for previously seemed to fall apart and they were almost done while furloughed - but have been bought out at the 11th hour.
Lots of mates who’ve struggled/lost jobs.
As well as all my muso and actor mates who are struggling currently 😔
The one with knobs 😂
In all honesty - no clue, meant to look it up, but it sounded good from when I put the batteries in so didn’t need to read up.
Vol/Blend/stack bass&treb/tone control
active passive switch separate.
The blue sterling has been on stock for years - I haven’t played 5’s for about 4 years and it was on my “maybe” list back then - and I recall it’d been there a while at the time.